Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bnai Brith Bubbies Unite!

Contemporary hasbara (Jewish advocacy) is shameless and undignified. Limp-wristed in thought and in deed. Few organizations illustrate this truism  as clearly as the liberal Bnai Brith. When Lenny Bruce called the Bnai Brith goyish, he knew exactly what he was talking about. 

When they are not bowling, hosting interfaith Passover Seders, advocating for gay rights, or opposing sane policies to keep terrorists out of North America, sometimes the Bnai Brith "reports" hate crimes to the authorities. Naturally, the anti-semites of the world are trembling, knowing that within 24 hours of your call to the Bnai Brith hotline, these great Jewish warriors will send someone to your house to remove the swastika with bleach. This terrifies them immensely.

The Bnai Brith and other mainstream hasbara organizations are a part of the problem, because they impede true Torah solutions and in it's stead, they propagate liberal values. And in the quest to appear universal, they and other like-minded hasbara organizations are obsessed with finding exotic gentile tokens, so that the world won't think that they only care about (or employ) Jews. Because that would be a genuine "shanda for the goyim." 

Naturally they are always on the lookout for the next best thing. Rumor has it that the Bnai Brith is desperate for a real Native-American, but as a rule they take what they can get. Nevertheless, it's hardly an optimal situation for them. And it doesn't help that clever memes (like the one below) are really taking the piss out of the Metis mythos. It's becoming ridiculous. 

In the meantime insiders are reporting that BB is carefully grooming their rising star, "Eskimo Boy". But such projects take time, and Eskimo Boy is but a child. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Chief Cry-Baby

They are obsessed with "The Judean Hammer". We are irrelevant, insignificant, and voiceless, yet they listen to our podcasts. Brilliant.

Yet unlike these impotent weaklings we specialize in truth.  Everything is documented and unlike our enemies we don't peddle lies.

They are watching, they are reading, and they are perseverating. People are catching on to the hasbara frauds. It's a good thing.

And the fake indigenous fraud, Chief Crybaby" is pouting again, because people are finally discovering what a bully and con-artist he is. He believes that he can peddle lies and not expect us to expose his true self to the Jewish public. In his tantrum state, he cyber-bullies and threatens. A pleasure to see a petulant man-child whining.

A great and wise man used to say: "Those who can't debate, defame." The faux-indigenous one is seeing red. And nothing could be finer.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Bnai Brith Advocacy

A gentile hasbara token mocked my comment on Facebook today, when I referred to the B'nai Brith (his place of employment) as a leftist Jewish organization. This bloated buffoon truly believes that the liberal B'nai Brith is a strong Jewish organization. What world does he live in? Of course this same overweight, Caucasian, formerly Roman Catholic, ignorant, bigoted, sexually frustrated, man-child believes that he is Native-American, and that he understands Judaism better than Jews. Any Jew with a brain in his head understands that the B'nai Brith is as kosher as lobster. But unlike a lobster the B'nai Brith has limp wrists rather than pincers. That is precisely why such organizations collect their gentile tokens. To show the world that they are open-minded and diverse, even if the spectacle is contrived and pathetic. Ladies and gentlemen, the B'nai Brith. Advocates for sin and degeneracy.


Hasbara Exposed: Indigenous Rights Activists

A whimsical look at the colorful and effeminate world of the hasbarite indigenous rights activists of the world. A world where limp-wristed liberal Jews recruit gentile tokens to represent them, so that Zionism can be more palpable for the secular and non-Jewish masses. A bizarre world of fake Indian con-artists and messianic black reverends instructing Jews on how to self-identify. A world where a group such as Stand With Us uses brazen missionaries to speak on behalf of Israel.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Reform's Naked Agenda

Reflections on the recent controversy relating to the issue of egalitarian prayer at the Western Wall. Now featured in The Jewish Press in my column "Fuchs Focus". Find out a true Torah perspective on this issue:

Dumisani Washington: Portrait of A Missionary

Meet CUFI's Dumisani Washington. A missionary by any definition, and a messianic by his own admission. Those unprincipled bottom-feeding gentile hasbarites who defend this menace while claiming to be friends of Jews, are enemies of the Jewish people. If you support Dumisani Washington, you are an enemy of Jewish interests.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The New Peace Movements Revisited

They are all over Facebook. Groups such as "LAVI", "Alternative Action", and  many others in Israel, who pollute the minds of our most impressionable youth. The tragic face of today's foolish "new peace movements", headed by deluded, guru wannabes, and brain-addled mystics. And so help us G-d, many of them wear kipot. It is peculiar version of a new idolatry today. The so-called Jewish expression of indigenous rights.

But didn't we destroy the 7 Nations? Perhaps we weren't as careful with the mandate as we should have been, but wasn't the halachic imperative clear? Didn't G-d tell us to dispossess the inhabitants lest they be thorns in our eyes?

Ham on shmura matza. Today's Jewish indigenous rights movement has nothing to do with Torah and everything to do with leftist, multicultural, racist, and even Marxist nonsense. Their worldview is perverse and they cater to young liberal Jews with a lie. That these guilt ridden Jews can have the Zionist cake and still share it with our genocidal Arab/Islamic enemies. The solution according to these fools: Embrace our shared "semitism".

Here are several articles where I address these buffoons and their screwy liberal beliefs. They are as far from Torah as Heaven is from hell:

LAVI and Alternative Action view these savages as "indigenous" Semitic partners.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Where's The Book, Ryan?

Another message for Ryan Mervin Bellerose:

The million dollar question. Ryan, when is that book on "Jewish Indigenous Rights" scheduled to be published? No one is getting any younger, and the clamor is getting stronger. Aging and dead celebrities are even getting involved. I myself am growing impatient, even though I will be forced to read and destroy whatever nonsense you put down in print. Fortunately you promised me a free copy, so I won't need to resort to buying the damn thing, Heaven forbid!

Wait a minute, Ryan. Don't tell me that you haven't even written it? You raised over $21,000 on GoFundMe to write the damn thing! What have you been doing with the money?

Every person who donated a half-shekel should be banging on your door. Things are beginning to look very suspicious. Some people are already saying that you've probably been spending the money on other things. Not very kosher.

Their patience is wearing thin. The old Wendy's bubby, Woody Allen, and so many others are frustrated. You are going to have to write that book, Ryan. You do know that, don't you? After all you resorted to crowd-funding, although G-d only knows why you needed to raise money to write a book. Write a book in your spare time. Put down the Sword and Sorcery novel, get off of Facebook, and write the damn book! Had you requested a grant for your project, your benefactors would be breathing down your neck.

Ryan, you promised the world a book about "Jewish Indigenous Rights", even though you aren't Jewish, you know very little about Judaism, and your indigenous rights racket is the stuff of New Age nonsense. But you cannot evade your obligation to put out the promised book, even if it will be a work of fiction.
For some reason, you believe that you can. That people will forget. 

Or perhaps I am mistaken and you've been secretly writing it this whole time. In which case, you can give us an update on the book's progress. One last question, Ryan. Why did you set the maximum at $50,000? Did you really have the chutzpa to think that you would raise that kind of revenue, or were you thinking that you wanted to set the bar high. 

In any event, you raised a significant sum:

 $21,245 to be precise, as of the writing of this post. I intend to make sure that you write that book. This is an issue of integrity, and the "hasbarites" of the world have a right to know if they have been scammed by another one of hasbara's charlatans.

Update: I recently stumbled upon the following advertisement on Facebook. In truth, Ryan Bellerose only required $27 for his GoFundMe page (for his promised book), since this is the likely route this lazy, low-energy, slug will take. Turning his written garbage into a book of reconstituted garbage in PDF form. 

Monday, July 3, 2017

Faux-Indigenous In The Holy Land

To Do List: For Faux-Indigenous Hasbarites Vacationing in Israel:
  • Do hang out with privileged, self-important, white, anglo-ashkenazi olim. Eat indigenous foods on their dime and enjoy the creature comforts of their homes, while convincing yourself that you are seeing the real Israel.
  • Do not visit orphanages, hospitals, or wounded soldiers with missing limbs! Do not assist in soup kitchens! Do not volunteer on a kibbutz or an army base or bring toys for kids in Sderot! Do not volunteer at all! Hang out with hasbarites, but do not join efforts to pick up garbage!
  • Do bring your appetite and loose fitting clothes.
  • Do mention the heroic things you do such as grilling steaks, touring, going to cafes and getting a Zionist appletini with a little umbrella.
  • Do shop like a teenage schoolgirl.
  • Do talk about going to the gay parade to appease your liberal friends, but don't actually go so as to not alienate those hasbarites with religious sensibilities. Pander to everyone.
  • Do speak to small rooms of elderly people and gray heads about the importance of understanding their native selves. Make sure that photos of the event don't show empty seats or people chatting among themselves. You must be a formerly self-identifying Roman Catholic white person while saying this, or the chutzpah lacks the full effect.
  • Do talk about the Zionist things you are doing on vacation and how important your work is. Because not everyone can tweet and blog about being in Israel, nor can most people summon the chutzpah to correct real Jews on Torah concepts.
  • Do meet up with the principal Jewish players who bring evangelical missionaries to Israel. Hang out with Kay Wilson, but do not ask her about her long-documented (past?) history of being a messianic which she continues to deny. Truth isn't a priority. The garish spectacle of hasbara's image is the only relevant aspect to your trip.
  • Do not mention that promised book about indigenous rights you raised over 21k on GoFundMe to write about. Naturally do not encourage any questions at all on this issue, particularly the following one: How can you continue your GoFundMe campaign when  it was started by your friend Kara Meyers who believes (contrary to you) that Arabs are indigenous? Do you now believe that Arabs are indigenous as well? If so, how can you reconcile Kara's beliefs, her support of your promised book, and your own contrary positions. When questioned, give vague answers about it being a work in progress, but a labor of love. Trail off....

Note: A message for Ryan Mervin Bellerose. Calling people a**hats or idiots or bloviating about your imagined intellect will not make unpleasant facts go away. Nor will attempts to portray yourself as native succeed for anyone who analyzes the facts. As one former patron of yours (the one you betrayed and unceremoniously threw under the bus for displaying a trait you lack,-loyalty!) recently inquired on Facebook (rather cryptically), "what is a half of a half?" Although the question perplexed many of her readers, enough understood the point. Answer: Certainly not an Indian. Ryan, stop lecturing Jews about identity and try to figure out who the hell you are. And for the record, since many people are unaware, there never was a Metis Indian tribe, Ryan. You are no more Indian than those you arrogantly lecture about identity. Heal thyself. Start off by calling out your own father for retaining a "colonial religion". Perhaps when he slaps you upside the head, you will attain clarity. No true Indian ever went to work for the Bnai Brith. Word to the wise: It doesn't get any whiter than Bnai Brith Canada.

What a hasbara clown! No wonder neither Native-Siberian Americans nor Metis activists have anything to do with him. Hypocrisy, thy true name is Mervin.