Thursday, May 25, 2017

Kay Wilson Exposed

*The author would like to thank his colleagues from "The Judean Hammer", Nathaniel Feingold and Moshe Schwartz for their comprehensive research which contributed greatly to this article. Few people understand the issue better than they do, as well as the tremendous danger that the "hard targets" pose to the spiritual integrity of the Jewish people.
No Jewish spokesperson should ever get a pass when messianic organizations THEMSELVES repeatedly identified her as being messianic in the past. A vicious assault by Arab terrorists, no matter how barbaric the circumstances, doesn't make this history go away. And yet today, Kay Wilson is a public spokeswoman for such hasbara groups like Stand With Us. She can speak at a Chabad House in England. She visits Jewish schools and synagogues. She writes for Arutz Sheva. She doesn't have to explain anything at all, nor does she feel inclined to answer any respectful inquiries about her past. And when she does, it is always evasive, she avoids responding to any specific points, and she plays the defensive card.
In the fight against missionaries, Wilson is a Teflon Donna. Despite her well-documented messianic past and her current friendships with overt missionaries from Christ Church, she is sanitized by Jews across the grassroots spectrum. To raise the issue is suicide for career minded activists, writers, pundits, etc. You will be castigated and called an insensitive monster. For some reason, surviving a vicious act of Arab terror (which took the life of her missionary friend and caused severe injuries to herself) gave her a get out of jail card. The problem is that the Torah has some harsh things to say about missionaries.
Has Ms. Wilson engaged in a teshuva process? Unlikely, since she continues to deny having any past involvement with such groups despite the OVERWHELMING evidence. The proper Jewish response to such a situation, despite it being the unpopular provocative position, is to state the obvious. Ms. Wilson needs to come clean or be called out.
Whether she likes it or not, Kay Wilson cannot play the victim card to avoid questions that should trouble any self-respecting Jew. Because from a Torah perspective, a missionary is a spiritual predator. And her defenders never answer questions but resort to the standard name-calling. With no intention to bully, harass, or insult her, logic demands that every Jew concerned with Jewish identity has a right to demand where a public figure stands on such matters.
FACT: Until this day, Kay Wilson has never acknowledged that at the time of the Arab attack on her and her murdered friend, various messianic sites referred to her as messianic. Until recently, this material was all over the web, but in recent years someone sanitized her online footprint.

Fortunately, the power of screenshots exceeds such ambitious efforts. Since most hasbara types are sheep, they ignore her troubling past and her refusal to clarify. The tragedy is that most Jews don't give a damn about issues that are outside their daled amot. The few who are bothered are often afraid of Wilson and the fear of lawsuits. What is the danger in asking reasonable questions?
If the weaklings at Stand with Us won't screen their representatives, then the obligation falls upon the Jewish public. The following screenshots tell a story which requires some clarification. Kay Wilson owes the Jewish people a response if she cares to identify and advocate as a public figure. And to those timid ones who give her a pass, yet rant and rave about other personalities, shame on you. Your integrity is wanting.

Here is a video people like the Hartuv's of Kiryat Arba, David "the Hebrew" Axelrod, Yisrael Medad and some of Kay's friends don't want you to see. And Kay Wilson of course. Find out the real mission of  Christ Church and Shoresh Tours. Kudos to JewishIsrael for their wonderful database which is a trove of documentation and information. Watch the video and ask the obvious questions. Note the following candid admission at minute 3:35: “All Shoresh staff members are committed disciples of Jesus.”

Those who claim to oppose missionaries while supporting Kay Wilson, have nothing to say on Jewish matters. Hasbara activist Yisrael Medad recently attacked a good Jew who was once ensnared in the church, and who in a genuine repentance process, dedicates his time today to protect Jews from missionaries, based upon his knowledge of such people. We know what the Torah says about one who denigrates/reminds such a Jew of their unfortunate past. But what of Medad's additional sin of being a stumbling block for the Jewish people? And the hypocrisy of his support of Wilson is astounding. Not once has Wilson admitted her documented messianic past, or even intimated that she undertook a teshuva process. Yet she gets a pass.

If the notorious street missionary and apostate Jew, Jakob Damkani (yemach shmo vzichro) survived a murderous attack from knife wielding Arabs, would he have the same religious supporters defending him today? Would his crude aggressive style and overt missionizing earn him Jewish enemies or would he garner their sympathy if he survived? After all, how does one differentiate between acts of Arab terror? Is it the victim's demeanor? Style? Hobbies and interests? Perhaps one's accent and country of origin are factors when considering which victim is more charming or sympathetic? Does it help when one denies one's past, despite the evidence? Could Damkani theoretically become a spokesperson for "Stand With Us" or speak on behalf of Israel at the UN? Food for thought, for those rare individuals who think for themselves.

Kay Wilson gets away with spiritual murder, and religious social media forums like Arutz Sheva should be ashamed of themselves for allowing a forum for an unrepentant messianic. As far as those who cite Yad La'Achim to defend Kay Wilson, let it be known that they have stated different things to different people. And "The Judean Hammer's" inside YL source reports a more sobering picture, which suggests that fear rather than facts prevents the hierarchy from going after her. At the end of the day, people like Haivri and Medad support people like Kay Wilson & groups like Hayovel.
If Kay Wilson did "teshuva", and rejected and fled from her messianic past, she needs to publicly declare so, or forever remain suspect. Her failure to do so is troubling, and it suggests that she has merely become wiser. Ms. Wilson may fool many Jews, but some Jews aren't morons. A genuine penitent would unequivocally state her rejection of her past sins. Until then, logical Jews have no choice but to assume that nothing has changed, except for the mask.
Excellent articles on Kay Wilson: 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The New Peace Movements Exposed

Now featured in "The Jewish Press":

It is time once again, G-d help me! to expose the contrived foolishness of the new Jewish "peace movements", those obnoxious groups comprised of bored liberal Anglo-Jews with too much time on their hands. Ironically, the activism of many of these individuals is a definite consequence in some cases of the supposed “exploitative capitalism” many of them rail against. Yet foolishness often comes to those with the sense that one has time on his hands, or with those who harbor the notion of a unique message or teaching they must offer the world. Narcissism and nonsense often mate.
An amalgam of names: “Alternative Action”, LAVI, The Home, and a handful of others come to mind. The oft mentioned calls for a “New Generation” to have a “New Conversation”. They often overlap with one another and engage in joint projects. And despite their insistence that they are not the peace industry, they are precisely that. The names may vary, as do their respective platforms, but they are birds of one feather.
The difference is that these peaceniks have another delusion. Unlike the “two-state suicide” camp of the classical left, these groups maintain another lunacy. The idea that we can coexist in one state with those who wish to destroy us, if we allow the other side (the Arabs or Muslims) to experience “their own personal narrative”. As they see it, if we abandon our “white, western, identify” and identify with a greater “Semitic” sense of self.
Here are some keys words which make up the skeletons of their nonsensical ideologies:
1.    “Narrative”- Generally refers to the moral relativism of identifying and empathizing with the Arab sense of Jewish wrong-doing. Often such people apologize for Arab violence and blame it on western interference.
2.    Indigenous- A cursory definition of a term I have discussed elsewhere and will not harp on. A selective interpretation of this nonsense term. Unlike others, these people self-identify as such but also grant the same status to Arabs. Hence the need to insist that we can coexist. Unlike other such pro-Israel activists, these activists add stupidity to silly sociology which believes in such a notion, which has as much validity as phrenology.
3.    Conversation- The fantastical belief that talking with select, token, polite Arabs and drinking coffee will solve real problems, which as the late Rabbi Meir Kahane always noted correctly were “immutable” problems.
4.    Western-The sense that the west is evil and everything “middle eastern” is wonderful. Of course, Arab/Islamic barbarism worldwide must be minimized and ignored, and is rarely addressed honestly.  So, these liberals must ignore genital mutilation, stoning’s, throwing homosexuals from roofs, castration, sexual slavery, classical slavery, honor killings, martyrdom. Once again, a classic mirroring of western liberalism in our contemporary period.
5.    Semitic Movement-The racial obsession and self-loathing which requires a magical belief in a shared “race”. According to this belief, since we are both Semites we must get along.
6.    Colonial- The enduring Arab jihad be damned. Western colonialism is the greatest evil. The Arabs don’t really hate us. The West creates this hate. The massacres of Jews in the 20’s and 30’s up to and including the barbarism of today has no place in their conversation. Not to mention the horror of dhimmitude since the times of Mohamed.
A marriage of magical non-intellectual thinking, pseudo-scientific idiocy, and liberal naivete. The idea that if we drink Turkish coffee with Salam, suddenly real grievances will disappear. The Jews of pre-pogrom 1929 Hebron also enjoyed the company of some of their neighbors. Until one day. That is why these groups ignore, minimize, or apologize for Arab/Islamic barbarism. It is the fault of the “WEST”, never the Amalekites on this side of the pond who detonate themselves on buses in our cities.
The new peace fools are on the move. This is the inevitable result when self-appointed gurus, peddle corrupt notions of justice to the deluded masses. The irony is that these silly Jewish indigenous rights advocates are poster children for western liberalism. Their self-identification is premised on the guilt-ridden liberal's creation of the notion of indigeneity (a false concept) which fuels multicultural reverse discrimination. And their obsession with peace, with those who only understand terror, is yet another example of the distorted liberal mindset.
In a recent Facebook post, I noted that the pseudo-babble of these "Alternative Peace" Jewish Indigenous activists often sounds like this:
"The paradigm of intertribal aggression is a symptom of retrograde ionization of the spherical schemas of our oppression. Because of colonial maladaptive dystopia deprivation, the oppressed class is subjugated beneath the heel of capitalism's boot, and thus lashes out to his/her/it's equally exploited peers in a version of cosmic counter-maneuvering to avoid the real problems. Squares are only squares because the white man told us they were. By deconstructing the false narrative of Eurocentric privilege, squares can become round, and round can also be triangular. By allowing my understanding of cosmological interpretation to allow yours to contradict mine, our lives take on meaning and we become one. When Hassan says “Itbach El Yahud”, we Jews need to process his feelings through his prism of active consciousness, and thus reinterpret perceived aggression as a symptom of our own subjugation by Europeans. By rejecting European fruit and replacing them with majul dates and halva, we redeem the shared narrative of Semitic symbiosis and indigenous hegemony.”
Silliness aside, to my Caucasian Ashkenazi colonized ear, they sound precisely like this.
These “new peace” activists may think they are "raging against the machine", but in truth they are an amalgam of "fools on parade". But the college campuses are inundated with such people, and these are their target audiences. The kinds of people who may try to reconcile their Jewish identify in a liberal, progressive, manner which satisfies their essential beliefs. So, the obligation is to expose these groups and show the un-Jewish nature of these groups. Far from being eastern, they are naked byproducts of the excesses of western liberalism, married to the soft-boiled science of morally relativistic sociology.
Some things you may not know:
·         On the Facebook page of one Yehuda HaKohen, a self-styled Jewish indigenous rights activist involved with the “Alternative Action” peace movement he empathized with the Arab nakba by noting: I’m not interested in belittling anyone’s pain but I think the message of Naqba Day would be a lot more powerful and easier for Israelis to empathize with if it didn’t occur each year on the [solar] date of our anti-colonialist victory against England. Why not mark the date a Palestinian community was destroyed or the day Israel decided you aren’t coming back? By marking the date the British left and the Jews declared independence, you make it easy for us to believe that this is more about us and less about you (and some of us really don’t need such assistance).

  • ·         (Minute 14:05) "And Palestinians are caught in the middle of all this. They're obviously victims of this, too."
  • ·         (Minute 17:00) "There's a blind spot. We do have a blind spot when it comes to Palestinians. We're completely insensitive to their pain. It's true."

  • ·         (Minute 1:25:34)"The Palestinian narrative is also true,"
  • ·         (Minute 1:25:55) "In terms of values, I agree with 90% of what the SJP is saying."
  • ·         (Minute 1:30:45) "They are people who are legitimately experiencing an occupation and want to resist it, and I as a human being can't blame them."

·         (Minute 1:36:40) "I live in Beit El..And there's a fence around Beit El, and I don't see any reason for that fence."
Alternative Action’s perspective on peace explains much: “Alternative Action views conflict between the Jewish people and other natives of the Middle East as an unnatural situation brought about by external forces. Because the closest people in the world to the Jews are the other indigenous peoples of our region, we strive for unity and peace as an ideal stemming from our belief that the Semitic peoples are brothers bonded together by common culture, ancestry and values.”
Some other fun facts to know:
  • ·         LAVI and others support the racist thugs of the BLM movement who essentially function as a black KKK in America.
  • ·         Alternative Action praised Fidel Castro as a great man when he died. A veritable butcher of innocents, and they saw fit to praise him!

I have opined on the threat of Arab nationalism and Islam many times before. And yet the examples of barbarism never end. Though his favorite meal is Jewish blood, the Arab/Islamic Amalekites will spill the blood of anything they deem antagonistic to sharia law. Including British school-children at an Ariana pop concert in Manchester. No one is safe, not even those clueless European anti-Semites who favor the savage over the Jew, and who sympathize with the mythical "Arab plight". We are dealing with the epitome of evil, a corruption so thorough and complete it usually negates the possibility for rehabilitation. This is the lesson of Amalek. Deal with evil totally and destroy it, or be totally consumed by the very same force you refused to recognize.
  • Tragically, many mainstream, respectable right-wing hasbara personalities are flirting with these movements. When violence strikes Israel, such types will step away for a time, but their willingness to attend some of these events and give credence to these organizations and people, is a troubling example of the fickle nature of people. And of the continued inability of Jews to face ugly truths.

These new groups love hashtags because it appeals to millennials who often see these groups as an avenue to express their Judaism, in a manner which satisfies their liberal proclivities. So, for any free-thinking liberals, here are a few hashtags of my own. They contain essential truths which Jewish history has shown time and time again.

*The author would like to thank a certain someone, who wishes to remain nameless, for sharing his considerable research.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Unprincipled Hasbarites: Part I (slideshow)

A visual look at one of the more odious "hasbara" tokens on the scene today. Meet an unsavory man who "GoFundsMe" his life under the pretext of a supposed upcoming treatise on "indigenous rights", and has the gall to lecture Jews (he isn't even Jewish) on Torah, Judaism, and identity. A man who threw his former patron and friend under the bus because she dared retain a friendship with someone he disagreed with. A man who has no principles, panders to every side, and even associates himself with missionaries like the notorious Dumisani Washington. I am not calling him a missionary. But he is certainly friends with missionaries and those Jews who enable them. Meet Bnai Brith's online activist, Ryan Mervin Bellerose.

Oh, lest I forget. He's a self-hating bigot who hates and denigrates white people, and rails against "Jews acting white". The irony is that most of his support comes from Ashkenazi, "white", Jews who parrot his nonsense. Bored people with too much time on their hands. Furthermore, he also resents Jews of color, because they have something he lacks. Dark skin. Meet the race obsessed Ryan Bellerose.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Perverting The Law Of Mercy: Part II

Like so many leftist rags today, The Times of Israel is a popular online magnet to disseminate anti-Jewish values. A forum of filth where moral defectives frequently share their relativism with a large and often shockingly ignorant audience.  For Jewish writers, The Times of Israel will gladly share your writings if you meet the following criteria:

  • you are an aggressive advocate for gay rights
  • you are an unprincipled “hasbara” activist with an agenda, or a prominent messianic hasbara activist
  • you are a member of a reform, liberal, or “open-orthodox” movement or organization
  •  you are a card-carrying member of the “Women of the Wall” or a militant shrill feminist eager to rant about the evils of rabbinical patriarchy
  • you are a peacenik, or a radical halachic innovator
  • you mock and denigrate Torah values
In order to retain some modicum of credibility, some “conservative” or “right-wing” bloggers are permitted a place at the table, provided they moderate their sentiments and refrain from tackling provocative issues. On the other hand, if you maintain some principles and write something that rocks their general liberal sentiments, they will probably remove your article. This explains the ever-growing number of hasbara “right-wingers” who suddenly have a problem with TOI. When most writers complain about them, it usually follows a bit of professional narcissism. The script is predictable. One of their articles was removed and now they have a complex. In truth, any one with eyes can see that most of their featured articles are of a type. So why should anyone expect leftists to suddenly play fair?

I am proud to say that several years back my second article for TOI was the last one I ever wrote for them. The editors bounced me out so fast after I wrote an unflattering article about President Obama. Evidently, their original assumptions about a curly haired nature loving guy from the remote Negev were way off.

My writing is generally reactive to what I perceive to be societal dysfunction. The Times of Israel is often a good source to go fishing for freaks, in the same manner that I peruse other liberal forums to search for material. It is a medium to discover the dysfunctional faces of contemporary Judaism.
One of the TOI’s more notorious editors frequently receives criticism for her liberal views, where she often beats her chest for “oppressed Palestinians” and vilifies normative Torah values and traditions. In many ways, she is a caricature of a caricature, in the form of the archetypal misguided self-righteous liberal Jew. If you created her character as a work of fiction, no one would believe you. She is often taken to task for her articles. All of it is well deserved. But she is an easy target.

Many other writers fall under the radar, since they lack her notoriety. Some time ago, I wrote an article, “Perverting the Law of Mercy” in response to an article by Rabbi Daniel Landes entitled “Rachmanut for Gaza.” Here we had a purported religious Rabbi expressing a thoroughly un-Jewish position by advocating mercy for ghouls (in the manner of all merciful Jewish fools), and I felt it required a response. A chillul Hashem unanswered is a chillul Hashem run amuck.

Michael Lesher is another such deviant, and his recent article, “Crime and Punishment”: Fadi Qunbar, Elor Azaria and Israel’s Occupation” was one of the more grotesque things I have read in a while. Thus, Part II of the same title was born. Michael Lesher identifies as an orthodox Jew, and his opening comments speaks volumes about his mindset and the kind of pornographic views we can expect from him:

“First of all, I do not want to write about Elor Azaria. He is a cipher: a smirking, undersized bully who murdered a helpless Palestinian because the State of Israel put a rifle into his hands, corrupted him with a racist ideology, and hardened his conscience with a 50-year-long military occupation of the West Bank – to which Azaria added another victim last March.”

I found it ironic that a man whose profile pic accompanying his article resembles the visage of a grinning cartoon villain (pencil moustache, contrived smirk where the eyes betray the smile!) would have the gall to write about “a smirking, undersized bully.” Elor Azaria killed a terrorist. Yet in a shocking admission of Sodom morality, Lesher mourns the terrorist and vilifies the hero. Yet in accordance with the wisdom of never judging a book by the cover, the rest of the article betrays that in this case, the content is indeed FAR worse than the cover.

“But I do want to write a few words about Fadi Qunbar, the young Palestinian father of 4 who, on January 8, became yet another casualty of Israel’s occupation.

Yes, that Fadi Qunbar – the Fadi Qunbar whose life is now summed up in the media under the single word “terrorist,” because he used his truck to kill 4 soldiers of the enemy force occupying his land before their comrades gunned him down. The Fadi Qunbar whose death was not even counted in the headlines that screamed about “4 Killed in Jerusalem Attack” – four soldiers, that is – because a dead Palestinian cannot be mentioned in the same breath as Israelis, just as the newspapers that mourned his oppressors could not spare the ink to correctly identify the site of Qunbar’s death as “occupied East Jerusalem.”

After reading these sick sentiments, the following words danced through my head. “And to the informer may there be no hope” ……

Fadi Qunbar. The same Arab beast who plowed his truck into four beautiful young Jews and murdered them. Injured scores of others. Fadi Qunbar. A genuine man-ghoul who ended the life of the pure and the innocent because of his burning Jew hatred and his bloodlust to finish the Mufti’s quest.

Putting aside for a moment Lesher’s grotesque leftist views relating to his imagined “occupation,” his sympathy for a demon says everything we need to know about him. His hatred and callousness towards the brutal murder of fellow Jews is the reason Chazal had such harsh words for such people. Lesher would have made an effective capo or judenrat, since his writings, in effect, play the same role. One who would destroy his brother. One who has no love for another Jew. One who makes the perverse association of “victim” with a modern-day Nazi.

The four murdered soldiers were murdered because they were Jews, and in addition to the fact that they were soldiers committed to protecting fellow Jews, halachically they sanctified G-d’s Name. They are truly righteous Jews. Michael Lesher is a sneering self-hating grub, who lacks the morality of a sewer rat. Generally, we should love our fellow Jews, despite our differences. But then are other types of Jews. Villains who eagerly join hands with the enemy, to fight against their fellow brothers. For such people, the Torah mandates that we only show them hatred. And even in the absence of Rabbinical courts, there were often harsh measures meted out to such dangerous personalities.
Lesher’s article represents yet another low for TOI. 

Any forum which would feature such abominable views (and they frequently do!) should be vilified and exposed for what they are. Jews need to stop pretending that TOI used to be better. It was always a cesspool. But a cesspool rarely becomes cleaner with time. And given the general erosion of values, one can expect continued regression.

The word “Erev Rav” (mixed multitude) is often thrown around incorrectly, sometimes falling upon the heads of who do not deserve it. Michael Lesher is certainly a representative of the mixed multitude. The same can be said for those who would publish such filth. Lesher is a self-hating anomaly (presumably with a kipah) with a twisted soul. Sometimes a kipah reflects an awareness of The Almighty, by sitting squarely on our brainbox and reminding us that G-d exists. Other times, it merely covers a hollow head.

The Lesher’s of the world are welcome on TOI, since the latter love nothing better than sickos with kipot or pretenses of “orthodoxy,” to justify their own misguided beliefs. Michael Lesher is the worst kind of Jew, and despite his self-identification he is about as “orthodox” as the Pope, or a Satanist. A quick perusal of the web illustrates what he is. A self-hating cretin willing to write for The Electronic Intifada. He is an enemy. A diseased soul who sides with Arab murderers in their genocidal war with our people. Chazal had much to say about such defectives and none of it is good. There is really nothing more to say about such people. Like the Neturei Karta, they are the enemy. May they all merit the same fate as their beloved “victims.”

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Lynching of Elor Azaria

"I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6"- Ed Parker

As so many of us feared and expected from a judicial system that often mirrors Sodom rather than Sinai, Sergeant Elor Azaria was convicted of manslaughter. To put it bluntly, a Jewish hero may sit and rot his finest years in prison, possibly twenty years. It is a monumental disgrace, a travesty of injustices to rival anything this country has thrown at decent Jews in the past. Even if Elor is pardoned, the shame of the verdict, of the Bolshevik investigation and kangaroo court which tarred and feathered him from day one, these will never be erased.

In a time when the word Maccabee is thrown around with glibness, often attributed to those who deserve it least, the State of Israel, indeed, the Army of Israel itself, publicly lynched a genuine Maccabee. Today is a dark day in Jewish history. Yet another nail in the coffin containing the remains of Jewish dignity and self-respect. 

Today’s guilty verdict for Elor Azaria, a heroic soldier who ended the life of an Arab terrorist, is a stain upon the nation. A stain upon the heads of every Hellenized politician who wants Israel to act humane to the most evil people on earth. A stain upon heads of army and heads of State, including former Minister of Defense Moshe Ya’alon who fed the flames against Azaria from the onset. Among other perverse statements was the following:

"Gentlemen, what do you want here? An army that becomes bestial? An army that lost its moral backbone? I am proud that the company commander indicated that it was an anomalous incident.”

A stain upon Prime Minister Netanyahu for not rising sooner in defense of a valiant soldier of Israel. The fact that Netanyahu is now calling for him to be pardoned is certainly good to hear. But it stinks of political expediency, since the masses are infuriated with the betrayal of a young Jewish soldier, and Netanyahu could have stifled the witch-hunt earlier. You will recall his statement months back:

"What happened in Hevron does not represent the values of the IDF. The IDF expects its soldiers to act with self-control and in accordance with the open-fire regulations."

In any event, as shameful as the conviction is, the most important thing is to ensure that Azaria never sits a day of this perverse prison sentence.

Bestial? Antithetical to IDF values? What of Torah values? The most noble thing on earth is to put a bullet in the head of a terrorist who just tried to murder Jews.  Whether upright or twitching and bleeding on the ground. Imprisoning these beasts is immoral. In Judaism, we destroy our enemies. We certainly don’t warehouse them, educate them, and then release them to murder other Jews, as so many other terrorists have been in the past. And without a doubt, some future unprincipled craven Israeli government would have released this beast, by stating that he had no blood on his hands. Having failed in his first attempt, this Amalekite would have gone out and ensured that he was successful the next time around. So even if this creature wasn’t laden with explosives, even if Azaria wasn’t concerned with this possibility, his actions were supremely Jewish. Matityahu would have been proud of him.

Those who would persecute such a young man are not Maccabees. Maccabees don’t feed their own soldiers to the fire of world opinion. The world loves to incinerate us, yet the Jew who would feed the fire himself, is a judenrat. In a previous article, I noted the following:

In Israel, the uncompromising warrior is often treated like a fiend, or a lawless vigilante. A soldier such as Elor Azaria who kills an Arab terrorist is a hero, and any "Jewish" government that punishes such a warrior is reprehensible. I don't care if the creature was trussed up like a Thanksgiving Turkey. Or whether the ghoul had an explosive. A bullet to the head is the Jewish response. You can bet your last shekel that King David would have agreed. The witch-hunt against Azaria shrieks of Jewish degradation. Such actions are the antidote to Jewish funerals.

This is nothing new in a country where soldiers are increasingly afraid to use their weapons against genuine Arab threats, or in more extreme lunatic situations, are given standing orders to retreat in the face of murderous Arab violence. Where soldiers are indoctrinated with the accursed self-restraint “ethic” which permeates every normative party in Israel, and stands as an ideal in the hearts of so many military men. Sometimes the decision is to be murdered or maimed, or do the right thing by putting a bullet (or several) in the fiend’s cranium. And then face the real danger of prison sentence.

As my good friend, Moshe pointed out, Secretary of State John Kerry’s recent statement mirrored the unintended action of the evil Balaam’s curse. Kerry intended to demonize and vilify Israel by arguing the incompatibility of a Jewish State or democracy. His intention and desire was certainly malevolent, a vindictive expression of Obama’s (and his own) Jew hatred and a desire to alienate and isolate Israel. And yet unlike the belief of too many Jews on both sides of the spectrum, that his assertion was false and that a marriage of the two is workable, without even realizing his statement, John Kerry was correct. The great Rabbi Meir Kahane (may G-d avenge his blood) often stated the exact thing, and unlike Kerry he knew precisely what he was talking about. The most rudimentary definition of democracy would be the majority opinion or will of what the populace believes to be true or desires. Torah deems the majority opinion of the great halachic minds to be the ideal.

Democracy accepts the possibility of an Arab majority, or Arab interests superseding those of Jews. A Jewish state cannot without endangering and ultimately compromising its existence. Even a secular “Jewish” state cannot abide this possibility for reasons of logic. From a halachic statement, the question of who can even be in the country has rigid rules and requirements. Certainly, the Halacha denies even the noble resident stranger (and today’s gentiles in Israel are certainly not) from having any say on matters of State.

In Israel today, the leadership behaves towards Jews in a manner that is neither Jewish nor democratic. It is tragic that we are so far from a true expression of Halacha in the State of Israel. We will surely bleed because of it. But neither do we have a functional democracy, since witch-hunts, administrative detention, and the immoral torturing of innocents are anathema to the former. And a country that punishes her own soldiers for terminating an evil enemy who intended to create orphans and widows, expose their worship of a modern-day Baal on the world stage. The Baal of moral relativism and pacifism.

Where are the Maccabees today? Hard to say, since our times are exceedingly unromantic. Your average middle aged 30-year-old has no chance to pick up a gun in defense of country, despite his desire to do so. We have a repressive government acting within the well-constructed veneer of democracy. Zealotry lacks the catalyst in the contemporary scene. Unless the roof caves in, a revolution seems unlikely at this point until the inferno gets out of control. There may be a tipping point in the future, as there was once upon a time in the town of Modi’in. On that day, a zealous warrior decided that he had enough of the perversion and he started a Torah revolution. In the meantime, we know of at least one such Maccabee in Israel today. Stg. Elor Azaria is a Maccabee in the truest sense of the word. May he be freed soon enough.


# MaccabeeRising

Sunday, November 20, 2016

President Donald Trump: A Jewish Perspective

For the record, I am ecstatic that President Elect Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, that corrupt power-crazed chameleon who wears as many duplicitous faces as she does ill-fitting pant-suits. It was aggravating enough to see American society erode under eight grueling years of Obama's reign of tyranny. While Obama should have been protecting America from Islamic terror and black supremacists,he was too busy destroying America's medical care, ramming gay marriage upon an unwilling populace, and continuing his “rainbow” crusade to allow transsexuals into the ladies’ room. In her quest for power, the unprincipled Hillary would have pandered to every degeneracy by continuing Obama's legacy, and the American Republic would have been doomed. Fortunately, eight years of hell didn't become twelve. Reason enough to celebrate.

It is good to see the downfall of corrupt arrogant people.

I confess that it is more than good. It is a JOY to see deranged liberals losing their minds over the results of a lawful election. Furthermore, the liberal media was shamed for their biases, as Hillary’s litany of crimes were exposed every day like  a broken sewer pipe, spewing its raw filth upon an increasingly nauseated public. As so many others, I was sick of reading about Clinton’s negligent behavior as Secretary of State which cost American lives, her culture of corruption, the criminal enterprises of the “Clinton Foundation”, and a slew of other scandals. Throw in her general vindictiveness and anti-antisemitism, and one needn’t wonder why the American public flexed it's collective might and said NO MORE. For a further look at Hillary Clinton, check out: “President Hillary Clinton: Definition of a Nightmare”. 

Trump’s victory offers America an opportunity to right a sinking ship, and turn back the clock on eight-years of Bolshevism. If nothing else, it means that Hillary Clinton isn’t president, and that Islam won’t triple its numbers in America and continue to grow as a fifth column. Nevertheless, it is not merely an example of addition by subtraction. With his genuine talents and patented chutzpah, Donald Trump can indeed accomplish great things for America. 

So I am very pleased with the results. But I am less ecstatic by the extremes of Jewish expression on both ends of the spectrum, which as I see it, have no place in a Torah perspective. On the one hand, we have the cookie-cutter Jewish liberals, who swallowed the leftist Kool-Aid and deem Donald Trump and his associates as Jew haters, bigots, etc. In the absence of any evidence, they readily resort to the standard slurs of the left: vitriol and defamation. The Bnai Brith’s Anti-Defamation League comes to mind, with their recent witch-hunt against Breitbart's Stephen Bannon, which they have since had to backtrack on. Ironic how the ADL ignores Obama’s anti-Semitism, but saw fit to slander a man who supports Israel, exposes Islamic barbarism, and has a disproportionate number of Jews working with him. And lest we forget, Andrew Breitbart was himself a Jew.

Those who were once accused of drinking blood (and still are in Arab countries), would be well to remember the sin of false accusations. No honest individual denies that there are white racists in the United states, but I would venture to say that they are fewer in number than the black Ku Klux Klan of the BLM movement, which has a wider base of support from the lib media, academia, and politicians, than any white racist ever could. The ADL should give equal attention to black supremacy. 

Liberalism is a world-wide pandemic, and the infected rarely recover. Look at the maniacs screeching over President Elect Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton. Bedlam unleashed in the streets. “Safe zones” on college campuses for the intellectually deprived, who want to curl up in a fetal position because Hillary didn’t win. People who equate law and order with racism. And these are the non-violent ones. The savages who resort to violence represent the darker side of this story, the veritable lynch mobs attacking people for voting Trump.

The Jewish liberal will always contribute to this infection, since in the absence of Torah, one will invariably worship some version of Baal. Today’s paganism is liberal thought, so contrary to the notion of free will and the intellect. As far as the elections go, even if one doesn’t like Trump, he is better than the corrupt Hillary. One may find Trump coarse and brazen, but what of the Clintonian perversions and crimes which are so apparent?

The charges of racism from the liberal federations, the Bnai Brith’s Anti-Defamation League, and the self-loathing American Jewish rags are as predictable as the morning sun. They tar innocent people while tolerating genuine anti-Semites who comprise the inner circle of Obama and of Hillary. Blood libels are the lefts tool. And when a Jew hurls a blood libel against Jew or gentile, it is an ironic perversity.

The Left are supremely intolerant of dissent. In response to an alternative viewpoint, they hurl invective. We see this all the time in Israel, most recently, when Zionist Union Opposition leader, Isaac Herzog referred to “settlers” as viruses. If a politician or pundit on the right used such inflammatory language about leftists, the Shabak would pay him a night-time visit.


This is the language a prominent Israeli leftist politician used to describe noble Jews who chose to live in the "liberated" areas of our biblical Homeland. The demonization and subsequent dehumanization of fellow Jews (who act as a buffer from the terrorists in our heartland) is a vulgarity that will go unpunished, since Herzog is a leader of the elitist untouchable Left. As an aside, it should be noted that the only virus in this situation is one who would use the term to tar other Jews for the crime  of living in their own land.

Similarly, the demonization of Donald Trump and his advisers by Jews is a grotesque mischaracterization, and yet it is to be expected, since Jewish liberals mirror their non-Jewish counterparts. All too often, liberal Jews choose misguided notions of naive, universalism to assuage guilt and self-loathing. But the repercussions of such a distorted viewpoint are exposed on a grand stage when Jewish groups make public pronouncements which have no basis in truth.

The Folly of the Right
As a religious Jew living in Israel, I have no expectations of any President when it comes to Israel. After all, when Israeli PM’s speak of “peace talks” and peace partners, what can one expect of any president, even a decent man?

The reaction of many right-wing Jews in America and abroad is equally un-Jewish. The distorted and silly association of Trump as a messiah of sorts. For some this takes the form of misguided expectations and a delusional desire to read prophetic import into his election. This is the path of the guru and the self-styled mystic. For others, they seek out supposed proofs to show that Trump’s ascension has some cosmic implications.

Both extremes are foreign to Jewish thought. The desire to demonize Trump, and the desire to deify him. From a Jewish perspective, Donald Trump is infinitely better than the nightmarish alternative. But less us not make more of it than we should. He will be much better for America. His mandate includes a promise to secure the border, fix the US economy, and deal with Muslim terror. While we certainly don’t know G-d’s ways on this matter, surely caution and discretion is the prudent path, since broad baseless predictions are not the Torah way.

The ADL represents one extreme, and they are a caricature of sorts. One expects of them what one expects from Haaretz or a Herzog. An un-Jewish anti-Torah perspective which mimics western liberalism. But the religious Jew and the proud self-identifying Jew must guard himself. Donald Trump is surely no devil and we should excoriate those leftist Jews who desire to paint him as such. But we should refrain from the irrational messianic inclinations, particularly in relation to Israel’s destiny, and the desire to want to see salvation in his presidency. Unlike America, our Jewish destiny is spelled out in the shema. And if we follow the formula, neither the current occupant in the White House nor the future one have any impact on what happens in Eretz Yisroel. They have democracy. We have Divine Intervention.

The left and the right: both groups are clueless, because both have a distorted framework. The former has relativism as their moral compass and so we shouldn’t wonder why the ethics of Sodom express themselves. But the religious Jew who shirks responsible analysis and resorts to populist pandering is also a tragedy. It’s all over Facebook. Good Jews reading into Trump and portraying him as something he is not. He is not the Messiah. From Israel’s perspective, we should expect disappointment from every president, since the worldview of even the most righteous of men, will invariably be different from the ideal image of an authentically Jewish State of Israel.

I wish all the best to President Elect Donald Trump, with the hope that he follows the moral path, directs America onto a path of decency and strength, treats Israel with respect and respects our sovereignty, and thus merits the eternal promise of Abraham. These are reasonable things to hope for. But we should not assume that our lofty expectations will be met.

In the meantime, there is merit in celebrating Hillary Clinton’s defeat. The occasion is certainly worthy of making a l’chaim or two with quality schnapps. In the absence of gallows for Hillary’s documented treason, which the Founding Fathers would have surely deemed appropriate for the occasion, here’s to the hope that she will soon be fitted with shackles and an ill fitting orange uniform.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Kay Wilson Conundrum (audio podcast)

Reflections on Kay Wilson's messianic past, her refusal to admit her documented missionary associations, and what this refusal might say about her current beliefs and attitude. The most troublesome aspect of this whole mess is that mainstream "hasbara" organisations gave Wilson an entry pass into the world of Israeli advocacy without ever properly addressing these troubling issues with her, nor has Wilson given any indication that she engaged in proper Torah repentance. On the contrary. She continues to deny the allegations. and yet I have never heard of her suing any of these messianic organizations for tarring her name in print. The Jewish people have a right to know the truth.

MP3 File

Sunday, September 18, 2016

"Confrontation" Revisited: Rav Soloveitchik's Classic Treatise

In these trying times when ignorant, unlearned, and unprincipled Jewish "leaders" align with evangelical missionaries for their purported support of Israel, it behooves decent Jews to revisit Rav Soloveitchik's classic works on interfaith dialogue. What we are saying today reflects the vacuum of Jewish leadership of our times. Not only are those engaged in these dangerous relationships violating the most basic aspects of the Rav's position, but most of them are frighteningly ignorant (and largely disinterested) of the issues involved. Dark times indeed.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

LAVI Exposed

Why is LAVI, a Jewish "indigenous rights" movement, a dangerous organization?
  1. Among other things, LAVI is involved in defending Israel based upon our supposed Jewish indigenous rights (premised on bad history and science, and irrelevant to the thinking person) and see this as a viable means of defending our Jewish connection to Israel. As such, LAVI de-emphasizes the Divine claim, which represents our only true claim to the land. For further information on the foolishness of Jewish indigenous rights activists, check out the following articles where I elaborate on this issue:
  2. Unlike other pro-Israel groups which seek to deny indigenous status to Arabs in Israel based upon their selective interpretation of the term, LAVI grants this identity to Arabs and based upon this, see them as "partners" for peace. It matters little for the G-d-fearing individual, since the Torah gives Am Yisrael the entire land, and when the halachic criteria of Jewish control of the land is met, neither Arabs nor any gentiles have the right to reside in the land, if they don't meet the halachic criteria for "resident strangers". In any event, LAVI is in actuality a peace movement and they endanger the Jewish people with foolish ventures. For more on this aspect of LAVI and similiar organizations, check out the following article:
  3. LAVI embraces the vile and violent black supremacist movement "Black Lives Matter", whose members include those with blood on their hands, and many more who support and celebrate such actions. BLM terrorists are responsible for murdering innocent cops in America (black and white) and ordinary citizens. They desire a race war and in this regard they are merely a mirror image of the KKK but with more credibility among the left. See:
  4. LAVI foments discord  between Jews by presenting a false skewed image of romanticized non-white "indigenous Jewry" and a colonized westernized Ashkenazic Jewry which needs to "de-colonize" and "reclaim" it's identity. Judaism is comprised of many peoples and neither color, language, or region define us. The Torah alone is our standard. If Ashkenazic Jewry is no more authentic than Sephardic Jewry, neither is it less so.
This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. More to come.