Showing posts with label hasbara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hasbara. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Meir Weinstien, JDL Canada, and the Contemporary Mythos (audio)

Audio reflections on the mythology of Jewish self-defense in Canada. And on shameful self-promoting charlatans who act more like heads of Bnai Brith than supposed "militants".

As I've noted before, when the local Bnai Brith is cool with your JDL charter, you've done something wrong. When Doris and David from "Menchlife" praise you for your activism, you've failed Judaism. JDL was created to upset the Doris and Davids of the Jewish world, not to be "good Irvings" or "nice Meirs" to be celebrated on Jewish Canadian coffee-talk. Evidently, someone forgot to teach these things to the head of JDL Canada.


MP3 File

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Judean Hammer Podcast-Hasbara Posers (audio)

"I'm a big boy."
Boycott Sears? Great! But how about boycotting Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, and all the other big boys who continue to sell the same "Free Palestine!" T-shirts. Or is this too much to ask of disingenuous hasbara groups? These hypocrites should stop celebrating their supposed victory and continue to fight the other sellers. Or they can shut their mouths.

Here's a little advice. Those who claim to be a defense organization should stick to the basics. Bricks and bats in defense of Jews. Because the Bnai Brith will certainly not protect Jews. Too many bowling leagues, interfaith cook-outs, and tweets to attend to. And a word of advice: if your JDL charter is "good" with the local Bnai Brith, something is wrong.

MP3 File

Friday, January 27, 2017

Unprincipled Hasbarites: Part I (slideshow)

A visual look at one of the more odious "hasbara" tokens on the scene today. Meet an unsavory man who "GoFundsMe" his life under the pretext of a supposed upcoming treatise on "indigenous rights", and has the gall to lecture Jews (he isn't even Jewish) on Torah, Judaism, and identity. A man who threw his former patron and friend under the bus because she dared retain a friendship with someone he disagreed with. A man who has no principles, panders to every side, and even associates himself with missionaries like the notorious Dumisani Washington. I am not calling him a missionary. But he is certainly friends with missionaries and those Jews who enable them. Meet Bnai Brith's online activist, Ryan Mervin Bellerose.

Oh, lest I forget. He's a self-hating bigot who hates and denigrates white people, and rails against "Jews acting white". The irony is that most of his support comes from Ashkenazi, "white", Jews who parrot his nonsense. Bored people with too much time on their hands. Furthermore, he also resents Jews of color, because they have something he lacks. Dark skin. Meet the race obsessed Ryan Bellerose.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Perverting The Law Of Mercy: Part II

Like so many leftist rags today, The Times of Israel is a popular online magnet to disseminate anti-Jewish values. A forum of filth where moral defectives frequently share their relativism with a large and often shockingly ignorant audience.  For Jewish writers, The Times of Israel will gladly share your writings if you meet the following criteria:

  • you are an aggressive advocate for gay rights
  • you are an unprincipled “hasbara” activist with an agenda, or a prominent messianic hasbara activist
  • you are a member of a reform, liberal, or “open-orthodox” movement or organization
  •  you are a card-carrying member of the “Women of the Wall” or a militant shrill feminist eager to rant about the evils of rabbinical patriarchy
  • you are a peacenik, or a radical halachic innovator
  • you mock and denigrate Torah values
In order to retain some modicum of credibility, some “conservative” or “right-wing” bloggers are permitted a place at the table, provided they moderate their sentiments and refrain from tackling provocative issues. On the other hand, if you maintain some principles and write something that rocks their general liberal sentiments, they will probably remove your article. This explains the ever-growing number of hasbara “right-wingers” who suddenly have a problem with TOI. When most writers complain about them, it usually follows a bit of professional narcissism. The script is predictable. One of their articles was removed and now they have a complex. In truth, any one with eyes can see that most of their featured articles are of a type. So why should anyone expect leftists to suddenly play fair?

I am proud to say that several years back my second article for TOI was the last one I ever wrote for them. The editors bounced me out so fast after I wrote an unflattering article about President Obama. Evidently, their original assumptions about a curly haired nature loving guy from the remote Negev were way off.

My writing is generally reactive to what I perceive to be societal dysfunction. The Times of Israel is often a good source to go fishing for freaks, in the same manner that I peruse other liberal forums to search for material. It is a medium to discover the dysfunctional faces of contemporary Judaism.
One of the TOI’s more notorious editors frequently receives criticism for her liberal views, where she often beats her chest for “oppressed Palestinians” and vilifies normative Torah values and traditions. In many ways, she is a caricature of a caricature, in the form of the archetypal misguided self-righteous liberal Jew. If you created her character as a work of fiction, no one would believe you. She is often taken to task for her articles. All of it is well deserved. But she is an easy target.

Many other writers fall under the radar, since they lack her notoriety. Some time ago, I wrote an article, “Perverting the Law of Mercy” in response to an article by Rabbi Daniel Landes entitled “Rachmanut for Gaza.” Here we had a purported religious Rabbi expressing a thoroughly un-Jewish position by advocating mercy for ghouls (in the manner of all merciful Jewish fools), and I felt it required a response. A chillul Hashem unanswered is a chillul Hashem run amuck.

Michael Lesher is another such deviant, and his recent article, “Crime and Punishment”: Fadi Qunbar, Elor Azaria and Israel’s Occupation” was one of the more grotesque things I have read in a while. Thus, Part II of the same title was born. Michael Lesher identifies as an orthodox Jew, and his opening comments speaks volumes about his mindset and the kind of pornographic views we can expect from him:

“First of all, I do not want to write about Elor Azaria. He is a cipher: a smirking, undersized bully who murdered a helpless Palestinian because the State of Israel put a rifle into his hands, corrupted him with a racist ideology, and hardened his conscience with a 50-year-long military occupation of the West Bank – to which Azaria added another victim last March.”

I found it ironic that a man whose profile pic accompanying his article resembles the visage of a grinning cartoon villain (pencil moustache, contrived smirk where the eyes betray the smile!) would have the gall to write about “a smirking, undersized bully.” Elor Azaria killed a terrorist. Yet in a shocking admission of Sodom morality, Lesher mourns the terrorist and vilifies the hero. Yet in accordance with the wisdom of never judging a book by the cover, the rest of the article betrays that in this case, the content is indeed FAR worse than the cover.

“But I do want to write a few words about Fadi Qunbar, the young Palestinian father of 4 who, on January 8, became yet another casualty of Israel’s occupation.

Yes, that Fadi Qunbar – the Fadi Qunbar whose life is now summed up in the media under the single word “terrorist,” because he used his truck to kill 4 soldiers of the enemy force occupying his land before their comrades gunned him down. The Fadi Qunbar whose death was not even counted in the headlines that screamed about “4 Killed in Jerusalem Attack” – four soldiers, that is – because a dead Palestinian cannot be mentioned in the same breath as Israelis, just as the newspapers that mourned his oppressors could not spare the ink to correctly identify the site of Qunbar’s death as “occupied East Jerusalem.”

After reading these sick sentiments, the following words danced through my head. “And to the informer may there be no hope” ……

Fadi Qunbar. The same Arab beast who plowed his truck into four beautiful young Jews and murdered them. Injured scores of others. Fadi Qunbar. A genuine man-ghoul who ended the life of the pure and the innocent because of his burning Jew hatred and his bloodlust to finish the Mufti’s quest.

Putting aside for a moment Lesher’s grotesque leftist views relating to his imagined “occupation,” his sympathy for a demon says everything we need to know about him. His hatred and callousness towards the brutal murder of fellow Jews is the reason Chazal had such harsh words for such people. Lesher would have made an effective capo or judenrat, since his writings, in effect, play the same role. One who would destroy his brother. One who has no love for another Jew. One who makes the perverse association of “victim” with a modern-day Nazi.

The four murdered soldiers were murdered because they were Jews, and in addition to the fact that they were soldiers committed to protecting fellow Jews, halachically they sanctified G-d’s Name. They are truly righteous Jews. Michael Lesher is a sneering self-hating grub, who lacks the morality of a sewer rat. Generally, we should love our fellow Jews, despite our differences. But then are other types of Jews. Villains who eagerly join hands with the enemy, to fight against their fellow brothers. For such people, the Torah mandates that we only show them hatred. And even in the absence of Rabbinical courts, there were often harsh measures meted out to such dangerous personalities.
Lesher’s article represents yet another low for TOI. 

Any forum which would feature such abominable views (and they frequently do!) should be vilified and exposed for what they are. Jews need to stop pretending that TOI used to be better. It was always a cesspool. But a cesspool rarely becomes cleaner with time. And given the general erosion of values, one can expect continued regression.

The word “Erev Rav” (mixed multitude) is often thrown around incorrectly, sometimes falling upon the heads of who do not deserve it. Michael Lesher is certainly a representative of the mixed multitude. The same can be said for those who would publish such filth. Lesher is a self-hating anomaly (presumably with a kipah) with a twisted soul. Sometimes a kipah reflects an awareness of The Almighty, by sitting squarely on our brainbox and reminding us that G-d exists. Other times, it merely covers a hollow head.

The Lesher’s of the world are welcome on TOI, since the latter love nothing better than sickos with kipot or pretenses of “orthodoxy,” to justify their own misguided beliefs. Michael Lesher is the worst kind of Jew, and despite his self-identification he is about as “orthodox” as the Pope, or a Satanist. A quick perusal of the web illustrates what he is. A self-hating cretin willing to write for The Electronic Intifada. He is an enemy. A diseased soul who sides with Arab murderers in their genocidal war with our people. Chazal had much to say about such defectives and none of it is good. There is really nothing more to say about such people. Like the Neturei Karta, they are the enemy. May they all merit the same fate as their beloved “victims.”

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Kay Wilson Conundrum (audio podcast)

Reflections on Kay Wilson's messianic past, her refusal to admit her documented missionary associations, and what this refusal might say about her current beliefs and attitude. The most troublesome aspect of this whole mess is that mainstream "hasbara" organisations gave Wilson an entry pass into the world of Israeli advocacy without ever properly addressing these troubling issues with her, nor has Wilson given any indication that she engaged in proper Torah repentance. On the contrary. She continues to deny the allegations. and yet I have never heard of her suing any of these messianic organizations for tarring her name in print. The Jewish people have a right to know the truth.

MP3 File

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Jewish People: Zero Commonality With Indians

Contrary to the ill-informed claims of self-appointed "hasbara" indigenous rights activists, "native-Americans" have little (if any) commonality with Jews. The analogy is ridiculous, and only one devoid of knowledge of Jewish history and Torah would ever make the comparison.

There is a  reason "Indian rights" activists align with Arabs and their war with Israel. As angry malcontents with no future and no reasonable demands, they have an interest in disseminating myth as history and living the fantasy of a revolution that will never happen. And they have embraced antisemitism for self-interest:
  1. As Jews we have a legacy and a mandate of bringing the knowledge of the One true G-d to the world. Indians were animistic pagans.
  2. Jewish law is predicated on the sanctity of human life. Biblical wars (and halachic wars were necessarily brutal) offered the enemy an opportunity to repent. They had a limited window to do so and to extricate themselves from the fate of their people. Native Americans were masters of collective mass slaughter, torture, rape, all sorts of depredations, physical, sexual assault, etc. A code of barbarism and savagery.
  3. Indians fled their origins in Siberia to find a new place to live- out of necessity. G-d GAVE us our land. And Jews have always yearned for the one place sacred to us, Eretz Yisrael.
  4. Jewish tribes were mandated to maintain unity and brotherhood, despite the unfortunate reality of factionalism that existed throughout the history of the monarchies. Indians were defined by their brutal violence towards each other long before any European came to the land.
  5. Judaism appreciates nature as the creation of G-d. Indians venerated and worshiped nature. And contrary to the mythos of the ecological native, many tribes were destructive to nature. Judaism has a balance where man must conserve the world but still retain dominion over it.
  6. Indian society was cruel by any standard, and the violence they often meted out towards the ill and infirm was shocking. Judaism repudiates the cruel personality.
  7. Judaism is intellectual. Our halachic system is based on logic. Indians were creatures of impulse, even if it was contrary to their best interests. 
  8. Judaism has never shied from documenting our less than stellar moments in history. The Torah and Talmud often record events that portray as us sinful, ungrateful, and generally belligerent to Hashem. Truth is never sanitized. Indian history is defined by pseudo-history and her advocates all have one narrative. White raping exploitative Europeans. Good noble Indians.
  9. While the Indians certainly contributed to our knowledge of fauna, flora, agriculture, building, hunting, their contributions pale to the contributions of the Jewish people, both in the realm of the sacred knowledge of Torah and individual contributions of Jews in general to medicine, education, arts.
  10. The Indian world is gone. The Jewish people will live forever.
There is one important commonality. Neither Jews, nor Indians, nor any people's, are indigenous to anywhere in the world, since people are not frogs or plants. People are not indigenous. People conquer or they are conquered. People migrate. Like "native American" who came from Siberia. As Jews we differ because our conquests were Divine mandated and that is our claim to Israel. 

Some people get upset because religious arguments offend them. The lowest of these shills have made a career selling these exotic stories of "indigenous Jewry".  They never engage in discussion because theirs is not a rational claim. So they pout and scream and hurl obscenities. Too damn bad. Those self-serving arrogant hasbarites who don't like it, can go beat on a tom-tom to mollify their frustration or take some peyote and go on a lonesome vision quest.

Indigenous rights activists have nothing to say to Jews about identity. They know nothing of Torah and thus they are irrelevant to any Jew who believes in Divine claims. The essence of Judaism is the rejection of the primitive and the pagan. Native American culture embraced and cultivated these things. The Am Kadosh has no commonality whatsoever with those who worshiped nature. And it is perverse to make this foolish comparison.

We have Torah, they have totems.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Guest Post!- Dr. Moshe Schwartz, "Hasbarite Syndrome Part II: What if they got real jobs?"

The leading expert today on dissecting the mentality of the hasbarite activist is surely Dr. Moshe Schwartz. He was kind enough to submit this follow-up article to "The Judean Hammer Blog":

I decided to write a Part II on the subject of hasbara and the hasbarite personality, since Part I included a lot of descriptions, and it’s important to go topic by topic to understand this syndrome. So sit back, grab your favorite beverage, and pontificate on this.

There are those who post and vent on social media during their spare time with the recognition that they will not change the world. This is not pessimism, but accepting reality. But many people on social media, including many career hasbarites, are living out a fantasy. The fantasy is this: I am the general of an army, or a sort of Terminator taking out all the enemies.

Reality:  They avoid real work and holding down a real job.   Their “work” is primarily attending social engagements, gathering a crowd to applaud them, and shamelessly shnorrering donations so they don’t have to worry about providing an income for themselves. Some of these shameless career activists shout out, “be at this protest, or be at this event or you can’t possibly care about Israel as much as I do!” What a weak self-serving battle cry! 

How about this for a reality check? Many of these people don’t take care of a family. Most of these loud hasbarites are funded by other people. Most of these hasbarites are without shame or dignity, as they hustle for the next opportunity to promote their egos. It easy to give a battle cry out like that when you have pimped people to fund you. 

Those who don’t answer this battle cry, work and take care of their families. Many are active in their communities in Israel. Many don’t not need a camera or video but do the most “zionistic” thing possible. They live in Israel and raise families, and fight the battles which have no glory. Most have real jobs and actually help Jews silently. Many advocate with dignity and Jewish strength. These people will never answer the battle cry of “be at this protest or be at this event or you can’t possibly care about Israel as much as I do!” They actually have Zionist things to do.

My message to these hasbarites. Talk is really cheap. Back it up by deeds and not just when there are cameras and police barricades to protect you from real confrontation. Trust me, the “normal” Israeli Jew that vents and advocates does their part with dignity.

Maybe the reason these people made being a Hasbarite their career, is because they could not travel as much with a regular job? Perhaps their egos need the attention they could not get with a real job? Maybe if they had to work an honest job even as a hamburger flipper, it would not satisfy their egos? (Now let me be clear. A hamburger flipper at least has dignity to provide his or her own paycheck.) Maybe they are lazy sloths.

 If you want to speak out against the enemies of Israel by all means do so. If you wish to travel to go to protests by all means do it. But two things. Have the dignity to work a real job while you are doing these things, and pay your own way.  Don’t suck up money that can actually go to needy communities in Israel. You aren’t worth it.

And make sure you advocate from a Jewish perspective with Jewish strength and dignity, without resorting to using “multicultural tokens” to please political correctness. Be real people. Be genuine. Don’t pimp yourselves out and don’t let yourselves be pimped. And if you have the ability to advocate for Israel make sure you advocate for a Jewish Israel.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Friendly Foes: The Subtle Missionary

In our war with the Arabs, the Jewish Achilles heel is personified by the neurotic need for gentile friends, and the desire to create such friends where there are none. In a world where too many Jews ignore the timeless truism, “Esau hates Jacob” we should ask ourselves the following: Who are our true gentile friends? Perhaps a better question would be: can Jews truly have friends whose views are contrary to Torah and the ideal values of a Jewish Israel? All too often, Jew label others as friends, even when these same groups have ulterior motives. Here are a few of my thoughts on such friendships and how to discern the validity of a friendship.

#1: True friends don’t have agendas. That’s the litmus test to determine if one has a true friend. True friends gain and benefit from the friendship itself, and require nothing in return. The friendship isn’t a forum for their own causes and agendas, or a platform to define their vision for Israel on our behalf. Nor is it a vehicle to profit and fund-raise for themselves. If a supposed friend is creating a false association to perpetuate an agenda, he may not be a friend. Not every person has the most nefarious motives. Oftentimes self-interest alone defines the supposed friend. An important note. A true friend has no interest in molding you, patronizing you, or defining you.

#2: Friends don’t have ulterior motives. Certainly not theological ones. The Jew has few if any real gentile friends in the world. I say few because there are gentiles who support Israel without dark motives. Yet the evangelical is not one of them, despite the millions of dollars pouring into Israel, and the sea of Christian pilgrims happy to take a dip in the Yardenit. The definition of evangelism precludes this possibility. One who desires to see Jews embrace Jesus can never be a friend. The Jew in Israel thinks he has a friend in the evangelical. The evangelical would not give a shekel (or a half shekel!) to Israel if his shekel didn’t earn him entrance. The millions thrown at Israel come with a heavy price. A foothold in the land. Without the latter, they would abandon Israel for other targets. If Israel’s missionary laws had any teeth, the evangelicals would love us from afar.

#3: True friends don’t associate with missionaries. Friends don’t align with those who openly declare their intent to convert Jews. And friends don’t ignore a telling honest website because of a smiling face, and the pastor’s ability to discuss the NBA, or a shared appreciation for American conservative values. The first and second degrees of separation are telling enough. “Woe to the wicked, woe to his neighbor.” Associations define us. If your parve evangelical friend has ties to missionaries, it means you didn’t heed Rule #2.

This should be obvious to any self-respecting person, but the lure of cash and benefits is enticing for many Jews. True friends aren’t interested in land deals or real estate in Israel. True friends don’t desire Israeli citizenship or long-term visas. Certainly, they have no interest in building missionary centers in Jerusalem. Those Jews who think evangelicals are our friends betray their ignorance of what it means to be evangelical.

The most dangerous missionaries in Israel today are not the coarse street missionaries (dangerous as they are) whose aggressive tactics are apparent. The clever ones are far more dangerous because they have a foothold and respectability. They are in our communities. They are even in our vineyards praising “The Father.” Torah Jews need to open their eyes. Stop fixating solely on the lightning rod of “Jews for Jesus.” The subtle ones are more dangerous.
We have enough problems in Israel with a skewed law of return, and the complicated problem of proper conversions. Our missionary laws are toothless, and yet they are the only tools to stop the predators. The spiritual dangers facing Am Yisrael threaten our spiritual integrity, and ultimately our physical survival as a Divine consequence, as surely as the Arab Amalekites who want to slaughter us.

The evangelicals have gotten Rabbis to declare that their presence is a sign of prophetic fulfillment. Social Media is inundated with more than a few Jews defending “Christian Zionists” and accusing those of us who oppose them as hateful, liars. The evangelical has learned that he can get away with murder if he tempers his word and his exuberance, and is quick to remove the occasional problematic video that an overzealous pilgrim posted. If he learns to constantly change the lingo for more parve semantics, he can go very far. Don’t say Jesus. Say “the Father”. Don’t talk about the new covenant. Say “Restoration".

The evidence is all around us in Israel, in every park with a CUFI plaque, and every interfaith-conference and prayer service comprised of Christian and Jew. Today, there are evangelicals living in Israel in a prominent Torah community, all with the collusion of religious Jews & rabbis. The few Jews who opposed them were cast out of the community. The hope of 2000 years? This is a veritable nightmare.

And the repercussions of these harmful unions are not monolithic. Those of us who are privy to the problem recognize that the infection will spread in unforeseeable ways. The day will come when Israel gives hundreds and perhaps thousands of evangelicals’ honorary citizenship as righteous gentiles. Jews will shake their heads and kvetch when the issue becomes a problem. They will say “you cannot do anything today; they should have done something then”. Today is tomorrow’s “then”. 

There is still time to rectify the mistakes. However, we need to get aggressive in exposing this multifaceted threat. As long as Likud leadership cozies up to evangelical money, then we have no recourse via the government. And as long as kipah wearing Jews shill for these predators, and Rabbis are blinded by a modern form of false messianism, things will only get worse.

The Heartland of Israel is riddled with missionaries who want Israel to retain every inch of our liberated land for a theological agenda. Jews who turns to Esau to fight Ishmael, has simply exchanged the armed crusader for the olive branch of evangelism. This is no victory.

I’ve heard more than a few of these Jewish enablers denying the danger of these groups, and assuring the public that neither they nor these groups have any association with missionaries. A proper search of the web reveals that these same individuals have on many occasion been caught on camera with overt missionaries. And their “parve” friends aren’t shy either when it comes to associating with the crudest missionaries. These self-appointed Jewish leaders recognize no boundaries. In truth, they are a byproduct of the collective rabbinic silence and reticence to discuss what they often bemoan in private.

In truth, the Jew has few genuine friends who come in the name of religion. The Bnai Noach represent the lone gentile community that can genuinely call himself a friend, since they desire the sanctification of Hashem’s name in the framework of the Torah. Of course, gentiles identified as Bnai Noach are hard to find, small in number, and they aren’t as well financed.

Choosing the hand of Esau to defeat the sword of Ishmael is suicide. The scourge of missionizing both classical and clever, and Heaven forbid the eventual likelihood of Jewish apostasy, idolatrous admixtures, deceptive conversions, and even Christian Jewish unions resulting from such poison alliances, will ensure Divine punishment. In the war with Amalek, we don’t arm ourselves with idolatry.

If we ignore the problem, and Jews today are ignoring the problem, our children and grandchildren will pay the price. And it will be a heavy price for the Jewish people. If we learn anything from the zealous Maccabees, it is that we Jews never traded Jewish blood for the Jewish soul. We fight for the latter with our dying breathe.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

We Are Jewish, Not Jebusite.

A reminder for those who may have forgotten. Or for those who never knew. A few general ruminations to identify the self-serving hasbara snake-oil salesmen.

Blogging about "Jewish indigenous rights" is the domain of today's career social media jackass, both jewish and gentile. An expression of Irrelevant, irritating braying, which detracts from logical discussions Jews should be having, and creates false proofs for our Jewish reason for being. One who has zero knowledge of Torah or Jewish history should stick with issues he understands. One who does not, should shut his mouth and mind his own damn business. Seriously. HIS business, is not OUR business.

One example of this perversity is the chutzpadik tendency of outsiders to tell good dedicated Jews how they need to "find their true identity". These ugly people denigrate the long rich history of Ashkenazic Jewry which perpetuated some of the most vital, creative expressions of Judaism throughout our continuing exile, and enriched Judaism with a universe of Torah. To the Jewish frauds who run with this diseased way of thinking, I encourage them to study Torah and keep their naked ignorance to themselves. To the outsiders I say: find your own tortured identity (such as it is), and clean up your own dysfunctional house. Start with the withered tree out front, and ask it the critical questions.

There are real issues out there affecting Jews, both in Israel and the diaspora. In Israel, we have many physical and spiritual threats, and we don’t need those who align with missionaries and are anti-Torah to lecture us. Our own repressive government is more concerned with looking decent and appeasing anti-Semites than protecting Jews. While Arabs prey on Jews with knives, guns, stones, and explosives, our "Jewish government" continues the systematic abuse and incarceration of innocent Jews. Even an heroic soldier is punished for doing his job and destroying an Arab terrorist. These are the things that should inspire outrage. Not folk biology and pseudo-history.

In truth, the attempt to make Jews appear more exotic or native by presenting foolish arguments makes no sense to anyone with his head screwed on straight. It is a distracting ploy for hasbara shills to exploit foolish Jews. And it does nothing to help Israel. On the contrary, it merely lowers the collective Jewish I.Q. And we need every brain-cell at our disposal.

G-d gave the land of Israel to B'nai Yisrael. If you like this, or agree with this concept, good for you. Stick with it. If you don't, that's too damn bad. Go start your own indigenous country comprised of the descendants of savages who ate one another, but were displeased (hypocrites!) when the gun crushed their native forms of violence. Or go to a comic book convention and indulge in other fantasies. Or get a decent job and settle down. Find a good woman to love and live with. But mind your own damn business.


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Hasbarite Syndrome (Guest Post) by Moshe Schwartz

In this guest post for "The Judean Hammer" Blog, my friend Moshe Schwartz shares his thoughts on the phenomenon he has coined as the "Hasbarite Syndrome". Click the link: and find out more about this pernicious malady.

Make sure you don't have the symptoms, and that you don't associate or support those who do. At the end of the day, most hasbarites are not interested in Zionist sweet potatoes.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

He Picked The Wrong Jew To Murder

Torah demands that we slay human monsters who have no regard for humanity, not subdue or neutralize them. The notion of detaining a murderer and then releasing him in a few Ramadan cycles to prey again is beyond perverse. The Jewish response to total corruption is a bullet in the head, and the most basic fundamentals of Judaism confirm this. Judaism does more than assure the right of self-defense. Halacha requires that we pre-emptively strike before an attack.

Unfortunately, Israel’s politicians and the ever-growing “hasbara machine” are always touting Israel’s willingness and commitment to endanger Jewish soldiers to protect Arab civilians. We will never have a total count of how many precious Jews were lost to this mad philosophy. The same Judaism that abhors misplaced violence, demands and celebrates the application of proper use of force against the enemy.

The Arabs continue to prey on Israel’s Achilles heel, knowing that they can get away with an extraordinary tally of murdered Jews without a proper Jewish response. And even when Israel’s thresh-hold is reached, they know that any response will be muted. After all, they understand that even armed Jews are afraid to use their guns, lest the government imprison them for over-reacting. Even when assaulted, many armed Israelis have shown a reluctance to pull their weapon. 

And in urban areas, the timing is terrible. An Arab armed with a kitchen knife will always have the element of surprise over an armed citizen or soldier. The famous experiments are tragically replicated in Israel, where highly trained security personnel are gutted by Arabs with knives, who close the distance before they can unholster their weapons and fire. And far from the reputation abroad of Israel being a “gun friendly” country, anyone who lives here knows that the laws are extremely draconian. Only the elitists and an ever shrinking populace can legally obtain guns today, and those who are given guns are given a small leash.

Fortunately, not everyone in Israel is affected by these corrupt notions of self-restraint. Consider the heroic action of Yonatan Azarihab last week, a true Jewish warrior, with a beard and kipah to boot. An Arab Amalekite stabs him in the neck and leaves him for dead. On this occasion, the terrorist chose the wrong target. This beautiful Jew reacts in a most extraordinary fashion. He pulls the knife out of his neck, against the most rudimentary basics of street survival (for fear of bleeding out). He proceeds to chase down his would-be-murderer and kills the Amalekite beast with his own weapon.

Purim approaches, and the mandatory reading of Parshat Zachor will compel us to revisit and our eternal war with our age old enemy, Amalek. It would behoove us to celebrate and internalize the actions of great Jewish gibborim (warriors) past and present who dealt with Amalek appropriately.

I only wish I could have seen the Arab’s face when his “victim” rose up and slaughtered him before sending his evil soul to face the true judgment. Clearly, this holy Jewish warrior is obviously made from something else. The kind of stuff that Samson was made of. A normal country would hire him and have him share his internal fire with young soldiers in training. A portrait of righteous zealousness and unrelenting ferocity (common sense and self-preservation be dammed) against our accursed enemies, may they all be destroyed. If more Jews had this tzaddik's DNA, the Arabs would run screaming towards the Mediterranean.

Yonatan is a new Jewish hero for our times, and his actions should inspire more opportunities for gevurah. May he live and be well. And may his mesirut nefesh be the catalysts to reawaken the fire of King David.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Saving Israel

“Mass movements do not usually rise until the prevailing order has been discredited.” – (Eric Hoffer, “The True Believer”)

“The sky is falling.” –Chicken Little

In today’s era of social media activism, “likes” and “shares” are standards of truth. Judging from Facebook and the plethora of “hasbara warriors” on social media, it would be easy to identify the BDS movement as Israel’s greatest threat. Personally, I never kvetch about the BDS movement, the U.N.’s Jew-hatred, or the anti-Israel bias of the BBC. They are all transparent anti-Semites, and I expect their reactions the way I expect the rising sun. Don’t misunderstand me. I hate them with every fiber of my being. Yet I expect nothing less from them.

I do expect that a prime minister of Israel protect his people from the genocidal Arabs in our midst. I expect this from any prime minister, even one whose positions on most issues are contrary to mine. Protecting one’s people should transcend politics and religious ideology.  I believe that Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies of self-restraint and appeasement pose a far greater security threat to Israel than the most aggressive anti-Israel boycott movement. A leader’s failure to protect his citizens is the ultimate failure in leadership.

Israel’s political institutions present a greater threat to national safety than do the Arabs, since they negate the possibility of dealing with our enemies. Given strong leadership, Israel could easily defeat the Arabs. The problem stems from the system of government and its institutions, and the kinds of individuals who pursue political power. Being neither Jewish nor authentically democratic, Israel mirrors a totalitarianism system hiding behind a democratic façade. A genuine democracy provides people with a bill of rights. In Israel, the most law-abiding citizen has no such rights. The “right to bear arms” is surely a Jewish one, since it is a mitzvah to live-yet this proves difficult in the “Jewish State.” The most liberal state in America has stronger laws protecting the use of deadly force in self-defense than the ones we contend with in Israel. In Israel, one has to prove that a jagged rock hurled at one’s head presented a lethal threat.

I made Aliyah several years ago, DESPITE the reality of governance of Israel, not because of it. I came to Israel for reasons relating to my understanding of Halacha and hashkafa as it applies to residing in Israel and my perspective on Jewish governance in our age. I knew that living in a country so devoid of Torah influence, so detached from common sense would drive me to frustration. I knew it academically and I knew that living in Israel would only exacerbate and confirm it.

As I see it, the religious obligation is to try to change the system. The precise formula for doing so remains unclear to me and many other like-minded Jews, since the opportunity is historically unprecedented. Yet the obligation remains, theoretically at least, despite the seemingly impossible odds. What we see today masquerading as Torah Judaism, both in the charedi world and the various sections of the “religious Zionist” world, are false representations of Halachic Judaism, largely self-serving and perpetuating monolithic close-minded systems. Despite the growing demographic of religious Jews, disunity negates the possibility that religious Jews will drastically affect the country’s direction in the near future. Nor would an honest religious Jew desire to see a theocratic state run by many of these groups. Such a state would be “frum” in form only.

We live in a country where apparently, Jewish lives do not matter. The government tolerates the worst atrocities of Arabs against Jews. Every week we have an updated list of Jews murdered by all types of Arabs: Arab drivers, Arab “citizens,” Arab teenagers, and Arab “police officers.” The government response is as consistent and predictable as the growing Jewish body count. With every tragedy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responds with eloquent speeches promising a strong response to the inevitable violence. Yet, the status quo persists. The die-hard Likudniks celebrate their leader, and rejoice at another an opportunity to mock the Likud’s hypocrisy on matters of national defense.

With every week, the truth becomes more glaring. The government will not protect us. It does not matter which party is in control. Not in war, and not in “peace.” It will not protect its soldiers, and our leaders will actually endanger them to satisfy the demands of the world who hate any manifestation of Jewish strength.

The only way to change the insanity is to expose it, by eschewing the role of “hasbara warrior,” and exposing the inept government of Israel and their cadre of career politicians. Self-respecting Jews should consider the following: rather than engaging in politically correct, respectable, hasbara by extolling all things great (real and imagined) in Israel, expose the ineptitude of Israel’s leaders and Israeli society in general, which sustains a dysfunctional status quo and prevents us from doing the most normal thing of all: LIVING!

Benjamin Netanyahu purports to carry on a legacy of strong nationalism. In truth, his policies today are far closer to Mapai’s tactical and ideological self-restraint, than anything exhibited by Avraham Stern, Trumpledor, Jabotinsky, David Raziel, and a thousand other Jewish heroes. The greatness of these men, none of them carbon copies of the other, relates to the fact that all were concerned with protecting Jews from Arab and British barbarism. There were no calculations of tolerable levels of murdered Jews. They bled when Jews bled. This is the greatest stain on Netanyahu’s leadership. Arab violence is a veritable virus, and by all accounts, it is getting worse. When a Jew makes a wrong turn in Jerusalem, he makes a deadly mistake.

Perhaps the most apparent example of our dysfunctional society relates to the culture of lawlessness that pervades Israel. Israel is country without a proper police force, or for that matter, even a cultural sense of what normal police officers should look like. The police are culled from societal defectives. Worse still, most Israelis do not even comprehend the problem, so we are nowhere near an age where we will see any change. How many examples do we require of police abuse and general ineptitude, which resulted in murdered Jews, either by Arab terrorists, or by homegrown Jewish sociopaths who thrive in a bully culture, which lacks a basic bill of rights?

A government, which refuses to protect us from local terror, from rioting Arab mobs with slings and knives, will never protect us from Iran. A normal country must be (if nothing else) self-respecting. A country, which believes it, has the right to exist and does not need to point out its technological achievements to assert itself. The Soviets had brilliant men and woman who accomplished much in the arts, medicine, technology, etc., yet despite their contributions, they were evil. Our reason for being, our moral Divine right is not contingent on talented Israelis.

Enough with the BDS hysterics! Netanyahu’s policies present a greater danger to Israel than the BDS movement. The endgame for both major parties and their aspiring counterparts in the small populist parties are the same. The only difference is that the Likud lulls the populace to sleep, while the prototypical left would hand the keys to Abbas overnight. The former deadens the will to fight back, since the illusion of a better option stifles any opportunity to rebel. The status quo is a temptress.

I ask all thoughtful Jews to assess Israel’s current inability to protect itself from the rampant Arab terror. Does anyone with common sense believe that Israel is technically unable to protect itself? It is very capable. It is unwilling. Moreover, because it lacks the will to fight the Arabs, our governments are complicit in the murder of Jews.

The system is sick. The supposed ability to change the system by working within the system is a lie. If they dislike your message, they will ban you. They will detain and torture you for fictitious crimes. The Knesset is a haven of the corrupt and the sick. Israel needs a new popular movement to expose everything that is wrong with Israel. The abuse of the innocent. The right solutions will arise when people ask the right questions.

The solution can only arise from a grassroots movement of the people. There are many problems in Israel. Foremost is the Arab problem, and it derives solely from Jewish weakness. The arrogant claim of Israeli strength is a lie. Our Prime Minister’s dominant trait is weakness. The same can be said for every politician who regurgitates tired populist talking points to retain their congregants.

It is not just about security. There are many economic and judicial abuses in Israel. All of it terrible, all of it so terribly unjewish. It stifles creativity and productivity and frequently punishes the innocent, and the vulnerable. Yet we cannot even begin to address these problems in the current climate, which denies Jews the most basic right of all. The ability to breathe and live without having your throat torn open by Arabs.

Tragically, we are nowhere near the point where the growth of such a movement is likely. Death has not personally affected enough people for them to see the truth. The time is not ripe. This does not justify inaction or apathy, or excuse us from fighting in some capacity. It simply reflects the blood pressure of the nation. Too many people are happy with “Israel” and proud of their country. Their Facebook statuses and posts reflect this. I see things differently. We need to be ashamed that a modern nation with the military capacity for protecting Jewish lives refuses to do so. We should be outraged that Jewish deaths are accepted, tolerated, and ignored, by governments who have a high tolerance for murdered Jews. We need to weep for the incarceration of innocent Jews whose “democratic” government treats them the way Jews were treated in Siberia not that long ago.

Proud of the government of Israel? Not I. I am ashamed that our leaders refuse to protect Jews from our Arab enemies. The most basic responsibility of even a flawed state of Israel would be in protecting Jewish lives. Since the government denies us the basic right to live, we need to use every effort to expose and discredit the internal players who ensure future Jewish tragedies. It starts with the charlatans of Likud who control the country today, who have long ago cast away any semblance of self-respect and Jewish identity, and who repeatedly choose an ill-qualified man to lead the nation. It starts with the masses who protect and support this inept party, who get away with the very same things that it accuses Labor of doing.

As long as the charade of a “Jewish State” as currently constituted exists, we will never have a truly Jewish one. Authentic Zionism must be based upon Torah. The alternative is a society of corruption, weakness, and eroded morals. The alternative is the Divine promise for failing to do so. A person who genuinely loves Eretz Yisroel and Am Yisrael must commit himself to exposing the deadly status-quo.

We need to attack the prevailing popular myths extolling Israel’s “morality” with facts that highlight real pressing problems which need to be rectified. Despite what many hasbara types would have you believe, self-restraint when dealing with enemies is not proof of one’s morality. It is evidence to the contrary. We need not worry about “airing our dirty laundry” for the world to see. The world sees a dirty Israel for all the wrong reasons. Let them condemn us for the right ones.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The French Flag? You've Got To Be Kidding Me!

It's hard to endure self-loathing among Jews. It's everywhere these days. The epidemic of customized French profile pics on Facebook. "I stand with you France, even if you stand with my enemies", these lemmings declare.  Tel Aviv lighting up buildings with the colors of France. It makes sense in a way, since by and large, Tel Aviv is France. Selfish. Decadent. Bohemian. Perverse. Self-Loathing. Anti-Semitic (self-hatred earns them this label). France would tolerate cannibalism, if such a tribe existed among them. In Tel Aviv they eat themselves. When Jews are killed in Hebron, there is silence in the streets of Tel Aviv. 

What can be more undignified than a Jew changing his profile pic to the French national flag? Can there be a more degrading, pandering, gesture towards a nation of Jew haters, who align with our murderous enemies time and time again? Let all of Eurabia burn. Let them enjoy the benefits of Islamic savagery.

Would any French citizen ever contemplate the notion of changing their profile pic to represent Israel's flag? What does that say about us Jews? Not that we are decent. Don't even bother with that nonsense. The French hate us. It speaks more about the abnormal psychology of Jews than anything else.

France? The same Jew hating France where the Muslims rival the savages of their brothers in Gaza, both in desire and intent, and the "indigenous" Frenchmen condemn and boycott Israel with the hatred of their Vichy forebears. In France, the atheist anti-Semites are still pagan. They still enjoy ghoulish "Passion Plays", albeit, Islamic ones. In shopping malls!

I have no pity for France, Germany, Great Britain, or any of the European Union nations who never miss an opportunity to spread modern day blood libels and arm our enemiesEurope hated their Jews. For two thousand years they let us know it with the flame and with the sword. Now they will have an Eurabian Caliphate and Sharia law to contend with. Europe is a terminal patient waiting to die. If this is not a manifestation of Divine Retribution right before our eyes......