Thursday, August 3, 2017

Hasbara or Halacha?

"Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; my hand upon it! he shall not be unpunished." (Proverbs 16:5)

Enemy of Torah
When a Jew with a vested interest in the Jewish people reflects on the Israeli Rabbinate, and civilly discusses contemporary problems, it is one thing. When an obnoxious, ignorant and arrogant gentile opines on issues of Torah and Halacha and denigrates Torah institutions, that is an entirely different matter. Here are some recent comments that Bnai Brith Canada’s gentile Advocacy Coordinator, Ryan Mervin Bellerose, had to say about the Israeli Rabbinate. Regardless of one’s positions on this issue, any sensitive, caring, self-respecting Jew should be appalled at this vulgarian’s disrespect for Halacha. In response to a gentile Israeli’s complaint that the Rabbinate doesn’t consider her Jewish (her father is Jewish), Bellerose spewed forth the following filth. Ironically, if someone other than their token fake-Indian said such crude things about the Israeli Rabbinate, the Bnai Brith would scream "anti-semitism!":
  • The rabbinate can go piss up a rope, you are as Jewish as anyone I know.
  • the rabbinate is corrupt and doesn't follow Torah values the way I have come to understand them from speaking with a lot of Jewish people, they are more concerned with worldly power than actually making Jewish life better.
  • I don't believe the rabbinate has more Torah wisdom than most Israelis I know.
The nerve of this ignoramus to lecture Jews on Halacha and identity. The fact that this woman is not Jewish is basic, normative Halacha, that has been codified from time immemorial. Matriarchal definition as a necessity for halachic staus as a Jew has NOTHING to do with the Rabbinate and everything to do with Torah.

 Ryan Bellerose works for Bnai Brith Canada. What do they make of this issue? Do they have a problem with Bellerose telling the Israeli Rabbinate to take a piss up a ropeContact them and demand that they terminate this clown’s employment from their joke of an organization. What about Hasbara outlets such as StandWithUsIsraellyCool, and Israel National News? Are they going to continue giving this crude fool a forum for his filth? Contact them and demand that they cut all ties with this horrible person or suffer the consequence of ignoring him.

And what about all those "new peace activists" who share one version ore another of Ryan's fixation on the nonsensical "indigenous rights" argument? People like Yehudah Hakohen of LAVI and Alternative Action? Are they going to give Bellerose a pass? Their beloved Rav Kook (of blessed memory) was part of the Rabbinate. And Ryan the arrogant gentile just spat upon Torah and Halacha and the institution of Rabbanim. And for this alone, this repugnant man-child needs to be shown the door. The time is long over-due.

Ryan is no Jew. He has nothing to say on Jewish matters or identity. Her should try to figure out who the hell he is himself. With such disrespect for Torah and Jews, he is proving once again that he isn't even a decent gentile. Just a loud-mouthed, angry, man-child who doesn't even speak on behalf of his own people.

#Who's IndigenousCertainlyNotRyan

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Preemptive Attack Or Premature Burial

Video by JerusalemOnline

Originally posted in The Jewish PressPreemptive Attack Or Premature Burial

Monstrous video footage from Yavne, where an Arab savage repeatedly attacked a Jewish worker with a knife in the middle of a supermarket. The victim remains in serious condition. All Arabs have access to knives, and you don't need a combat knife to attack someone. Basic kitchen implements. They all have them. It all begins with awareness. Basic awareness, and a head that perceives one's surroundings. I am reposting a piece I write a little while back, in response to a renewed series of Arab knife attacks on Jews. Be safe!

A Little Verve, But Not Much

The Hashemite Swine King
I'm not a fan of Likud MK Oren Hazan obviously (though he seems to have a silly side which is a charming quality), but I found this one amusing. It showed a little verve, and very unlike anything we get from so-called "right-wing" politicians. In any event, Hazan has more beitzim than Bibi, even if it is just an orchestrated charade. The Jordanians are vermin and nothing would please me more than seeing Abdullah II's head on a pike, and the streets of Amman burning until next Ramadan. I am so sick of this Jew-hating hog:

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Aboriginal A**hat: Special Guest Feature

The esteemed Dr. Schwartz reflects on the meaning of life.
Aboriginal A**hat - Special Guest Feature: By Dr. Moshe Schwartz, a renowned expert on "Hasbarite Syndrome", indigenous rights, Metis culture, and daggers of the Levant. Dr. Schwartz is also the object of infamous "hasbarite" Ryan Bellerose's unhealthy fixation, in what has been identified by many observers as a troubling case of repressed man-love. Nevertheless, Dr. Schwartz retains his patented logical approach whenever dissecting Mr. Bellerose's frayed psyche, and has even recommended professional counseling on multiple occasions. At the core, Dr. Schwartz maintains that the absence of a romantic life contributes greatly to the pent-up frustration of this man-child. Naturally, Chief Faux-Cohontas reacts with petulance and hostility to such sage and professional advice. "The Judean Hammer" is privileged to benefit from Dr. Schwartz's wisdom and contribution to the blog.
*It is also known in social media circles, that whenever Mr. Bellerose discovers that he and Dr. Schwartz have a mutual Facebook friend, the petulant one invariably cyber-stalks the common friend and demands that he unfriend Dr. Schwartz. 

Aboriginal A**hat 

An introductory essay by the esteemed Viennese psychologist, anthropologist, sociologist, and expert of Indigenous Cultures; Dr. Moshe (Der Goose) Schwartz PhD.
Metis people having fun.
One of mainstream hasbara's current "stars" who identifies as a "Native Indian" is nothing short of a fraud. Ryan Bellerose built his hasbarite career on grounds that he is both a "Native Indian" and "Meti". Here are two sources which prove that Ryan is nothing more than a hustler. Since Ryan loves to speak about my faith, history, and people, I will return the favor and lecture him about Metis identity. As someone who has read many books on Indians, and seen more than a few Westerns, I am more than qualified to teach Ryan about his own problematic self-identification. Here is some history about the curious Metis people, and a look into their origins
As you can see from the article, the Metis "cultural genesis" is directly linked to intermarriage and assimilation by French Fur traders and the Cree people. Now consider for example the Creole or people of Appalachia, both of whom would not exist without European colonization, similar to the Meti. Would they also be considered indigenous? All three have a DISTINCT history and culture, several hundred years old.The following article details a court case where the Meti did not wish to be identified as "Indian" or "Inuit":

"The Supreme Court also recognized that the Métis have the right to exclude other Aboriginal peoples in defining who they are and in their negotiations with governments for Métis-specific agreements and arrangements. Specifically, the Supreme Court wrote, “object of enhancing the identity, culture and self-governance of the Métis as a s. 35 group, of necessity, must permit the exclusion of other s. 35 groups since an essential part of their unique identity is that they are “not Indian” and “not Inuit”.” The court also emphasized that “in any identification of Métis courts must approach the task of reviewing membership requirements with prudence and due regard to the Métis’ own conception of the distinct features of their community.”
“The Métis Nation is extremely pleased with today’s decision. While this case protects the Alberta Métis Settlements for Métis for generations to come, it also sends a clear message to governments that outstanding Métis land and rights issues must be addressed as a part of the reconciliation process flowing from s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 and the legitimate expectations of Métis pursuant to that constitutional promise,” concluded President Chartier."
Are the Meti a distinct people with a unique history? Absolutely. Are they Native Indians? Logic and the facts on the ground suggest otherwise. Again, my issue is NOT with the Meti people but with a Hasbarite fraud who assumes he is more knowledgeable about Jews and Torah than learned Jews. Ryan Bellerose  is a hustler and a con man, who will continue to switch his story as it benefits him.

In conclusion, the following screenshots show that those who know the history and are aware of the facts think likewise:

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bnai Brith: A Relic And A Reminder

Don't mess with the Bnai Brith!

There are simpletons on the hasbara scene today, who have this absurd notion that the Bnai Brith is a right-wing organization. It might have to do with the fact that hasbara's token fake Indian, Ryan Mervin Bellerose, currently works for them and he insists that it is so. That is, if you can call what Bellerose does "work". Basically he posts "indigenous rights" nonsense on Bnai Brith Canada's Facebook page, and tweets about their nebbish "what will the goyim think?" activism.

For the ill-informed, Bnai Brith is about as right-wing as Rosie O'Donnell. In the following screenshot, we see them call out President Trump for his decision to keep mentally-ill transsexuals out of the military. But for the BB, this and other leftist "social issues" are reason to scream "shanda!" to the Heavens.

Unbeknownst to Bellerose, Bnai Brith has ALWAYS been a liberal, secular, weak-kneed, limp-wristed, politically correct organization, whose views on Judaism are as far from Sinai as possible. Only a person living under a rock for 100 years would think otherwise. Or a gentile clown from Canada, who wouldn't know what Judaism says about anything, but has the gall to lecture Jews on matters of halacha and identity. The chutzpah of this obnoxious token is well-known. But his most recent statements are astounding:
  • In the following screenshot we see that renowned posek of Jewish law, Rabbi Mervin Bellerosenberg, opine on the halachic issue of ascending Har HaHabayit. Of course there are varying halachic positions both supporting and prohibiting ascension, but this ignorant gentile blowhard thinks that because he heard some cookie-cutter religious-zionists express one position, that suddenly makes him an authority.

There are numerous examples of Ryan's "foot in mouth" disorder. In the past, the esteemed geneticist Dr. Mervin Bellerosenstien tried to explain to us Jews, how conquering the Canaanites (correctly and with G-d's command) doesn't make us colonizers according to his definition of indigenous identity. Because as this blowhard as opined, "conquerors cannot become indigenous". So how did he deal with this narrative of Jewish displacement of Canaanites (which I fully support as a Torah Jew) which throws his assertions where they belong? On different occasions, he threw out some version of the arguments below:

  • Jews are the closest thing to the Canaanites. So according to his magical theory we never displaced or killed the Canaanites, but simply became them. Unfounded claims based on nothing.
  • Jews have more "Canaanite blood" than anyone else. More stupid blood-based assertions based on the former, with a similar lack of evidence.
As I've noted before, which studies show such foolishness? Surely the existence of Jewish religion and culture and the lack of Canaanite religion/culture/identity prove otherwise. Blood based theories? Which studies prove that Jews have Gibeonite blood? Such pseudo-historical foolishness.
Finally, Dr. Bellerosenkranz, that famed historian, has also on occasion resorted to the following tactics to contest the biblical narrative. He tends to save the latter one for his secular supporters, since the brazen disregard for tradition of this claim, would put off many religious supporters:
  • The ‘where are the Canaanites today’ argument.  In other words, if there were some Canaanites around then they MAY have a claim. According to this logic the failure of say the “white colonists” in America was that they neglected to exterminate every Indian, which would have included the theoretical possibility of being indigenous. 
  • His ignorant assertion that the historical record shows that the biblical account didn't happen as recorded. Here he offends Jewish sensibilities by denying the truth of the historical conquest. Of which there is MUCH proof. Tel Chatzor for example. Even notorious biblical critics don't like the fact that Chatzor's destruction layer damages much of their assertions:
Of course until relatively recently, Ryan was a self-identifying Roman Catholic who believed in Jesus. Suddenly now in middle age he is the arbiter of all matters related to identity. Here are a collection of samplings (out of chronological order) from recent years showing his devotion to Christianity.

The indigenous Roman-Catholic Bellerose tribe.
But wait! The other day, Ryan posted on his wall that he isn't Christian. So what gives? Who is this guy to lecture anyone on anything identity related? He can't even decide who he is himself. Make up your mind, Ryan!

Rarely do people call Ryan out, since his Facebook wall is a notorious echo chamber. Ryan unfriends and blocks people who have the gall to disagree with him or call him out. When "The Judean Hammer" had a Facebook page (before Ryan and his like-minded hasbara minions reported it) we often received messages from these people who admitted that we were right all along and that Ryan was a nasty bully. But sometimes, people on his wall do have the courage to call him put for his falsehood:

Perhaps this explains so much about Ryan Bellerose, and why he maintains that Bnai Brith is a hard-core activist group. He doesn't realize how little he knows. In many ways he resembles Ned Beatty's character in Deliverance. Because he doesn't know nothing.

*For those who require a comprehensive surgical dissection of one of this clown's first articles for the hasbarite blog "IsraellyCool", check out the following link:

Unfortunately, Ryan lacks the intellect to understand the original article (not to mention my rebuttal) so don't expect a cogent response. Ryan shows how clueless he is at the beginning of the article when he confuses me with someone else whose previous article he supposedly "destroyed". Ironically, the article of mine which he references was the very first one I ever wrote on the issue of "indigenous rights" and how it has nothing in common with Judaism. True to form, Ryan has NEVER responded in any manner which would display a modicum of intellect. (His standard response is to call people a**hats.)

**For more on the liberal Bnai Brith which did so much to destroy Torah Judaism over the years, and whose general lack of Jewish values sent their deluded spiritually-neglected grandchildren into the arms of JStreet:

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Har Bracha or Summerisle? Hard To tell

Singing. Dancing. Paganism. A perverted admixture of the sacred and the profane, which invariably leads to the profanation of the sacred. Barbecues.

Pagan minds and primitive brains. Evil and corrupt people. Small, craven people. The kinds of Jews who would have followed baal because it seemed the frum thing to do at the time.

Har Bracha or Summerisle?

This is false messianism. And I'm specifically speaking about Jews. For more on this madness, check out:

Painted In Blood

Reflections on the recent terror attack where an Arab savage murdered three Jews in Halamish. Now featured in The Jewish Press: Painted In Blood

May Hashem avenge their blood! And may the creature who murdered them be beaten to death in his hospital bed.