Sunday, June 25, 2017

Meir Weinstien, JDL Canada, and the Contemporary Mythos (audio)

Audio reflections on the mythology of Jewish self-defense in Canada. And on shameful self-promoting charlatans who act more like heads of Bnai Brith than supposed "militants".

As I've noted before, when the local Bnai Brith is cool with your JDL charter, you've done something wrong. When Doris and David from "Menchlife" praise you for your activism, you've failed Judaism. JDL was created to upset the Doris and Davids of the Jewish world, not to be "good Irvings" or "nice Meirs" to be celebrated on Jewish Canadian coffee-talk. Evidently, someone forgot to teach these things to the head of JDL Canada.


MP3 File

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