Showing posts with label "Hasbarite Syndrome". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Hasbarite Syndrome". Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Judean Hammer Lives

In line with Dr. Frankenstein's G-dless values, the powerful monster of Facebook permits the free exchange  of ideas provided that it comes from:
  • liberals
  • multi-culturalists
  • snowflakes
  • social justice warriors
  • indigenous rights activists 
And so on. 

Provided of course, that the content is also anti-Jewish or anti-Israel. Because as we have seen, even impotent expression of pro-Israel sentiment (say, coming from the Bnai Brith) may be deemed extremist and blocked. G-d help us but this is the truth. So naturally, any forum for uncompromising Jewish truth is certainly in danger of censorship. 

After several years of mischief and mayhem, "The Judean Hammer Facebook Page" was finally taken down. The irony is that it wasn't taken down sooner, nor was it taken down because of Arabs complaining about the content. It was removed because Jewish and non-Jewish hasbarites  couldn't handle the content or engage in reasoned discourse. And unfortunately FB's Bolshevik forum doesn't allow one to inquire about or contest their hasty decisions. 

Fortunately, The Judean Hammer blog lives on, the ideas still resonate, and there will be even greater opportunities for in the near future. And don't worry. All of the content is safe and archived. Nothing was lost, except for a Facebook page which was always in danger of getting taken down by Facebook's "Animal Farm". The non-PC truth campaign continues. Arabs, Jew haters, missionaries, Jewish enablers of missionaries, hasbarites, both Jewish and gentile, beware. Prepare for a whole lot more. We know you watch and read the contents of "The Judean Hammer".

Living in their heads rent free has never been easier.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Guest Post!- Dr. Moshe Schwartz, "Hasbarite Syndrome Part II: What if they got real jobs?"

The leading expert today on dissecting the mentality of the hasbarite activist is surely Dr. Moshe Schwartz. He was kind enough to submit this follow-up article to "The Judean Hammer Blog":

I decided to write a Part II on the subject of hasbara and the hasbarite personality, since Part I included a lot of descriptions, and it’s important to go topic by topic to understand this syndrome. So sit back, grab your favorite beverage, and pontificate on this.

There are those who post and vent on social media during their spare time with the recognition that they will not change the world. This is not pessimism, but accepting reality. But many people on social media, including many career hasbarites, are living out a fantasy. The fantasy is this: I am the general of an army, or a sort of Terminator taking out all the enemies.

Reality:  They avoid real work and holding down a real job.   Their “work” is primarily attending social engagements, gathering a crowd to applaud them, and shamelessly shnorrering donations so they don’t have to worry about providing an income for themselves. Some of these shameless career activists shout out, “be at this protest, or be at this event or you can’t possibly care about Israel as much as I do!” What a weak self-serving battle cry! 

How about this for a reality check? Many of these people don’t take care of a family. Most of these loud hasbarites are funded by other people. Most of these hasbarites are without shame or dignity, as they hustle for the next opportunity to promote their egos. It easy to give a battle cry out like that when you have pimped people to fund you. 

Those who don’t answer this battle cry, work and take care of their families. Many are active in their communities in Israel. Many don’t not need a camera or video but do the most “zionistic” thing possible. They live in Israel and raise families, and fight the battles which have no glory. Most have real jobs and actually help Jews silently. Many advocate with dignity and Jewish strength. These people will never answer the battle cry of “be at this protest or be at this event or you can’t possibly care about Israel as much as I do!” They actually have Zionist things to do.

My message to these hasbarites. Talk is really cheap. Back it up by deeds and not just when there are cameras and police barricades to protect you from real confrontation. Trust me, the “normal” Israeli Jew that vents and advocates does their part with dignity.

Maybe the reason these people made being a Hasbarite their career, is because they could not travel as much with a regular job? Perhaps their egos need the attention they could not get with a real job? Maybe if they had to work an honest job even as a hamburger flipper, it would not satisfy their egos? (Now let me be clear. A hamburger flipper at least has dignity to provide his or her own paycheck.) Maybe they are lazy sloths.

 If you want to speak out against the enemies of Israel by all means do so. If you wish to travel to go to protests by all means do it. But two things. Have the dignity to work a real job while you are doing these things, and pay your own way.  Don’t suck up money that can actually go to needy communities in Israel. You aren’t worth it.

And make sure you advocate from a Jewish perspective with Jewish strength and dignity, without resorting to using “multicultural tokens” to please political correctness. Be real people. Be genuine. Don’t pimp yourselves out and don’t let yourselves be pimped. And if you have the ability to advocate for Israel make sure you advocate for a Jewish Israel.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

We Are Jewish, Not Jebusite.

A reminder for those who may have forgotten. Or for those who never knew. A few general ruminations to identify the self-serving hasbara snake-oil salesmen.

Blogging about "Jewish indigenous rights" is the domain of today's career social media jackass, both jewish and gentile. An expression of Irrelevant, irritating braying, which detracts from logical discussions Jews should be having, and creates false proofs for our Jewish reason for being. One who has zero knowledge of Torah or Jewish history should stick with issues he understands. One who does not, should shut his mouth and mind his own damn business. Seriously. HIS business, is not OUR business.

One example of this perversity is the chutzpadik tendency of outsiders to tell good dedicated Jews how they need to "find their true identity". These ugly people denigrate the long rich history of Ashkenazic Jewry which perpetuated some of the most vital, creative expressions of Judaism throughout our continuing exile, and enriched Judaism with a universe of Torah. To the Jewish frauds who run with this diseased way of thinking, I encourage them to study Torah and keep their naked ignorance to themselves. To the outsiders I say: find your own tortured identity (such as it is), and clean up your own dysfunctional house. Start with the withered tree out front, and ask it the critical questions.

There are real issues out there affecting Jews, both in Israel and the diaspora. In Israel, we have many physical and spiritual threats, and we don’t need those who align with missionaries and are anti-Torah to lecture us. Our own repressive government is more concerned with looking decent and appeasing anti-Semites than protecting Jews. While Arabs prey on Jews with knives, guns, stones, and explosives, our "Jewish government" continues the systematic abuse and incarceration of innocent Jews. Even an heroic soldier is punished for doing his job and destroying an Arab terrorist. These are the things that should inspire outrage. Not folk biology and pseudo-history.

In truth, the attempt to make Jews appear more exotic or native by presenting foolish arguments makes no sense to anyone with his head screwed on straight. It is a distracting ploy for hasbara shills to exploit foolish Jews. And it does nothing to help Israel. On the contrary, it merely lowers the collective Jewish I.Q. And we need every brain-cell at our disposal.

G-d gave the land of Israel to B'nai Yisrael. If you like this, or agree with this concept, good for you. Stick with it. If you don't, that's too damn bad. Go start your own indigenous country comprised of the descendants of savages who ate one another, but were displeased (hypocrites!) when the gun crushed their native forms of violence. Or go to a comic book convention and indulge in other fantasies. Or get a decent job and settle down. Find a good woman to love and live with. But mind your own damn business.


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Hasbarite Syndrome (Guest Post) by Moshe Schwartz

In this guest post for "The Judean Hammer" Blog, my friend Moshe Schwartz shares his thoughts on the phenomenon he has coined as the "Hasbarite Syndrome". Click the link: and find out more about this pernicious malady.

Make sure you don't have the symptoms, and that you don't associate or support those who do. At the end of the day, most hasbarites are not interested in Zionist sweet potatoes.