Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Ryan Bellerose. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Ryan Bellerose. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Hasbara or Halacha?

"Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; my hand upon it! he shall not be unpunished." (Proverbs 16:5)

Enemy of Torah
When a Jew with a vested interest in the Jewish people reflects on the Israeli Rabbinate, and civilly discusses contemporary problems, it is one thing. When an obnoxious, ignorant and arrogant gentile opines on issues of Torah and Halacha and denigrates Torah institutions, that is an entirely different matter. Here are some recent comments that Bnai Brith Canada’s gentile Advocacy Coordinator, Ryan Mervin Bellerose, had to say about the Israeli Rabbinate. Regardless of one’s positions on this issue, any sensitive, caring, self-respecting Jew should be appalled at this vulgarian’s disrespect for Halacha. In response to a gentile Israeli’s complaint that the Rabbinate doesn’t consider her Jewish (her father is Jewish), Bellerose spewed forth the following filth. Ironically, if someone other than their token fake-Indian said such crude things about the Israeli Rabbinate, the Bnai Brith would scream "anti-semitism!":
  • The rabbinate can go piss up a rope, you are as Jewish as anyone I know.
  • the rabbinate is corrupt and doesn't follow Torah values the way I have come to understand them from speaking with a lot of Jewish people, they are more concerned with worldly power than actually making Jewish life better.
  • I don't believe the rabbinate has more Torah wisdom than most Israelis I know.
The nerve of this ignoramus to lecture Jews on Halacha and identity. The fact that this woman is not Jewish is basic, normative Halacha, that has been codified from time immemorial. Matriarchal definition as a necessity for halachic staus as a Jew has NOTHING to do with the Rabbinate and everything to do with Torah.

 Ryan Bellerose works for Bnai Brith Canada. What do they make of this issue? Do they have a problem with Bellerose telling the Israeli Rabbinate to take a piss up a ropeContact them and demand that they terminate this clown’s employment from their joke of an organization. What about Hasbara outlets such as StandWithUsIsraellyCool, and Israel National News? Are they going to continue giving this crude fool a forum for his filth? Contact them and demand that they cut all ties with this horrible person or suffer the consequence of ignoring him.

And what about all those "new peace activists" who share one version ore another of Ryan's fixation on the nonsensical "indigenous rights" argument? People like Yehudah Hakohen of LAVI and Alternative Action? Are they going to give Bellerose a pass? Their beloved Rav Kook (of blessed memory) was part of the Rabbinate. And Ryan the arrogant gentile just spat upon Torah and Halacha and the institution of Rabbanim. And for this alone, this repugnant man-child needs to be shown the door. The time is long over-due.

Ryan is no Jew. He has nothing to say on Jewish matters or identity. Her should try to figure out who the hell he is himself. With such disrespect for Torah and Jews, he is proving once again that he isn't even a decent gentile. Just a loud-mouthed, angry, man-child who doesn't even speak on behalf of his own people.

#Who's IndigenousCertainlyNotRyan

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Who's Indigenous? Certainly Not Ryan!

I have a simple question. In this season of superior repentance, how can we as Jews undertake authentic collective teshuva as a nation and return to Torah values, when so many Jews have screwed up notions about their own identity? This pathetic tendency is best illustrated with the never-ending campaign of clueless Jewish organizations who recruit gentile hasbara tokens to speak on our behalf. And invariably, they pick the most self-serving, ignorant, career hasbara, parrots, who feed like gluttonous pigs on the swollen teat of Jewish stupidity. Bnai Brith token Ryan "Mervin" Bellerose is Exhibit A of this pathetic phenomenon.

Hence, the current Jewish preoccupation with asinine claims of "indigeneity", a claim which has much in common with phrenology. Plenty of dolts may see truth in pseudoscience, but delusions are the dreams of the deranged. No thinking person gives a damn about Indigenous assertions. Despite the popularity of the hasbara machine's use of "indigenous rights" to justify our Jewish claim to Israel, the naked truth is that we Jews are not indigenous to Eretz Yisrael. Because indigenous is a made-up term for liberal sociologists to quibble over. 

And yet Israel still exclusively belongs to us. For one reason: because G-d gave it to us. Flora and fauna may be indigenous, but people migrate, conquer, and settle. They fight wars of conquest and the losers disappear in one form or another. Take the Indians for example who migrated from their "indigenous" Siberia to North America, where they butchered, maimed, and displaced one another long before the white man ever spotted the continent from the sea. 

Ryan in classic form, opining on all matters of Jewish history and identity.
From a Torah perspective, we Jews have Divine rights. We arrived and conquered the Canaanites. We could have done a better job. But the archaeological record confirms biblical accounts. Tel Chatzor is evidence of Joshua's total destruction of that Canaanite stronghold. But hasbara shill Bellerose needs to ignore the Torah and history, or he might have to get a real job. His hatred for those who disagree with him somehow disappears when he argues with say a Yehuda Hakohen who considers Arabs AND Jews to be indigenous to the region. One could logically argue that Hakohen's interpretation should pose a greater threat to Ryan's argument since Hakohen's application of the term threatens his own interpretation, and Hakohen's theory would render Ryan's irrelevant. But Bellerose is a petty man, and he makes his living from this made-up term. Why fight someone who believes in the term, when he can attack those of us who discredit the whole concept? Here we see how personal gain and arrogance trump the truth.

And so, when faux-Native American "indigenous rights activist" Bellerose was questioned a short while ago about his promised book on indigenous rights, for which he raised over 21,000 dollars with a "GoFundMe" account, he responded by sharing the following sampling on his Facebook wall. Complete garbage. I was surprised that he had the chutzpah to submit such a poorly written piece as an example of a chapter.
While I frequently get under Ryan's skin and force him to resort to defamation when I obliterate his nonsensical beliefs, I was not the party he references. I would have never recommended that he submit something as proof, since I knew he could easily put together some foolishness under the pretext of it "still being in the editing phase". Prepare yourself for a cloying example of a buffoon's arrogant drivel. Neither witty nor wise, but here it is:
Ryan: Someone has been posting defamatory statements accusing me of being a "con man" asking where the book is that I have been writing and inferring that I am not writing at all.
I have been writing and the book is in first edit, I reworked some of it. I have posted excerpts before but here is a sample chapter. It hasnt passed first edit so forgive any typos and its not finished obvs
Chapter #
“There is no point in talking about shit that doesn’t matter, it’s boring and nobody cares, when you do that, you lose your audience.”- Merv
There is a school of advocacy that is extremely counterintuitive to me, basically its based on poker, where you never expose your hand so to speak. Never talk about the key issue because you might alienate some of your audience just by making the assumption that the key issue is important.
Several mainstream organisations that were doing pro israel work actually taught young advocates to avoid talking about the “settlements” because in their words “ you shouldn’t defend the undefendable.” that defeatist attitude permeated their advocacy and the adversaries not only noticed it, they attacked it. If there is one thing that I have learned in my sojourns on the interwebs its that the asshats smell inconsistency and indecision like a shark smells blood, if you act like you have something to hide, they will find it. The proper way to attack any argument is not to be spineless and apologetic but to go on the attack. If all the other side wants to talk about is the “settlements” you better be able to defend them with all your heart, because thats the hill they are choosing and you better not die on it! This is what leftwing pro Israel advocates havent figured out yet. All the flowery arguments fail if you cant defend the most basic thing, a Jews right to live in peace in his ancestral homeland. I am sure you have seen these guys ina debate, they are the ones who when asked a question, try to reframe it in an obvious way and the audience sees that and immediately thinks they are avoiding the question because they have no rebuttal. I advocate something much different, its call being unapologetic. Why should you be ashamed to be defending one of the most basic rights of indigenous people? The right to self determination on our ancestral lands? The main reason I am writing this book is that there is way too much apologetic bullshit coming form our side. “ yes the settlements are bad but israel makes cherry tomoatoes” argumentation that literally makes our side look like a bunch of people with aspergers.
The other side never admits any culpability so they dont even have to worry about looking apologetic. Our side is constantly “meeting them partway” but there is no quid pro quo.This is something the other side has done much better than our side, and its actually kind of funny because they don’t even have the advantage of having the truth on their side. They BELIEVE their side is right and They actually have to really believe in what they argue because its so rife with mental gymnastics that any honest questioning of their narrative at all leads to the realisation that their entire side is based on a foundation of bullshit. If you watch them, they tend to argue by rote, literally by the numbers. The best way to beat someone like that is to remain calm and press their buttons. They will invariably lose their cool and say something stupid, that’s when you press the attack and start throwing facts at them. If you do it before then, they might actually try to refute them, if you wait till they are losing it, they will almost always descend to insults and even if they do not, their anger makes them sound like they are weak.
I often use humour to destroy their points but if thats not your strong suit its ok, but know this, there is nothing more destructive to an overwrought emotional dramatic argument than a witty one liner. It is something I have become known for.
To understand why they work,Its important to understand a few things about the actual argumentation, the patterns they use, the tricks they try to get you off your game, and the basic phases and statements they tend to overuse. Once you understand that, you will find that the one liners come easy.
They ALWAYS go on the attack, they do this because they know they cannot defend the arabs human rights records, or the fact that the PLO and Hamas are actually terrorist groups. They cannot defend the human rights abuses or the outright child abuse and animal abuse endemic in arab society in the levant, so instead they will start off with what I call the “baffle them with bullshit” technique, basically they will introduce several antisemitic or anti Israel tropes into their opening as possible, knowing that you cannot refute every single one without sounding pendantic or overbearing. I will pick the most egregious one and refute that one THOROUGHLY, and while making sure to say “ there are too many lies for me to refute every single one so I picked the worst one.” now the moderator might say “please feel free to refute them” in which case you destroy each one, but if he doesn’t, then you still introduce doubt to anyone listening/watching.
Now instead of just refuting their points you MUST immediately go on the attack, depending on their statement you will have a few options. My favourite one is to question their most common and bombastic claims.
Ie “israel is an apartheid state” the immediate response is not to say “ no its not.” say “ Ok if you make that claim, an apartheid state is one that has two seperate laws for two seperate people in the same nation state, can you please tell me 3 laws that make israel an apartheid state?.” now you just showed the audience that you know what the real definition of apartheid is, while asking them to back up a claim that cannot be backed up.
“Israel is illegal under international law!” really? Can you please quote those laws because actually under UN resolution 242, israel is absolutely a legal and valid state as determined by the league of nations at san remo and reinforced by the Un with resolution 242, so which laws exactly are you quoting?
I will go into detail in a later chapter with the standard arguments and some good responses but I hope you see the difference between responding aggressively and just being defensive.
One thing I like to lead with is something I use when my opponent uses the “rising voice” trick. I am sure you have all seen it, its when someone starts off speaking quietly and slowly raises their voice, until at the denoument, they are literally yelling. Its a way to engage people emotionally and a historical figure who used it to great effect was someone all Jews should know about. Adolf Hitler. If you watch his speeches, he always starts off calm, but works himself up into a froth, repeating key statements and slowly getting louder and louder until he is yelling. He used flourishing hand motions and table pounding for emphasis as well. Many arab orators use this technique as well. Funny that.
So when my opponent uses it, I always refer to them being from the “adolf hitler school of public speaking” almost every time several people will recognise it and laugh. I sometimes even mock them with a short impersonation to show how facile and transparent that technique is to anyone who is paying attention.
Also think of a good argument as fishing, you cant just drop a line and grab the fish, you gotta bait the hook, you gotta set the hook and then you reel it in carefully. I think the bait is that they think you wont refute their bullshit, the hook is the mistake they invariably make with making an untrue statement and the reeling in, is you making damn sure that everyone listening can see the lie. Because here is the thing about debates, if you tell a lie in one, and get caught, you lose. Because once people see you lie, you lose credibility. This is why you gotta be prepared, and also never say anything you do not believe. I am not talking about picking at dates or stats, if they say “in 1945” when you know it was 47 just say “47” and dont refer back to it, you made your point that you knew and they didn’t, I am talking about stuff like “ The Jews were never living there” kind of stuff, thats when you hammer home every point you know that shows they were.
I expect the apology and donation to shortly follow, you know who you are.
absolutely no regards

See what happens when you type in "hasbara clown" as a Google search 
🤡? Ryan shows up, along with an anti-Semitic "Pennywise" meme, Elizabeth Warren, Kay Wilson and even notorious missionary Dumisani Washington. Both alongside Bellerose!

Portrait of a bottom-feeding, halacha denigrating, white-hating bigot. The mascot for the "Oppression Olympics", a foolish social justice term that Ryan dishonestly takes credit for coining. 

It is no wonder that Ryan "works" for Bnai Brith Canada. As an angry white liberal who decided to go native in middle age, he is the by-product of a certain degree of privilege which he now feels guilty about and rejects. With his petulant contrived sense of righteousness. Ryan exposes that he is every bit the social justice complaining cream-puff that he rails against. Yet all of this should be irrelevant to Jews, since such a person has nothing to say to Jews about anything. Not about Torah. Not about Israel. And not about identity. Ryan is irrelevant to Native-Americans. He doesn't speak for the Metis in Canada, or any indigenous people anywhere. So what does he have to say to us Jews? Jews should learn from the Indians and Metis. They ignore Ryan Bellerose and so should we.

Let the Master of Ceremonies of the Oppression Olympics continue to do his thing. He has a Facebook page, a handful of accounts, which provide him a forum for an irrational echo-chamber. Thinking Jews see through his ruse. Oppression Olympics? Thy Name Is Mervin.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Where's The Book, Ryan?

Another message for Ryan Mervin Bellerose:

The million dollar question. Ryan, when is that book on "Jewish Indigenous Rights" scheduled to be published? No one is getting any younger, and the clamor is getting stronger. Aging and dead celebrities are even getting involved. I myself am growing impatient, even though I will be forced to read and destroy whatever nonsense you put down in print. Fortunately you promised me a free copy, so I won't need to resort to buying the damn thing, Heaven forbid!

Wait a minute, Ryan. Don't tell me that you haven't even written it? You raised over $21,000 on GoFundMe to write the damn thing! What have you been doing with the money?

Every person who donated a half-shekel should be banging on your door. Things are beginning to look very suspicious. Some people are already saying that you've probably been spending the money on other things. Not very kosher.

Their patience is wearing thin. The old Wendy's bubby, Woody Allen, and so many others are frustrated. You are going to have to write that book, Ryan. You do know that, don't you? After all you resorted to crowd-funding, although G-d only knows why you needed to raise money to write a book. Write a book in your spare time. Put down the Sword and Sorcery novel, get off of Facebook, and write the damn book! Had you requested a grant for your project, your benefactors would be breathing down your neck.

Ryan, you promised the world a book about "Jewish Indigenous Rights", even though you aren't Jewish, you know very little about Judaism, and your indigenous rights racket is the stuff of New Age nonsense. But you cannot evade your obligation to put out the promised book, even if it will be a work of fiction.
For some reason, you believe that you can. That people will forget. 

Or perhaps I am mistaken and you've been secretly writing it this whole time. In which case, you can give us an update on the book's progress. One last question, Ryan. Why did you set the maximum at $50,000? Did you really have the chutzpa to think that you would raise that kind of revenue, or were you thinking that you wanted to set the bar high. 

In any event, you raised a significant sum:

 $21,245 to be precise, as of the writing of this post. I intend to make sure that you write that book. This is an issue of integrity, and the "hasbarites" of the world have a right to know if they have been scammed by another one of hasbara's charlatans.

Update: I recently stumbled upon the following advertisement on Facebook. In truth, Ryan Bellerose only required $27 for his GoFundMe page (for his promised book), since this is the likely route this lazy, low-energy, slug will take. Turning his written garbage into a book of reconstituted garbage in PDF form. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Hasbara’s Mascot

Why do I dwell on the annoying personage known as Ryan Bellerose? In truth, he’s a largely unknown loser who haunts the hasbara world with multiple FB accounts. As an unemployed, college drop-out, he lacks the basic qualities which keeps him relegated to a tier-three hasbarite. But in many ways he epitomizes everything that is wrong with hasbara. And like barnacles on a ship, he represents a persisting irritation which clings to the ship, and ultimately undermines the integrity of the ship. 

He is ill qualified to speak about anything outside the realm of fantasy novels, ring dings, and online gaming. Yet as a racist, SJW, arrogant, con-man, he should never be put in any position to opine on matters relating to Jews or Israel. Ryan made a career out of being an unemployed college dropout hasbara fraud. His gimmick. Playing the role of an angry “oppressed” Indian who hates white people. His indigenous rights nonsense is about as scientific as phrenology. In truth Ryan is his own worst enemy. He spews nonsense like a broken sewer pipe. And he flip flops on issues with the tide. Plus he is as obnoxious as the day is long. And being that I cause him sleepless nights, I should continue to expose his nasty personality and continue to give him more. A cursory look at Bellerose reveals that his tentacles extend into every nasty corner of hasbara, from the eunuchs of SWU, to Kay Wilson, to missionary Dumisani Washington, to the religious enablers of missionaries in Eretz Yisrael.

So here we go. Part 1: Another look at Racist Ryan‬, who thinks he's a tough guy by going after Louis Farrakhan in 2018. As if Farrakhan just sprouted from the ground in 2018. Even the ADL goes after Farrakhan. 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Lyin' Ryan Bellerose

"Anyone who disagrees with me is an a@#hat!"
Further reflections on a bad guy on the hasbara scene today, the notorious Bnai Brith token, Ryan Mervin Bellerose. A con-man who spreads lies and eschews civil debate (do the research if you disagree) for insult, and betrays those who helped him in the past. Were he not so odious, he would be fit to ignore. But a man who raises over 21 thousand dollars on GoFundMe on the pretext of writing a book is a man who deserves the microscope. And his leftist "anti-white" routine is vulgar and racist. 

Ryan hurled lies about "The Judean Hammer" and accused us of racism. This we take very seriously. Anyone who reads anything in our platform knows that we oppose any form of racism, and we call people out on both sides of the spectrum. And we mock the soft insidious racism of the left and the multiculturalists, often using humor and sarcasm to highlight a point. But the charge of racism is projection, since Ryan always denigrates and attacks "white people". So the gloves are off with this charlatan, who is feeling the heat as never before.

MP3 File

#Who's IndigenousCertainlyNotRyan

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

"Those Black Hats? You Mean Our Fellow Jews?"

A disproportionate time is spent here on this blog focusing on what is essentially a third-tier "hasbarite", a term coined by my colleague Moshe Schwartz, to describe the phenomenon of unwholesome personalities making careers out of "defending Israel" with bad ideas and unscrupulous practises. Yet I believe it is warranted. In the case of Ryan Bellerose, we have a non-Jewish token who has attacked the Rabbinate of Israel, Torah law, and denigrated our fellow "chareidi" brothers. To put it blunt Ryan, Bellerose exposed himself as an antisemite, who has a handful of mindless Jews perpetuating his racket of profiting from people's naivete, ego, and ignorance.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

We Are Not Indigenous

Featured in "The Jewish Press"

“When G-d began to create heaven and earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

“Abram passed through the land as far as the site of Shechem, at the terebinth of Moreh. the Canaanites were then the land. The L-rd appeared to Abram and said, “I will assign this land to your offspring”. And he built an altar there to the L-rd who had appeared to him.” (Genesis 12:6-7) - JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh

When it comes to serious Jewish matters, I have zero patience for stupidity. When “hasbara” (public relation) champions celebrate nonsense to curry favor with any group of non-Jews feigning friendship, it strikes a visceral cord. The Jewish failure to act logically and behave with self-respect is an affront to Torah. We cannot defeat the Arabs if we cannot understand what it is to be Jewish, or to appreciate what our correct reason for being is based upon.

The Indigenous Rights Movement
One of the more troubling fads of late is the hasbara version of the “indigenous rights” movement, which posits that Eretz Yisrael belongs to us Jews because we are somehow indigenous to the region. (What region, you may ask? The Levant? The Fertile Crescent?) Jews did not arrive at this novel notion by themselves, since those advocating for indigenous “rights” are generally activists and leftists who hate Jews and eagerly defend Arabs as supposed victims of Jewish aggression and Zionist imperialism. To date, the majority of such groups side with the Arabs. Only recently, have we seen the phenomenon where a handful of lone individuals representing “indigenous peoples” aligned themselves with popular hasbara movements.

Contrary to the assertions of many popular online “hasbara” champions, we Jews are NOT “indigenous” to Eretz Yisrael. An honest analysis of the term (always defined by those advocating for such a concept) reveals that to the extent that a definition of “indigenous” could theoretically apply to Jews, it could surely also apply towards other groups, including Arabs.

What is indigenous? The problem with defining the term is that those who advocate for indigenous rights created the definitions. They set down the definitions as divine revelations whose tenets are infallible. They tell us what indigenous means as it relates to their personal beliefs. Many Native Americans (indeed most) who advocate for “Palestinians” will interpret it one way to include Arabs. One particular prominent pro-Israel and “indigenous rights” activist, Ryan Bellerose, a self-identified Metis from Paddle Prairie Settlement in Canada, maintains the opposite. He asserts that Jews are indigenous, while Arabs are not. In any event, in his article, “Israel Palestine: Who’s indigenous?” Ryan sets down his accepted criteria for being an indigenous people:

To begin, let us acknowledge that there is no rule that a land can have only one indigenous people; it is not a zero sum game in which one group must be considered indigenous so that therefore another is not. However, there is a very clear guideline to being an indigenous people. It is somewhat complex but can be boiled down to the checklist below, as developed by anthropologist José R. Martínez-Cobo (former special rapporteur of the Sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities for the United Nations).”
Further on, Mr. Bellerose continues:
Martinez-Cobo’s research suggests that indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing on those territories, or parts of them. They form at present non-dominant sectors of society and are determined to preserve, develop and transmit to future generations their ancestral territories, and their ethnic identity, as the basis of their continued existence as peoples, in accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal system.
This historical continuity may consist of the continuation, for an extended period reaching into the present of one or more of the following factors:
·        Occupation of ancestral lands, or at least of part of them
·        Common ancestry with the original occupants of these lands
·        Culture in general, or in specific manifestations (such as religion, living under a tribal system, membership of an indigenous community, dress, means of livelihood, lifestyle, etc.)
·        Language (whether used as the only language, as mother-tongue, as the habitual means of communication at home or in the family, or as the main, preferred, habitual, general or normal language)
·        Residence in certain parts of the country, or in certain regions of the world
·        Religion that places importance on spiritual ties to the ancestral lands
·        Blood quantum – that is, the amount of blood you carry of a specific people to identify as that people. The concept was developed by colonialists in order to eventually breed out native peoples.”

Frankly, I am not interested in this general discussion since I cannot concern myself with the issues of the “indigenous peoples” of the world. Furthermore, the pseudo-academic ramblings of some leftist sociologist who writes statements for the United Nations has no bearing on my beliefs. Nor are they relevant to Jewish concerns. From a Torah perspective, the Arabs have no rights to Eretz Yisrael, nor do any non-Jews, even among the most noble and righteous of them. Mr. Bellerose is willing to grant Arabs “rights of longstanding presence.” I am not. Because the Rambam and the classical rishonim and acharonim say differently.

Fortunately, such concepts are both irrelevant and unnecessary for Jews who follow Torah. Eretz Yisrael belongs to us Jews exclusively, for one simple reason: G-d gave it to us. From a Torah perspective, the false claims of other groups who argue likewise are irrelevant, since their ideologies arose long after G-d revealed Divine truths at Mount Sinai.

Yet the indigenous rights movement as it relates to Jews is not only foolish, it is dangerous, since even the most well intended advocates harbor un-Jewish notions far removed from Torah values. They have become spokespersons for Jewish values, when their ideas are antithetical to Torah. They would like to see indigenous rights applied to other groups in Israel, not just Jews. From the Torah perspective, this is entirely incompatible with Halacha. Whether advocating for a purely secular Israel, or a pluralistic Israel allowing equal rights to all faith communities, none of these are in accordance with Halacha.

On a more troubling note, some of these indigenous rights activists have alliances and friendships with missionary groups and prominent messianic personalities. On their trips to Israel and across the U.S., they often meet and greet these individuals, and in doing so, betray that they are not people who have our best interest at heart. They are not a monolithic entity, yet it is fair to say that these activists all have their own agendas. Many sensible Jews support their campaigns, and the dangerous claim that our right to Eretz Yisrael is, at the very least, partially due to indigenous rights.

Racial Nonsense
“Indigenous rights” is a multicultural strain of thinking that ironically many normal Jews who usually reject such notions accept without question. They accept the definitions of indigenous activists, which always remain vague enough to avoid scrutiny, and are imbued with the kinds of racist, blood-based theories that would be rejected outright if suggested by any mainstream group. Anyone who cites “blood quantum” in any context, other than to provide a blood transfusion should trouble us. Such ideas certainly have no basis in Torah. Yet in this case, since a handful of activists are willing to apply this exotic term to Jews, many hasbara types enjoy the prospect of appearing native.

Historical Difficulties
“Most writers on American Indian subjects are bothered by changing intellectual trends and fashions, which dictate new mythologies. Anglo-Americans, above all, have been troubled by guilt feelings, morality, and hypocrisy, whether direct or in reverse. Any ideology tends to obscure perspectives and reality.” (Comanches: History of A People, Fehrenbach, T.R. Preface xiv)

“Every, as the lords of the conquered Mexica admitted to Cortez, it was the way of life for men to seize new lands with shield and spear. The Amerindian world of North America was rent with ancient festering hatreds. (ibid. 25)

Consider the situation with Amerindians in North America. Contrary to the tenets of politically correct history, the notion of indigenous rights as it is often applied to them is historically problematic. Never one to take unbridled political correctness sitting down, I reject the contemporary portrayal of all “native Americans” as peaceful environmentalists. Savagery was not the sole domain of “the white man,” since long before there were white men on the continent, Native Americans butchered one another. The archeological records attest to this fact; they expelled and killed one another.

As an example, one can look at the histories of the migration of Native American whose peoples originated in Asia and migrated towards North America. Given the origins of their people, the following questions are surely reasonable:

Ø  Did such people abandon their indigenous status to their original lands when they migrated? Did they retain indigenous statuses in both regions?
Ø  What is the indigenous natures of tribes who displaced and exterminated other tribes from different regions during the many brutal campaigns of warfare that tribal people’s engaged in with other Native Americans?
Ø  In the case of American Indians who earned indigenous claims through blood and warfare towards other tribes, might Europeans who came to North America not make the same claims? Those who came later simply bested those who lacked better weapons and resources. (I state simply in the interest of theoretical discussion, without opining on nuances of the morality of the overall conflict.)

Those activists who argue for Jewish indigenous rights ignore the historical record conveyed in the Torah of indigenous “First Nation” people who fell under our sword. Non-believers may question the authenticity of the biblical account, but even a bible denier cannot reject the historical record. They were here first. Most honest Native Americans see parallels with Jews who entered “Canaan” with colonizing Europeans, who “stole land” from the Indians.

From a Jewish perspective, the notion of a blood-based identity is an affront to Judaism, which accepts the genuine convert. Our connection to Torah is based upon adherence to the law rather than imagined notion of race. In a sense, the Jewish desire to argue “indigenous rights” is a reaction formation to absurd Arab assertions that they are the descendants of Canaanites.

G-d gave us the land of Israel, despite the presence of “indigenous” peoples who were there long before us. It did not matter, since The Almighty created everything. Upon entering the land, our mandate was clear. Clean the land of the “indigenous” inhabitants.

I understand that many secular Jews are uncomfortable with religious claims that contradict their worldview. I disagree with them, but I understand where they are coming from. In the absence of Torah knowledge, religious claims are meaningless. What I cannot fathom is that so many religious Jews latch on to un-Jewish theories to justify our Divine inheritance. I do not require an indigenous claim. I have the same claim that motivated the great Joshua to conquer Eretz Yisrael from the pagan Canaanites who were already residing there when we Jews first arrived.

We Jews are not Philistines, Canaanites, nor Jebusites. We were the conquerors of the former on a Divine mission. Indeed, our failure to purge Eretz Yisrael of these indigenous types is something the Torah repeatedly warned about, and is the direct cause of the land vomiting us out. Divine rights are the only arguments that have any meaning to me as a religious Jew.

A self-respecting Jew need never be ashamed to speak the truth of Tanach, which records our only true claim to Israel. Balfour Declarations and U.N. votes are of zero worth for the Torah Jew. A disconnected Jew may be ashamed of the religious claim. A genuine tragedy, since it is the only moral claim we Jews can hang our hats on. In the absence of that, we are merely one more example of colonizers who claimed a plot of land.

Indigenous Definitions

Perhaps the greatest response to Ryan Bellerose relates to the dilemma he raises at the conclusion of his article, “Israel Palestine: Who’s Indigenous?”:

“Now you might ask, why is this important? It is important to indigenous people because we cannot allow the argument that conquerors can become indigenous. If we, as other indigenous people, allow that argument to be made, then we are delegitimizing our own rights.

If conquerors can become indigenous, then the white Europeans who came to my indigenous lands in North America could now claim to be indigenous. The white Europeans who went to Australia and New Zealand could now claim to be indigenous. If we, even once, allow that argument to be made, indigenous rights are suddenly devalued and meaningless. This is somewhat peculiar, as those who are arguing for Palestinian “indigenous rights” are usually those who have little grasp of the history, and no understanding of the truth behind indigenous rights.”

Those Troublesome Canaanites
Therein is our Jewish answer. Based upon our biblical claims, we Jews cannot be indigenous, since we conquered the Canaanites. According to Bellerose’s definition, our Jewish biblical account renders us as conquerors. As such, those who believe in Torah cannot subscribe to his theories. Advocates for indigenous Jews can never answer these questions. What do we do with the Canaanites? Perhaps a better question is, what did we do, or what should we have done to the Canaanites?

The great biblical and talmudic commentator Rashi destroys the “indigenous rights argument” with his commentary on the first verse in the Book of Genesis. He cites Rabbi Yitzchak who questioned why the Torah began in this manner detailing creation rather than from the first mitzvah. This would make sense since the Torah essentially deals with Halacha. He answers that the Torah began with creation so that the nations in the future when they pointed out our conquest of the 7 Nations, the Jewish people could answer that the whole world belongs to Hashem. He can give it to whichever people He desires. At the time, he saw fit to give it to the Canaanites, and then he removed it from their control and gave it to us.

Case closed. The indigenous argument loses.

From a Torah perspective, the notion that we Jews have a claim to Eretz Yisrael based upon “indigenous rights” is absurd. We are not "indigenous" to Israel. Indigenous is a nonsense term which race obsessed multiculturalists use. Israel belongs to the Jewish nation, because G-d gave it to us. We conquered the Canaanites, and now it is ours. Our claim to Eretz Yisrael is Divine inheritance. Indigenous claims amount to pseudo-science, which in turn, would grant indigenous rights to practically every other minority group living in Israel today. In fact, this is the intention of many who advocate for such a concept.

Fellow Jews: leave the indigenous argument where it belongs. In the halls of the U.N. G-d gave us the land of Israel and that is enough.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Unprincipled Hasbarites: Part I (slideshow)

A visual look at one of the more odious "hasbara" tokens on the scene today. Meet an unsavory man who "GoFundsMe" his life under the pretext of a supposed upcoming treatise on "indigenous rights", and has the gall to lecture Jews (he isn't even Jewish) on Torah, Judaism, and identity. A man who threw his former patron and friend under the bus because she dared retain a friendship with someone he disagreed with. A man who has no principles, panders to every side, and even associates himself with missionaries like the notorious Dumisani Washington. I am not calling him a missionary. But he is certainly friends with missionaries and those Jews who enable them. Meet Bnai Brith's online activist, Ryan Mervin Bellerose.

Oh, lest I forget. He's a self-hating bigot who hates and denigrates white people, and rails against "Jews acting white". The irony is that most of his support comes from Ashkenazi, "white", Jews who parrot his nonsense. Bored people with too much time on their hands. Furthermore, he also resents Jews of color, because they have something he lacks. Dark skin. Meet the race obsessed Ryan Bellerose.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Cryin' Lyin' Ryan: Part ?

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Indigenous Rights Activism: How To Scam People and Make Money

SCAM ALERT UPDATE! I recently stumbled upon the following advertisement on Facebook, which got me thinking. As chutzpadik as it is for a person to shnorrer funds to write a book, faux-indigenous rights activist Ryan Bellerose only required $27 for his ongoing GoFundMe scam (his promised book on "Jewish indigenous rights"), since this is the likely route this lazy, low-energy, slug will eventually take. That is, by turning his previously written articles into a digital book of reconstituted garbage in PDF form. After all, what sensible publisher would ever agree to work with this lazy clown?

How does this non-indigenous fellow even look at himself in the mirror? Over 21 thousand dollars raised, and not a peep about this long-awaited treatise until yesterday when he was finally put to the fire. When challenged the other day, Ryan produced the following "chapter" to prove that he has a book on the fire, or as he would call it: that he's in the final editing stages. Truly a piece of garbage that just reads like his cloying articles about identity. Just as I predicted! From Ryan's Facebook page:
Someone has been posting defamatory statements accusing me of being a "con man" asking where the book is that I have been writing and inferring that I am not writing at all.
I have been writing and the book is in first edit, I reworked some of it. I have posted excerpts before but here is a sample chapter. It hasnt passed first edit so forgive any typos and its not finished obvs
Chapter #
“There is no point in talking about shit that doesn’t matter, it’s boring and nobody cares, when you do that, you lose your audience.”- Merv
There is a school of advocacy that is extremely counterintuitive to me, basically its based on poker, where you never expose your hand so to speak. Never talk about the key issue because you might alienate some of your audience just by making the assumption that the key issue is important.
Several mainstream organisations that were doing pro israel work actually taught young advocates to avoid talking about the “settlements” because in their words “ you shouldn’t defend the undefendable.” that defeatist attitude permeated their advocacy and the adversaries not only noticed it, they attacked it. If there is one thing that I have learned in my sojourns on the interwebs its that the asshats smell inconsistency and indecision like a shark smells blood, if you act like you have something to hide, they will find it. The proper way to attack any argument is not to be spineless and apologetic but to go on the attack. If all the other side wants to talk about is the “settlements” you better be able to defend them with all your heart, because thats the hill they are choosing and you better not die on it! This is what leftwing pro Israel advocates havent figured out yet. All the flowery arguments fail if you cant defend the most basic thing, a Jews right to live in peace in his ancestral homeland. I am sure you have seen these guys ina debate, they are the ones who when asked a question, try to reframe it in an obvious way and the audience sees that and immediately thinks they are avoiding the question because they have no rebuttal. I advocate something much different, its call being unapologetic. Why should you be ashamed to be defending one of the most basic rights of indigenous people? The right to self determination on our ancestral lands? The main reason I am writing this book is that there is way too much apologetic bullshit coming form our side. “ yes the settlements are bad but israel makes cherry tomoatoes” argumentation that literally makes our side look like a bunch of people with aspergers.
The other side never admits any culpability so they dont even have to worry about looking apologetic. Our side is constantly “meeting them partway” but there is no quid pro quo.This is something the other side has done much better than our side, and its actually kind of funny because they don’t even have the advantage of having the truth on their side. They BELIEVE their side is right and They actually have to really believe in what they argue because its so rife with mental gymnastics that any honest questioning of their narrative at all leads to the realisation that their entire side is based on a foundation of bullshit. If you watch them, they tend to argue by rote, literally by the numbers. The best way to beat someone like that is to remain calm and press their buttons. They will invariably lose their cool and say something stupid, that’s when you press the attack and start throwing facts at them. If you do it before then, they might actually try to refute them, if you wait till they are losing it, they will almost always descend to insults and even if they do not, their anger makes them sound like they are weak.
I often use humour to destroy their points but if thats not your strong suit its ok, but know this, there is nothing more destructive to an overwrought emotional dramatic argument than a witty one liner. It is something I have become known for.
To understand why they work,Its important to understand a few things about the actual argumentation, the patterns they use, the tricks they try to get you off your game, and the basic phases and statements they tend to overuse. Once you understand that, you will find that the one liners come easy.
They ALWAYS go on the attack, they do this because they know they cannot defend the arabs human rights records, or the fact that the PLO and Hamas are actually terrorist groups. They cannot defend the human rights abuses or the outright child abuse and animal abuse endemic in arab society in the levant, so instead they will start off with what I call the “baffle them with bullshit” technique, basically they will introduce several antisemitic or anti Israel tropes into their opening as possible, knowing that you cannot refute every single one without sounding pendantic or overbearing. I will pick the most egregious one and refute that one THOROUGHLY, and while making sure to say “ there are too many lies for me to refute every single one so I picked the worst one.” now the moderator might say “please feel free to refute them” in which case you destroy each one, but if he doesn’t, then you still introduce doubt to anyone listening/watching.
Now instead of just refuting their points you MUST immediately go on the attack, depending on their statement you will have a few options. My favourite one is to question their most common and bombastic claims.
Ie “israel is an apartheid state” the immediate response is not to say “ no its not.” say “ Ok if you make that claim, an apartheid state is one that has two seperate laws for two seperate people in the same nation state, can you please tell me 3 laws that make israel an apartheid state?.” now you just showed the audience that you know what the real definition of apartheid is, while asking them to back up a claim that cannot be backed up.
“Israel is illegal under international law!” really? Can you please quote those laws because actually under UN resolution 242, israel is absolutely a legal and valid state as determined by the league of nations at san remo and reinforced by the Un with resolution 242, so which laws exactly are you quoting?
I will go into detail in a later chapter with the standard arguments and some good responses but I hope you see the difference between responding aggressively and just being defensive.
One thing I like to lead with is something I use when my opponent uses the “rising voice” trick. I am sure you have all seen it, its when someone starts off speaking quietly and slowly raises their voice, until at the denoument, they are literally yelling. Its a way to engage people emotionally and a historical figure who used it to great effect was someone all Jews should know about. Adolf Hitler. If you watch his speeches, he always starts off calm, but works himself up into a froth, repeating key statements and slowly getting louder and louder until he is yelling. He used flourishing hand motions and table pounding for emphasis as well. Many arab orators use this technique as well. Funny that.
So when my opponent uses it, I always refer to them being from the “adolf hitler school of public speaking” almost every time several people will recognise it and laugh. I sometimes even mock them with a short impersonation to show how facile and transparent that technique is to anyone who is paying attention.
Also think of a good argument as fishing, you cant just drop a line and grab the fish, you gotta bait the hook, you gotta set the hook and then you reel it in carefully. I think the bait is that they think you wont refute their bullshit, the hook is the mistake they invariably make with making an untrue statement and the reeling in, is you making damn sure that everyone listening can see the lie. Because here is the thing about debates, if you tell a lie in one, and get caught, you lose. Because once people see you lie, you lose credibility. This is why you gotta be prepared, and also never say anything you do not believe. I am not talking about picking at dates or stats, if they say “in 1945” when you know it was 47 just say “47” and dont refer back to it, you made your point that you knew and they didn’t, I am talking about stuff like “ The Jews were never living there” kind of stuff, thats when you hammer home every point you know that shows they were.
I expect the apology and donation to shortly follow, you know who you are.
absolutely no regards

#Who's IndigenousCertainlyNotRyan

Wow. You will never get those moments back, the one's I caused you to waste by reading such nonsense. And his disclaimer about editing gives him a window of a lifetime to always be putting the final touches on the book. A real page-turner. Mind you, this is coming from a clown who works for the liberal eunuchs of the Bnai Brith. 

I am actually hoping that Bellerose puts out something one day, since it will be the worst thing he ever does; disseminating a treasure trove of foolishness, inconsistencies, contradictions, and historical fallacies. It will be a goldmine to undermine his never-ending stream of nonsensical beliefs. In the meantime, those who even contributed a shekel to this scam, should be screaming from the rooftops: