Showing posts with label "The Jewish Press". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "The Jewish Press". Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2016

Beware The Guru "Rabbis"!

A version of this article can now be found in The Jewish Press: "Beware the Guru Rabbis"

Rabbinic ordination is not a license to say what you want. Nor is it a free ride to spout nonsense and lies, or exhibit baseless hatred for other Jews. When a known rav distorts Torah concepts, it only magnifies the Chillul Hashem, which in turn necessitates an even stronger response. Unfortunately, since authentic chochma is rare today, as is the public’s ability to discern it, the masses rarely appreciate genuine talmidei chachomim. Instead of heeding the call of Pirkei Avot and designating for themselves a rav, many choose for themselves flawed men who bottom feed on the ignorant. 

Too many Jews seek out the latest guru rabbis who periodically pop out of the rotten woodwork. Some years back, one Sephardic “rabbi” became popular with his patented shtick: playing on the emotional appeal of women who were having trouble conceiving. During his lectures, he promised secular women in the audience that if they agreed to start covering their hair, they would eventually conceive. The cultish, pagan spectacle of choosing this one obligation above all else, and using it as a fertility rite in a public forum, screams of distortions of Jewish thought, and presents a disturbingly immodest scene. This particular guru remains popular today. Such an individual is a symptom of an ignorant age, where Torah is plagued with superstition. In a learned society, such a man would be exposed, despite the trappings of his garb and “simanim” which add to the supposed authenticity.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi is the latest “wonder rabbi” on the magical kiruv circuit, and his popular videos inundate the internet. Like all Jewish gurus, he specializes in glib, general statements pertaining to some of the most intricate concepts in Judaism. Mizrachi believes that he knows it all, and he presents complicated issues to simple-minded people as if they were aleph bet. He focuses on controversial, halachically problematic ideas, such as the popular distorted perception of Kabbalah as magic, the purported actions of alleged kabbalists, belief in reincarnation, etc.  Gilgul is particularly critical in his magical world-view, since it forms the spine of his approach to s’char v’onesh. He is popular in chareidi Sephardi circles, but has broad based support among English speaking Ashkenazim in the frum world. 

More importantly, his teachings are reprehensible. It is not just about the recent outcry over his obscene holocaust statements, where he reported that the Nazis murdered fewer than one million halachic Jews. A diligent study of his career shows a history of dangerous teachings, which should have made him a pariah long ago. He has earned our unrelenting ire.

In the first video of  his that I ever subjected myself to, he was lecturing the audience about a supposed critical issue in Judaism, the concept of gilgul, better known as reincarnation, which appears nowhere in Tanach, Talmud, or Midrash, yet the superstitious treat it as a fundamental belief. His arrogance was apparent when he denigrated those who quote Saadya Gaon as a proof against the belief, since Rasag rejected the idea as stupidity in his classic treatise, “Beliefs and Opinions”. What was even more frightening was Mizrachi’s supposed proof for the existence of gilgul. He cited an example of an innocent baby dying, and saw this as proof of gilgul, since G-d’s justice would never allow such a thing.  The sheer arrogance of someone who creates a ridiculous “proof” to explain the age-old question of tsaddik v’ra lo which the greatest gaonim, rishonim, and acharonim could not answer. Somehow, Mizrachi discovered an answer to this greatest of perplexities by resorting to gilgul, which very likely was taken from pagan culture! It seems unlikely that Saadya Gaon would have been unaware of the concept if it existed or was fundamental to Jewish belief. To suggest otherwise is an absurdity.

Most people are aware of the recent outcry, when video footage surfaced where Mizrachi questioned the fact that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust, and asserted that fewer than 1 million Jews were murdered. Not only did he disgrace the legacy of 6 ½ million kedoshim murdered by Amalek, in doing so, he empowered the holocaust deniers of the world with evidence of a “rabbi’s” holocaust denial. His foolish estimate was based on his distorted, non-scholarly unfounded estimates of assimilation in Europe which he surmised meant that most of the 6 million would not have ben halachically Jewish. No academic study, no documentation has ever claimed likewise. No normal Jew, religious or otherwise would ever utter such perversity. To engage with this non-scholar would be akin to arguing with the holocaust denying David Irving.

How to Recognize a Guru
There are signs to identify a “guru.”
  • The existence of a cult following comprised of the unlearned, and the psychologically troubled who know little if anything of Torah.
  • The complex network enabling the mass distribution and marketing of the guru’s lectures in the form of videos, audio. Websites featuring an impossible number of lectures expose the guru’s unrelenting speaking tours to disseminate his message.
  • The guru’s lectures invariably focus on questionable problematic notions that have become popular in Judaism, such as gilgul (reincarnation), magical segulos, demons, etc. The guru shares childish notions about complex Jewish subjects and makes outrageous generalizations that have no basic in Torah thought.
  • Beneath the veneer of the sacred, one notices an obsession with sexuality, and one hears crude statements that no genuine man of Torah would utter. Many of these self-appointed prophets of morality in "the Torah camp" are obsessed with sex. The irony is that in their pursuit of the sacred, their sexual obsession exposes a sex-preoccupied personality. The most private issues and human challenges are delivered with frankness and simplicity that are undignified. Things best discussed with one's rabbi or religious mentor are thrown in our faces, in all their crudeness. It begs the question: Who are the perverts?
  • The guru often displays a callous nature, and makes sweeping generalizations, which purport to understand all nuances of Divine justice. The sins (real or imagined) of the secular are emphasized, whereas outrages that occur in frum society (of which there are no dearth of) are ignored.
Mizrachi meets many of these criteria. One hears the frequent claims of his mass kiruv efforts to justify his legitimacy; claims which fall deaf on my ears. Kiruv? If a thousand pogo-ing mantra-spouting nutcases claim that a certain individual turned them into baalei teshuvah, I consider them AS religious as any group of inmates in an asylum. A kipah is hardly indicative of frumkeit. The same pertains to their teacher. This is not Jewish outreach. This is simply another version of being “off the derech.”

These gurus are a symptom of a sick age, where people are so detached from torah that they will latch onto anything. Magic men wear the cloak of Torah, but they are detached from chochmah. Moreover, their obsession with superstition show that they are as influenced by goyish culture as those they ridicule.

Mizrachis videos are a treasure chest of filth, including such outrageous statements as the following. Fortunately, many people are downloading and saving these videos, before they are removed from the internet. One could spend years dissecting the filth, but some of the more repugnant ones include the following:

  • His now infamous claim that the Nazis (yemach shmo) murdered fewer than 1 million halachic Jews.
  • His comparing “non-virgin women” to an opened bottle of coke. What Rabbi speaks this way?
  • His disgraceful claim that Down syndrome children as well as those with autism are reincarnated spirits receiving punishment for a previous life.
  • His perverse claim that religious woman hid their nakedness moments before the Nazis sent them to the furnaces, whereas the irreligious were immodest in the moment before their extermination. (When I saw this video, I nearly lost my mind.) What sick mind could see these terrible photos and even contemplate, let alone articulate, such a lunatic theory?  When I saw this footage, it crystalized for me the need to write an article.
Aseh l’chah rav. Chazal maintained that any reasonably intelligent, rational person with some knowledge of Torah had the ability to choose for himself a proper Rav. One who epitomizes Torah and chesed. The diligent Jew should ensure that they have a proper teacher of torah rather than a showman pop star who appeals to simpletons. Moreover, if one’s rabbi is obsessed with sex, sheidim, reincarnated spirits, or the supposed immodesty of Jewish korbanot ready to be gassed to death, find another rabbi. If the first thing your chosen rav finds imperative to articulate to the secular is not the knowledge of Hashem, ahavat yisroel, or chesed, but rather a hair covering (whose side benefit magically assists infertile women!) something is wrong with him. Any goyish shaman can do likewise with the same degree of success. The placebo effect works the same for all pagans. 

In the case of Mizrachi, thanks to YouTube, Facebook, and the general popularity of social media, his perverse teachings will outlast all of us. The essence of Chillul Hashem personified; since his lectures are now eternally archived in MP4 format. There is no way to undo his damage, save for an unrelenting campaign to expose him and others who share similar beliefs. 

In closing, I post one final video, which I just watched today. Outrageous and unbelievable. I watched the video from a Facebook page called “Exposing “Rabbi” Yosef Mizrachi.” Several of the links above connect to the corresponding YouTube channel. In this particular video, Mizrachi states that “secular” Israeli soldiers who die in combat have no share in the world to come. Moreover, he cites halachically prohibited séances as a proof! Evidently, he is unaware of the Halacha that a Jew who is murdered for being a Jew dies Al Kiddush Hashem. Not to mention that one who dies protecting Jews (even for a flawed army run by men who are far from Torah) is engaged in one of the greatest mitzvoth. The Chazon Ish stated clearly that most of the unaffiliated Jews of our times clearly fall under the category of “captured babies” rather than willful sinners. Yet Mizrachi in his arrogant hatred sees fit to damn them all to his goyish notion of hell. 

I have a message for Mizrachi’s apologists who insist that his words were taken out of context. There is no context to justify his pernicious views. His teachings are sick, and they expose a damaged soul. Those who defend such a man, whether overtly, or with the “devil’s advocate” method of apologetics and the undeserved “benefit of the doubt” say much about themselves. Let them do their research, and it will become evident that he really is THAT bad. In fact, he is worse. The fact that I need to write these things is perhaps the most tragic thing of all.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dhimmi Netanyahu

Originally featured in The Jewish PressDhimmi Netanyahu

“We saw the Nephilim there-the Anakites are part of the Nephilim- and we looked like grasshoppers to ourselves, and so we must have looked to them.” (Numbers 13:33) JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh

I didn't make aliyah to become a grasshopper or to live in a society of Jewish grasshoppers. I see no such reflection when I peer in the mirror. Baruch Hashem, I don't suffer from this complex which plagued too many Jews throughout history. But I can't speak for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, since his actions suggest that he very well may see this winged creature whenever he looks at his visage. How else can we explain the incomprehensible fact of a prime minister placing the status of the dhimmi upon his own people?

Nothing ever changes in Israel. Wars are always fought, or not fought, in the same impotent manner. And so it shouldn't surprise us that Netanyahu debased himself (yet again) before the make-belief “king” of Jordan, by maintaining the degrading status quo on the Temple Mount which prohibits Jews from praying. This insanity began long ago during the Six Day War, when Moshe Dayan returned a Divine gift by refusing to destroy the Dome of the Rock, Al Aqsa, and all vestiges of Islam's sovereignty. To compound his sin, Dayan gave the mufti custody of the Mount. His shameful act became Israel's de facto national policy on Har Habayit. We won the war;the mufti retained control of our sacred site. Today, the Jordanian Waqf reigns supreme. And Israel continues to take marching orders from Jordan. Even in the midst of the latest intifada for which Jordan blames Israel, Netanyahu had the audacity to utter the following:

“We respect the importance of the special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, as reflected in the 1994 peace treaty between Jordan and Israel, and the historical role of King Abdullah II.

Israel will continue to enforce its longstanding policy: Muslims pray on the Temple Mount; non-Muslims visit the Temple Mount.”

We? Speak for yourself Bibi. No self-respecting Jew believes this garbage. A rudimentary look at history reveals what the “moderate” Jordanians did to our synagogues and cemeteries when they occupied Jerusalem. Stables. Latrines. They defiled our holy places, and debased our resting places.

How tragically ironic, that while it may be unsafe to do so, Jews can legally pray in the streets of Germany, Spain, or France. Wherever Jews legally reside, they are permitted to pray. Ironically, it is only in Israel that there are restrictions on Jewish prayer.

On Judaism's most sacred site where two Jewish Temples stood, the state of Israel forbids Jewish prayer. Ishmalite enemies caterwaul to their blood deity. They shout at Jews, harass them, spit and beat upon them, yet  the Jew cannot pray or even make a blessing on a cup of water.  The Arabs destroy precious artifacts from atop the Mount, in a crude attempt to remove any vestige of Jewish identity. They can hurl stones on the heads of the groveling Jews below who are satisfied with retaining Herod's retaining wall. Sometimes, Arabs even spill acid on the heads of Jews, another horror which the media never reports.

Jewish Prayer

I want to emphasize that I am speaking solely of the right of Jewish prayer, since halacha cannot permit christian prayer on The Temple Mount. The oft distorted argument by certain activists (who crave interfaith alliances) that the Temple will be “a house of prayer for all nations” speaks of righteous gentiles worshiping the One True Creator. We only lose, if in order to defeat the Arab predators, we compromise basic halachic tenets on the altar of a false hashkafa. The halacha is clear in permitting righteous gentiles access within the Torah framework. Nothing more needs to be said.

As far as  those timid sorts, rabbis and laity, who try to solidify their preferred halachic position by noting that Jews who go up incite Arabs, these frightened nebs need to leave the shtetl. If they oppose ascending the Mount on halachic grounds then they should argue their position solely within that context. Unless of course they follow a Satmar-esque philosophy, in which they should be inellectually honest and refrain from even visiting Israel until the Moshiach arrives riding atop a griffin vulture. In Judaism, we don't rely on miracles. So if the state per-say is a sin, one who visits Israel relies on the security of the IDF.

Without belaboring the point, there are legitimate halachic positions which permit a person to ascend and visit certain areas. Naturally, since most people are not expert on such matters they require the aid of a learned man. All sides need to respect the halacha. And the oft mentioned argument that we are speaking of matters of karet is a false one. No one would argue that one Rav may render a different p'sak than another on a given question pertaining to the laws of niddah (ritual purity). Also an issue of karet (an act punishable by spiritual excision), and yet two equally respected men of Torah may arrive at two different conclusions. “Elu V'elu.....”

Bibi The Dhimmi

Jews always lived as dhimmis under Islam. It wasn't pleasant. The myth of Jews living well in Muslim countries is a liberal fairy tale. Yet these same lovers of fantasy cannot explain why nearly a  million Jews from Muslim/Arab countries fled their places of birth, to migrate to Israel. The reason is simple: it sucked to live with these people. Even the “good times” were terrible. Many scholars have exposed the reality of being a dhimmi. At the end of the day, Jews and other dhimmis faced daily debasement. Violence. Theft. Murder. Sexual assault. Over-taxation. Injustice. A life of shame and debasement.

And there was no recourse for justice, since a dhimmi's word was useless against a Muslim's.
The dhimmitude continues today in Israel. In the sovereign state of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu placed the yoke of the dhimmi on our necks. All in the name of maintaining the unacceptable statu quo toward the same Islamic Amalekites who defiled our synagogues and graveyards when Jerusalem was under Jordanian occupation.

After this latest disgraceful display of Jewish weakness, how can any Jew with a vertebrae still support Netanyahu? After two thousand years of being grasshoppers, how can the leader of modern state of Israel debase himself time and time again in the manner of the original meraglim?
Today we live as dhimmis in Israel. Not only will the country not protect us adequately, they deny us the right to defend ourselves. Draconian gun laws permit only elitists to arm themselves. The rest of us are entitled to pepper spray; not to use it mind you. We are told that we cannot carry flags in some areas. We cannot drive in other areas, lest Fatah gun us down. We cannot legally vote for a candidate who wants to throw Arabs out. And we cannot pray atop Har Habayit. Self-debasement is the spine of our countries superstructure.

Those who ascend Har Habayit halachically generally do so with dignity. By merely ascending, they strengthen our ownership. The important thing is not to ascend as a dhimmi. There are opportunities to elevate the kiddush Hashem in some capacity. An added display of Jewish strength. Remember: silence is not golden atop Har Habayit. Any opportunity to recite a Jewish prayer: a blessing over a glass of water, or something else, is an opportunity to contest Bibi's status quo on the greatest stage. And lest we forget, there will now be video cameras. How ironic that an unacceptable concession to antisemites can now become a magnificent tool to publicize Kiddush Hashem.

The time for Kiddush Hashem is now.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Real Lynching

A version of this article was featured in The Jewish Press on October 22, 2015:

There was another terror attack the other day. Another Jewish soldier, Sergeant Omri Levy (may G-d avenge his blood!) was killed by an Arab. A Bedouin Arab, one of Israel's supposed “good” Arabs murdered a Jewish soldier, Sergeant Omri Levi (may G-d avenge his blood!) and wounded several others before being put down by police. (It's time to put the terribly popular myth of good Bedouins to rest. See “The Looming Bedouin Intifada”.) And lest Jews start feeling good about the security of their particular section of the country, this attack occurred in the central bus station of Beersheba. A place many believe too remote and unimportant to be affected by urban Arab terror. In truth, there are no safe places in a country where angry Arabs have access to knives, cars, stones, and guns. They have the weapons and they have the intent.

Another Blood Libel: Allegations of a “Lynching”
The hallmark of too many liberals today on both sides of the Atlantic is that they seize any tragedy to exploit it. During the terror attack, there was another tragedy. During the chaos, police shot an Eritrean man, mistakenly believing him to be a terrorist, and in the aftermath, a crowd of angry Jews beat him. After the man eventually succumbed to his wounds, the Israeli Press smelled blood.

Jew-haters never miss an opportunity to demonize us, either with pornographic Arab allegations of organ harvesting and blood drinking, or the more cleverly crafted western libels who commit the same sin, but with the polish of pseudo-journalism. A rudimentary perusal of the most recent blood libel against Jews and Israel reveals a terrible horror, which one necessarily expects in Israel. The grotesque charge of the willful lynching of a black man, propagated by the judenrats of Haaretz, Ynet, and other perverse publications. The anti-Semitic non-Jewish papers naturally ran with it, noting that “many Israelis are referring to it as a lynching.” The same judenrats who make careers out of demonizing “settlers” while sanitizing terrorists, these same reprehensible types were the first to throw Jews into the fire. And once it was out there, the Jew-haters fed.

The shrill voices. The cacophony of blood libels and charges of racism. And then we heard the word. Lynching. Another thing entirely. Lynching. A word which conjures up those terrible silent black and white images of hundreds of thousands of blacks lynched by lawless white mobs during and after reconstruction in America's south. The murder and maiming of innocents who often committed no crime at all. In this case as the libel went, the alleged lynching had something to do with this man's skin color. Imagine how sick a person would have to be to associate this as the cause, and not a situation where a terrorist started stabbing people. This was an obvious error, but it didn't matter. The Israeli media already had their story. “Black man lynched to death by irate Jews.”

Yet in this instance, as in so many others, the murder of a Jew by a Bedouin assassin was the second story. On the first stage, the journalists of Haaretz, Ynet, and numerous other rags which often mirror the perverseness of Der Sturmer (but without the pictures), performed a secular Passion Play for the eager audiences of the world.

While the assumption that the beating MIGHT have contributed to his death is in theory a reasonable one, the deliberate mischaracterization of the incident as one of racism and willful malice is not. Here's the latest news. There is now forensic evidence that the initial shooting was the cause of death. So much for the forensic experts of Haaretz: Read the full “The Jewish Press” article here.

Critical Point #1: This was an unfortunate accident to be sure, but it was an accident nonetheless. Unlike our pathetic Prime Minister eagerly jumped on the bandwagon to attack “vigilantism” I'm not going to condemn the actions of a crowd burning with righteous indignation and the desire to destroy a wounded Arab terrorist on the floor. If Israel had sanity, the police and military would shoot all wounded terrorists with three slugs in the head as standard protocol. In my personal opinion, in the the absence of such sane measures to deal with Arab Nazis, I am all for the police stepping back and allowing a Jewish mob to destroy a wounded Amalekite. The intention of the crowd was to kill a terrorist. In this case, a wounded man shot by police was viewed by the crowd as a terrorist to be terminated. This doesn't detract from the tragedy of an innocent man being killed. Terrible mistakes happen when the sky starts to fall. The most trained security forces in the world often make such mistakes.

Lynching? Lynching implies malice. Racism. Hatred. There are indeed lynchings in Israel, practically every day now. Lynchings of Jews by Arabs who tear Jews limb from limb and rip out their vitals. Never forget the lynching of two Jewish reservists by ordinary Palestinians and police officers in Ramallah some years back. The daily stabbings, stonings, riots, shootings, and the ever popular Arab sport of running Jews over with the family car. These are all lynchings. A Jew in East Jerusalem can be lynched if he makes one wrong turn with his car.

There are lynchings in Israel. Lynchings of babies, and women , and fathers, infants still nursing, tiny children. No Jew is safe from the Arab hatchet. And in addition to the physical lynchings, Israel gets hammered again by the world, the Jew hating pundits, politicians, and populations who see the modern state of Israel as a Jewish cabal of murder and malice. Of course the worst arrows are the ones shot from within the vamp, bu those who insist in shooting other Jews in the back. If Haaretz will write it, The Guardian will certainly print it. The enemy within is always the worst. In the interest of full disclosure, Arutz Sheva even erred in jumping on the phrase and including it's usage in their articles. Shame on them.

The lynchings in Israel happen every damn day. Jewish blood is cheaper than water, and even in the rainy seasons, Jewish blood flows more copiously. And after all these lynchings Israel gets it again on the international stage. The greatest crime of all, is that the pervayors of this filth come from within our own tribe.

What a crazy people we are. Arabs kill Jews because Jews lack the fortitude and wisdom to throw them out. Terror persists because the government refuses to protect the people. And when an angry Jewish mob, sick of being killed in their own country, react as any normal group would be when faced with a captured murderer, the self-haters of Israel turn the story on its head and exploit a tragedy, to argue that it was a willful malevolent example of racist violence. Of course, these are the same ivory tower types who defend the mass infiltration of illegal aliens from Africa. As they see it, why not accuse Jews of lynching if it opens the doors for the Sudanese and Eritreans?

If Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't like civil unrest, let him do his job and protect Jewish lives. In the absence of that, he should silence himself and refrain from attacking the few normal people who react with righteous indignation and zeal when Jews are killed.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Savages With Knives

Two Nazis.
I cringe when I check the news. Nightmarish expectations of more Jewish tragedies. Every day another stabbing, another maiming, as another depraved mind-rotted soulless Arab plunges a knife into a Jewish throat, neck, kidney, abdomen. Another Amalekite who decided that today was the day to murder a Jew, be it a baby, or a baby's two parents. Videos and pictures. Today, the horror is captured and frozen in time. Jewish blood on the streets of Jerusalem.

I'm sick of dead Jews; I'm sick of these accursed Arabs, yemach shmam v'zichram. And I'm sick of those who respond to Arab terror with the mercy of fools. The Arabs are everywhere, and they hate Jews. Get this through your heads, fellow Jews. Stop this asinine hasbara, the need to search for the token decent Arabs out there, and the perplexing need to post it on Facebook. Such an endeavor would be akin to a Jew looking for good Germans and celebrating their names during the midst of the Holocaust. We are at war with a genocidal enemy, every bit as evil as the Nazis. Nietzsche was wrong. You must become a monster to defeat monsters. A monster with an off-switch, for when the monster is slain. But a monster. Every great Jewish leader from Samson to Bar Kochba understood this concept.

Call it what you will. Arab riots. Pogroms. Intifada. At the end of the day, it's an orgy of Arab blood-lust to murder Jews. In truth, the shocking number of Arabs stabbing Jews is merely an extension of their eternal jihad to murder the Jewish dhimmi. To butcher us in our sleep, and stab us in our streets. And the response of Israeli's government, headed by the ever shrinking Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is predictable as well. To call is weak, is insulting to the weak. It is a disgrace. We live in a Jewish country with leaders who refuse to destroy the Arab enemy, or allow her citizens to protect themselves. A stain on their heads.

There are no political solutions, save for the un-PC Torah solution. Politicians and pundits from when modern Zionism first planted roots toyed with all sorts of ideas relating to the Arab problem. All of them, even the most right-wing solutions, were doomed to fail. The Torah predicts that the enemy that is not destroyed, or at the very least, thrown out of the county will forever be a thorn damaging our eyes.

Throwing them the hell out of the country, transfer. The policy one always associates with Rabbi Meir Kahane (may G-d avenge his blood!), yet Rabbi Kahane's idea was not novel. It was the halacha. The novelty was that he was the lone prominent individual ready to state the halacha, political correctness be damned. There are no other solutions. Rabbi Kahane's timeless work “They Must Go!” is essential reading during these black times. The words of a prophet.

Jewish citizens of Israel are forbidden by our Bolshevik government from protecting ourselves. The Arabs take to the streets with knives, the Jew has a can of pepper spray. The mayor of Jerusalem, the Rambo wannabe who takes photo-ops with his gun but cannot protect the Jews of Jerusalem's most dangerous neighborhoods, is an elitist fraud. He knows damn well that Israel's draconian gun laws prevent most responsible Jews from obtaining a gun license. And so his recent call for licensed gun owners exposes the mentality of too many Israelis. Only the privileged and the connected have the right to a gun license. In America those with licenses carry their guns everyday. The fact that people need to be told to carry their weapon is part of the problem. Those with guns should respect the responsibility they have. If you have a license, carry your weapon every day!

Those pandering politicians who speak of deporting terrorists, of fining their parents, of destroying their homes have no business representing the people. Impotent useless policies. Those who speak of terminating citizenship have no concept of dignity and self-respect. They have no business showing up at Jewish funerals. They have a hand in the shedding of this blood. Alas, we live in a country where terrorists are treated in Israeli hospitals. If you or I stomped on the skull of a wounded terrorist we would be imprisoned for years, possibly life. Jew killers are briefly imprisoned and then released the following Ramadan with 499 of their Hamas/Fatah buddies all for the price of a Jewish femur. The cycle of life and death in Israel.

More dead Jews, and not just in Jerusalem. Tel Aviv. Other regions. No place is safe. Another attack this evening, this time in Beersheva. The Arabs are everywhere. In order to protect Jewish lives they cannot be anywhere. As I've stated before, it is time to learn a lesson from our wise matriarch, who understood things that even Abraham struggled with. Ishmael cannot exist with Isaac because Ishmael cannot coexist with anyone.

The Arabian desert-- the Gobi desert for all I care-- send them to the moon; It's time to get rid of them.

Featured in "The Jewish Press" on October 19, 2015: