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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query indigenous. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

LAVI Exposed

Why is LAVI, a Jewish "indigenous rights" movement, a dangerous organization?
  1. Among other things, LAVI is involved in defending Israel based upon our supposed Jewish indigenous rights (premised on bad history and science, and irrelevant to the thinking person) and see this as a viable means of defending our Jewish connection to Israel. As such, LAVI de-emphasizes the Divine claim, which represents our only true claim to the land. For further information on the foolishness of Jewish indigenous rights activists, check out the following articles where I elaborate on this issue:
  2. Unlike other pro-Israel groups which seek to deny indigenous status to Arabs in Israel based upon their selective interpretation of the term, LAVI grants this identity to Arabs and based upon this, see them as "partners" for peace. It matters little for the G-d-fearing individual, since the Torah gives Am Yisrael the entire land, and when the halachic criteria of Jewish control of the land is met, neither Arabs nor any gentiles have the right to reside in the land, if they don't meet the halachic criteria for "resident strangers". In any event, LAVI is in actuality a peace movement and they endanger the Jewish people with foolish ventures. For more on this aspect of LAVI and similiar organizations, check out the following article:
  3. LAVI embraces the vile and violent black supremacist movement "Black Lives Matter", whose members include those with blood on their hands, and many more who support and celebrate such actions. BLM terrorists are responsible for murdering innocent cops in America (black and white) and ordinary citizens. They desire a race war and in this regard they are merely a mirror image of the KKK but with more credibility among the left. See:
  4. LAVI foments discord  between Jews by presenting a false skewed image of romanticized non-white "indigenous Jewry" and a colonized westernized Ashkenazic Jewry which needs to "de-colonize" and "reclaim" it's identity. Judaism is comprised of many peoples and neither color, language, or region define us. The Torah alone is our standard. If Ashkenazic Jewry is no more authentic than Sephardic Jewry, neither is it less so.
This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. More to come.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Who's Indigenous? Certainly Not Ryan!

I have a simple question. In this season of superior repentance, how can we as Jews undertake authentic collective teshuva as a nation and return to Torah values, when so many Jews have screwed up notions about their own identity? This pathetic tendency is best illustrated with the never-ending campaign of clueless Jewish organizations who recruit gentile hasbara tokens to speak on our behalf. And invariably, they pick the most self-serving, ignorant, career hasbara, parrots, who feed like gluttonous pigs on the swollen teat of Jewish stupidity. Bnai Brith token Ryan "Mervin" Bellerose is Exhibit A of this pathetic phenomenon.

Hence, the current Jewish preoccupation with asinine claims of "indigeneity", a claim which has much in common with phrenology. Plenty of dolts may see truth in pseudoscience, but delusions are the dreams of the deranged. No thinking person gives a damn about Indigenous assertions. Despite the popularity of the hasbara machine's use of "indigenous rights" to justify our Jewish claim to Israel, the naked truth is that we Jews are not indigenous to Eretz Yisrael. Because indigenous is a made-up term for liberal sociologists to quibble over. 

And yet Israel still exclusively belongs to us. For one reason: because G-d gave it to us. Flora and fauna may be indigenous, but people migrate, conquer, and settle. They fight wars of conquest and the losers disappear in one form or another. Take the Indians for example who migrated from their "indigenous" Siberia to North America, where they butchered, maimed, and displaced one another long before the white man ever spotted the continent from the sea. 

Ryan in classic form, opining on all matters of Jewish history and identity.
From a Torah perspective, we Jews have Divine rights. We arrived and conquered the Canaanites. We could have done a better job. But the archaeological record confirms biblical accounts. Tel Chatzor is evidence of Joshua's total destruction of that Canaanite stronghold. But hasbara shill Bellerose needs to ignore the Torah and history, or he might have to get a real job. His hatred for those who disagree with him somehow disappears when he argues with say a Yehuda Hakohen who considers Arabs AND Jews to be indigenous to the region. One could logically argue that Hakohen's interpretation should pose a greater threat to Ryan's argument since Hakohen's application of the term threatens his own interpretation, and Hakohen's theory would render Ryan's irrelevant. But Bellerose is a petty man, and he makes his living from this made-up term. Why fight someone who believes in the term, when he can attack those of us who discredit the whole concept? Here we see how personal gain and arrogance trump the truth.

And so, when faux-Native American "indigenous rights activist" Bellerose was questioned a short while ago about his promised book on indigenous rights, for which he raised over 21,000 dollars with a "GoFundMe" account, he responded by sharing the following sampling on his Facebook wall. Complete garbage. I was surprised that he had the chutzpah to submit such a poorly written piece as an example of a chapter.
While I frequently get under Ryan's skin and force him to resort to defamation when I obliterate his nonsensical beliefs, I was not the party he references. I would have never recommended that he submit something as proof, since I knew he could easily put together some foolishness under the pretext of it "still being in the editing phase". Prepare yourself for a cloying example of a buffoon's arrogant drivel. Neither witty nor wise, but here it is:
Ryan: Someone has been posting defamatory statements accusing me of being a "con man" asking where the book is that I have been writing and inferring that I am not writing at all.
I have been writing and the book is in first edit, I reworked some of it. I have posted excerpts before but here is a sample chapter. It hasnt passed first edit so forgive any typos and its not finished obvs
Chapter #
“There is no point in talking about shit that doesn’t matter, it’s boring and nobody cares, when you do that, you lose your audience.”- Merv
There is a school of advocacy that is extremely counterintuitive to me, basically its based on poker, where you never expose your hand so to speak. Never talk about the key issue because you might alienate some of your audience just by making the assumption that the key issue is important.
Several mainstream organisations that were doing pro israel work actually taught young advocates to avoid talking about the “settlements” because in their words “ you shouldn’t defend the undefendable.” that defeatist attitude permeated their advocacy and the adversaries not only noticed it, they attacked it. If there is one thing that I have learned in my sojourns on the interwebs its that the asshats smell inconsistency and indecision like a shark smells blood, if you act like you have something to hide, they will find it. The proper way to attack any argument is not to be spineless and apologetic but to go on the attack. If all the other side wants to talk about is the “settlements” you better be able to defend them with all your heart, because thats the hill they are choosing and you better not die on it! This is what leftwing pro Israel advocates havent figured out yet. All the flowery arguments fail if you cant defend the most basic thing, a Jews right to live in peace in his ancestral homeland. I am sure you have seen these guys ina debate, they are the ones who when asked a question, try to reframe it in an obvious way and the audience sees that and immediately thinks they are avoiding the question because they have no rebuttal. I advocate something much different, its call being unapologetic. Why should you be ashamed to be defending one of the most basic rights of indigenous people? The right to self determination on our ancestral lands? The main reason I am writing this book is that there is way too much apologetic bullshit coming form our side. “ yes the settlements are bad but israel makes cherry tomoatoes” argumentation that literally makes our side look like a bunch of people with aspergers.
The other side never admits any culpability so they dont even have to worry about looking apologetic. Our side is constantly “meeting them partway” but there is no quid pro quo.This is something the other side has done much better than our side, and its actually kind of funny because they don’t even have the advantage of having the truth on their side. They BELIEVE their side is right and They actually have to really believe in what they argue because its so rife with mental gymnastics that any honest questioning of their narrative at all leads to the realisation that their entire side is based on a foundation of bullshit. If you watch them, they tend to argue by rote, literally by the numbers. The best way to beat someone like that is to remain calm and press their buttons. They will invariably lose their cool and say something stupid, that’s when you press the attack and start throwing facts at them. If you do it before then, they might actually try to refute them, if you wait till they are losing it, they will almost always descend to insults and even if they do not, their anger makes them sound like they are weak.
I often use humour to destroy their points but if thats not your strong suit its ok, but know this, there is nothing more destructive to an overwrought emotional dramatic argument than a witty one liner. It is something I have become known for.
To understand why they work,Its important to understand a few things about the actual argumentation, the patterns they use, the tricks they try to get you off your game, and the basic phases and statements they tend to overuse. Once you understand that, you will find that the one liners come easy.
They ALWAYS go on the attack, they do this because they know they cannot defend the arabs human rights records, or the fact that the PLO and Hamas are actually terrorist groups. They cannot defend the human rights abuses or the outright child abuse and animal abuse endemic in arab society in the levant, so instead they will start off with what I call the “baffle them with bullshit” technique, basically they will introduce several antisemitic or anti Israel tropes into their opening as possible, knowing that you cannot refute every single one without sounding pendantic or overbearing. I will pick the most egregious one and refute that one THOROUGHLY, and while making sure to say “ there are too many lies for me to refute every single one so I picked the worst one.” now the moderator might say “please feel free to refute them” in which case you destroy each one, but if he doesn’t, then you still introduce doubt to anyone listening/watching.
Now instead of just refuting their points you MUST immediately go on the attack, depending on their statement you will have a few options. My favourite one is to question their most common and bombastic claims.
Ie “israel is an apartheid state” the immediate response is not to say “ no its not.” say “ Ok if you make that claim, an apartheid state is one that has two seperate laws for two seperate people in the same nation state, can you please tell me 3 laws that make israel an apartheid state?.” now you just showed the audience that you know what the real definition of apartheid is, while asking them to back up a claim that cannot be backed up.
“Israel is illegal under international law!” really? Can you please quote those laws because actually under UN resolution 242, israel is absolutely a legal and valid state as determined by the league of nations at san remo and reinforced by the Un with resolution 242, so which laws exactly are you quoting?
I will go into detail in a later chapter with the standard arguments and some good responses but I hope you see the difference between responding aggressively and just being defensive.
One thing I like to lead with is something I use when my opponent uses the “rising voice” trick. I am sure you have all seen it, its when someone starts off speaking quietly and slowly raises their voice, until at the denoument, they are literally yelling. Its a way to engage people emotionally and a historical figure who used it to great effect was someone all Jews should know about. Adolf Hitler. If you watch his speeches, he always starts off calm, but works himself up into a froth, repeating key statements and slowly getting louder and louder until he is yelling. He used flourishing hand motions and table pounding for emphasis as well. Many arab orators use this technique as well. Funny that.
So when my opponent uses it, I always refer to them being from the “adolf hitler school of public speaking” almost every time several people will recognise it and laugh. I sometimes even mock them with a short impersonation to show how facile and transparent that technique is to anyone who is paying attention.
Also think of a good argument as fishing, you cant just drop a line and grab the fish, you gotta bait the hook, you gotta set the hook and then you reel it in carefully. I think the bait is that they think you wont refute their bullshit, the hook is the mistake they invariably make with making an untrue statement and the reeling in, is you making damn sure that everyone listening can see the lie. Because here is the thing about debates, if you tell a lie in one, and get caught, you lose. Because once people see you lie, you lose credibility. This is why you gotta be prepared, and also never say anything you do not believe. I am not talking about picking at dates or stats, if they say “in 1945” when you know it was 47 just say “47” and dont refer back to it, you made your point that you knew and they didn’t, I am talking about stuff like “ The Jews were never living there” kind of stuff, thats when you hammer home every point you know that shows they were.
I expect the apology and donation to shortly follow, you know who you are.
absolutely no regards

See what happens when you type in "hasbara clown" as a Google search 
🤡? Ryan shows up, along with an anti-Semitic "Pennywise" meme, Elizabeth Warren, Kay Wilson and even notorious missionary Dumisani Washington. Both alongside Bellerose!

Portrait of a bottom-feeding, halacha denigrating, white-hating bigot. The mascot for the "Oppression Olympics", a foolish social justice term that Ryan dishonestly takes credit for coining. 

It is no wonder that Ryan "works" for Bnai Brith Canada. As an angry white liberal who decided to go native in middle age, he is the by-product of a certain degree of privilege which he now feels guilty about and rejects. With his petulant contrived sense of righteousness. Ryan exposes that he is every bit the social justice complaining cream-puff that he rails against. Yet all of this should be irrelevant to Jews, since such a person has nothing to say to Jews about anything. Not about Torah. Not about Israel. And not about identity. Ryan is irrelevant to Native-Americans. He doesn't speak for the Metis in Canada, or any indigenous people anywhere. So what does he have to say to us Jews? Jews should learn from the Indians and Metis. They ignore Ryan Bellerose and so should we.

Let the Master of Ceremonies of the Oppression Olympics continue to do his thing. He has a Facebook page, a handful of accounts, which provide him a forum for an irrational echo-chamber. Thinking Jews see through his ruse. Oppression Olympics? Thy Name Is Mervin.


Monday, July 3, 2017

Faux-Indigenous In The Holy Land

To Do List: For Faux-Indigenous Hasbarites Vacationing in Israel:
  • Do hang out with privileged, self-important, white, anglo-ashkenazi olim. Eat indigenous foods on their dime and enjoy the creature comforts of their homes, while convincing yourself that you are seeing the real Israel.
  • Do not visit orphanages, hospitals, or wounded soldiers with missing limbs! Do not assist in soup kitchens! Do not volunteer on a kibbutz or an army base or bring toys for kids in Sderot! Do not volunteer at all! Hang out with hasbarites, but do not join efforts to pick up garbage!
  • Do bring your appetite and loose fitting clothes.
  • Do mention the heroic things you do such as grilling steaks, touring, going to cafes and getting a Zionist appletini with a little umbrella.
  • Do shop like a teenage schoolgirl.
  • Do talk about going to the gay parade to appease your liberal friends, but don't actually go so as to not alienate those hasbarites with religious sensibilities. Pander to everyone.
  • Do speak to small rooms of elderly people and gray heads about the importance of understanding their native selves. Make sure that photos of the event don't show empty seats or people chatting among themselves. You must be a formerly self-identifying Roman Catholic white person while saying this, or the chutzpah lacks the full effect.
  • Do talk about the Zionist things you are doing on vacation and how important your work is. Because not everyone can tweet and blog about being in Israel, nor can most people summon the chutzpah to correct real Jews on Torah concepts.
  • Do meet up with the principal Jewish players who bring evangelical missionaries to Israel. Hang out with Kay Wilson, but do not ask her about her long-documented (past?) history of being a messianic which she continues to deny. Truth isn't a priority. The garish spectacle of hasbara's image is the only relevant aspect to your trip.
  • Do not mention that promised book about indigenous rights you raised over 21k on GoFundMe to write about. Naturally do not encourage any questions at all on this issue, particularly the following one: How can you continue your GoFundMe campaign when  it was started by your friend Kara Meyers who believes (contrary to you) that Arabs are indigenous? Do you now believe that Arabs are indigenous as well? If so, how can you reconcile Kara's beliefs, her support of your promised book, and your own contrary positions. When questioned, give vague answers about it being a work in progress, but a labor of love. Trail off....

Note: A message for Ryan Mervin Bellerose. Calling people a**hats or idiots or bloviating about your imagined intellect will not make unpleasant facts go away. Nor will attempts to portray yourself as native succeed for anyone who analyzes the facts. As one former patron of yours (the one you betrayed and unceremoniously threw under the bus for displaying a trait you lack,-loyalty!) recently inquired on Facebook (rather cryptically), "what is a half of a half?" Although the question perplexed many of her readers, enough understood the point. Answer: Certainly not an Indian. Ryan, stop lecturing Jews about identity and try to figure out who the hell you are. And for the record, since many people are unaware, there never was a Metis Indian tribe, Ryan. You are no more Indian than those you arrogantly lecture about identity. Heal thyself. Start off by calling out your own father for retaining a "colonial religion". Perhaps when he slaps you upside the head, you will attain clarity. No true Indian ever went to work for the Bnai Brith. Word to the wise: It doesn't get any whiter than Bnai Brith Canada.

What a hasbara clown! No wonder neither Native-Siberian Americans nor Metis activists have anything to do with him. Hypocrisy, thy true name is Mervin.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Bnai Brith: A Relic And A Reminder

Don't mess with the Bnai Brith!

There are simpletons on the hasbara scene today, who have this absurd notion that the Bnai Brith is a right-wing organization. It might have to do with the fact that hasbara's token fake Indian, Ryan Mervin Bellerose, currently works for them and he insists that it is so. That is, if you can call what Bellerose does "work". Basically he posts "indigenous rights" nonsense on Bnai Brith Canada's Facebook page, and tweets about their nebbish "what will the goyim think?" activism.

For the ill-informed, Bnai Brith is about as right-wing as Rosie O'Donnell. In the following screenshot, we see them call out President Trump for his decision to keep mentally-ill transsexuals out of the military. But for the BB, this and other leftist "social issues" are reason to scream "shanda!" to the Heavens.

Unbeknownst to Bellerose, Bnai Brith has ALWAYS been a liberal, secular, weak-kneed, limp-wristed, politically correct organization, whose views on Judaism are as far from Sinai as possible. Only a person living under a rock for 100 years would think otherwise. Or a gentile clown from Canada, who wouldn't know what Judaism says about anything, but has the gall to lecture Jews on matters of halacha and identity. The chutzpah of this obnoxious token is well-known. But his most recent statements are astounding:
  • In the following screenshot we see that renowned posek of Jewish law, Rabbi Mervin Bellerosenberg, opine on the halachic issue of ascending Har HaHabayit. Of course there are varying halachic positions both supporting and prohibiting ascension, but this ignorant gentile blowhard thinks that because he heard some cookie-cutter religious-zionists express one position, that suddenly makes him an authority.

There are numerous examples of Ryan's "foot in mouth" disorder. In the past, the esteemed geneticist Dr. Mervin Bellerosenstien tried to explain to us Jews, how conquering the Canaanites (correctly and with G-d's command) doesn't make us colonizers according to his definition of indigenous identity. Because as this blowhard as opined, "conquerors cannot become indigenous". So how did he deal with this narrative of Jewish displacement of Canaanites (which I fully support as a Torah Jew) which throws his assertions where they belong? On different occasions, he threw out some version of the arguments below:

  • Jews are the closest thing to the Canaanites. So according to his magical theory we never displaced or killed the Canaanites, but simply became them. Unfounded claims based on nothing.
  • Jews have more "Canaanite blood" than anyone else. More stupid blood-based assertions based on the former, with a similar lack of evidence.
As I've noted before, which studies show such foolishness? Surely the existence of Jewish religion and culture and the lack of Canaanite religion/culture/identity prove otherwise. Blood based theories? Which studies prove that Jews have Gibeonite blood? Such pseudo-historical foolishness.
Finally, Dr. Bellerosenkranz, that famed historian, has also on occasion resorted to the following tactics to contest the biblical narrative. He tends to save the latter one for his secular supporters, since the brazen disregard for tradition of this claim, would put off many religious supporters:
  • The ‘where are the Canaanites today’ argument.  In other words, if there were some Canaanites around then they MAY have a claim. According to this logic the failure of say the “white colonists” in America was that they neglected to exterminate every Indian, which would have included the theoretical possibility of being indigenous. 
  • His ignorant assertion that the historical record shows that the biblical account didn't happen as recorded. Here he offends Jewish sensibilities by denying the truth of the historical conquest. Of which there is MUCH proof. Tel Chatzor for example. Even notorious biblical critics don't like the fact that Chatzor's destruction layer damages much of their assertions:
Of course until relatively recently, Ryan was a self-identifying Roman Catholic who believed in Jesus. Suddenly now in middle age he is the arbiter of all matters related to identity. Here are a collection of samplings (out of chronological order) from recent years showing his devotion to Christianity.

The indigenous Roman-Catholic Bellerose tribe.
But wait! The other day, Ryan posted on his wall that he isn't Christian. So what gives? Who is this guy to lecture anyone on anything identity related? He can't even decide who he is himself. Make up your mind, Ryan!

Rarely do people call Ryan out, since his Facebook wall is a notorious echo chamber. Ryan unfriends and blocks people who have the gall to disagree with him or call him out. When "The Judean Hammer" had a Facebook page (before Ryan and his like-minded hasbara minions reported it) we often received messages from these people who admitted that we were right all along and that Ryan was a nasty bully. But sometimes, people on his wall do have the courage to call him put for his falsehood:

Perhaps this explains so much about Ryan Bellerose, and why he maintains that Bnai Brith is a hard-core activist group. He doesn't realize how little he knows. In many ways he resembles Ned Beatty's character in Deliverance. Because he doesn't know nothing.

*For those who require a comprehensive surgical dissection of one of this clown's first articles for the hasbarite blog "IsraellyCool", check out the following link:

Unfortunately, Ryan lacks the intellect to understand the original article (not to mention my rebuttal) so don't expect a cogent response. Ryan shows how clueless he is at the beginning of the article when he confuses me with someone else whose previous article he supposedly "destroyed". Ironically, the article of mine which he references was the very first one I ever wrote on the issue of "indigenous rights" and how it has nothing in common with Judaism. True to form, Ryan has NEVER responded in any manner which would display a modicum of intellect. (His standard response is to call people a**hats.)

**For more on the liberal Bnai Brith which did so much to destroy Torah Judaism over the years, and whose general lack of Jewish values sent their deluded spiritually-neglected grandchildren into the arms of JStreet:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Jewish People: Zero Commonality With Indians

Contrary to the ill-informed claims of self-appointed "hasbara" indigenous rights activists, "native-Americans" have little (if any) commonality with Jews. The analogy is ridiculous, and only one devoid of knowledge of Jewish history and Torah would ever make the comparison.

There is a  reason "Indian rights" activists align with Arabs and their war with Israel. As angry malcontents with no future and no reasonable demands, they have an interest in disseminating myth as history and living the fantasy of a revolution that will never happen. And they have embraced antisemitism for self-interest:
  1. As Jews we have a legacy and a mandate of bringing the knowledge of the One true G-d to the world. Indians were animistic pagans.
  2. Jewish law is predicated on the sanctity of human life. Biblical wars (and halachic wars were necessarily brutal) offered the enemy an opportunity to repent. They had a limited window to do so and to extricate themselves from the fate of their people. Native Americans were masters of collective mass slaughter, torture, rape, all sorts of depredations, physical, sexual assault, etc. A code of barbarism and savagery.
  3. Indians fled their origins in Siberia to find a new place to live- out of necessity. G-d GAVE us our land. And Jews have always yearned for the one place sacred to us, Eretz Yisrael.
  4. Jewish tribes were mandated to maintain unity and brotherhood, despite the unfortunate reality of factionalism that existed throughout the history of the monarchies. Indians were defined by their brutal violence towards each other long before any European came to the land.
  5. Judaism appreciates nature as the creation of G-d. Indians venerated and worshiped nature. And contrary to the mythos of the ecological native, many tribes were destructive to nature. Judaism has a balance where man must conserve the world but still retain dominion over it.
  6. Indian society was cruel by any standard, and the violence they often meted out towards the ill and infirm was shocking. Judaism repudiates the cruel personality.
  7. Judaism is intellectual. Our halachic system is based on logic. Indians were creatures of impulse, even if it was contrary to their best interests. 
  8. Judaism has never shied from documenting our less than stellar moments in history. The Torah and Talmud often record events that portray as us sinful, ungrateful, and generally belligerent to Hashem. Truth is never sanitized. Indian history is defined by pseudo-history and her advocates all have one narrative. White raping exploitative Europeans. Good noble Indians.
  9. While the Indians certainly contributed to our knowledge of fauna, flora, agriculture, building, hunting, their contributions pale to the contributions of the Jewish people, both in the realm of the sacred knowledge of Torah and individual contributions of Jews in general to medicine, education, arts.
  10. The Indian world is gone. The Jewish people will live forever.
There is one important commonality. Neither Jews, nor Indians, nor any people's, are indigenous to anywhere in the world, since people are not frogs or plants. People are not indigenous. People conquer or they are conquered. People migrate. Like "native American" who came from Siberia. As Jews we differ because our conquests were Divine mandated and that is our claim to Israel. 

Some people get upset because religious arguments offend them. The lowest of these shills have made a career selling these exotic stories of "indigenous Jewry".  They never engage in discussion because theirs is not a rational claim. So they pout and scream and hurl obscenities. Too damn bad. Those self-serving arrogant hasbarites who don't like it, can go beat on a tom-tom to mollify their frustration or take some peyote and go on a lonesome vision quest.

Indigenous rights activists have nothing to say to Jews about identity. They know nothing of Torah and thus they are irrelevant to any Jew who believes in Divine claims. The essence of Judaism is the rejection of the primitive and the pagan. Native American culture embraced and cultivated these things. The Am Kadosh has no commonality whatsoever with those who worshiped nature. And it is perverse to make this foolish comparison.

We have Torah, they have totems.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

So Long Mervin! Non-Indigenous Bottom-feeder Gets the Boot

Hasbara's bottom-feeding, obnoxious, indigenous-fraud, Ryan Bellerose, is reportedly gone from his position as Bnai Brith's "Advocacy Coordinator" for Western Canada. Not only did Ryan not see it coming, he was so full of himself and proud of his association with the BBC, until the other day when he likely received the news. Now Ryan can take advantage of his free time and write that book on indigenous rights he promised several years ago, for which he raised over 21K!

It's a great day for self-respecting Jews who abhor the nebbish efforts of hasbara organizations, and are sickened by the constant search for unscrupulous token gentiles to "represent" Jewish interests. So-called "indigenous rights" activist, Ryan "Mervin" Bellerose epitomes this pathetic trend. So it is good to see that even the useless clowns of Bnai Brith Canada have their limits.

What a pleasure to see this buffoon exposed. We mocked him when he joined the left-wing Bnai Brith, and we will mock him again for his unceremonious removal. Clearly the big shots of Bnai Brith Canada, winners in their own right, had enough of this egotistical, obnoxious, charlatan. "The Judean Hammer" takes partial credit for his termination, because if nothing else, the Bnai Brith probably accepted our argument that he isn't even an Indian. They probably realized that they could get a more authentic Indian if they tried harder. Funny, because it wasn't that long ago when I joked that they were grooming "Eskimo Boy" to take over. 

Remember this from Sept of last year? 

“B’nai Brith has kind of died out in Western Canada,” Bellerose said. “My job is to try to help rebuild the brand and form new lodges in this region through community involvement. For example, we recently held a food drive for members of the northern Alberta reserves who were burned out of their homes by the forest fires. And we are trying to plan events that might attract different people who may not be on our radar.”

Who would have thought that it would only take a year for the Bnai Brith to realize that this guy was annoying them? It seems like ages ago when he wrote that silly piece about "why he was going to rock as Bnai Brith's advocacy coordinator".

True to form, Ryan immediately turned on those he was previously praising. (The Bnai Brith will now be considered a**hats.) He immediately took to Facebook to post the following. Coward that he is, he has since removed it:

Note the pathetic attempt to portray himself as being "unshackled". Funny how he never seemed to be shackled when he took the job and had a year and change to warm a seat in their facility. It wasn't that long ago that he was boasting about his great work with Bnai Brith. In truth, he was a glorified secretary, he just wasn't very good at it. And this particular secretary was hard on the eyes.

Imagine getting laid off for screwing up in your capacity as Western Canada's Advocacy Coordinator for Bnai Brith Canada? How does one accomplish that? What can you possibly do wrong that would compel the image conscious Bnai Brith to fire their lone "indigenous" token? Failing at that is the definition of a loser.

It is always a shame to have to waste energies on this fellow, but Ryan epitomizes so much that is wrong with "Jewish advocacy" today. As a man with associations and friendships with missionary Dumisani Washington and the duplicitous Kay Wilson; who has the chutzpah to opine on matters of Torah and Jewish identity, he warrants our attention now and again. For further reading on Ryan, check out the following links: 

Here is an homage to Ryan's tenure with Bnai Brith Canada.

A riddle for Ryan Bellerose, a genuine bad guy and a dishonest fraud who needs to return over 21 thousand dollars to the pinheads who contributed to his GoFundNe fraud. 

Question: What's more pathetic than being hired by the Bnai Brith?
Answer: Being fired by the Bnai Brith!

HA HA HA. Enjoy your unemployment, Ryan. Time to get a real job. Flip some burgers at some fast food joint. There is dignity in flipping hamburgers.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A few thoughts in response to “‘Response to “Jews are NOT indigenous’”

The Judean Hammer Commentary: From the incomparable Nathaniel Feingold.

"Avraham and his ancestors originated beyond the Euphrates River in the lands of Aram. Avraham and his earliest descendants sojourned in the land of Kena'an as strangers. Am Yisra'el received the Torah at Har Sinai and learned to observe much of it in the wilderness, all outside the land. Then Am Yisra'el conquered the land from the Kena'anim and established Torah law over the conquered lands and peoples. This is what the Torah, the Prophets, and the Sages unapologetically affirm.
The millennia of Jewish history as strangers before conquest and as rulers after, the centuries of Jewish kingdoms and Temples, the feeling of a deep connection to the land, Jews should know and be proud of these things, but none of it has anything to do with being indigenous. Jewish people, culture, language, etc. developed in Bavel no less than anywhere else, but that does not make Jews indigenous to Bavel either.
The idea that the Kena'anim were conquering Eretz Yisra'el from the descendants of Shem in the days of Avraham seems to find little support outside of Rashi's comment on Genesis 12:6, even elsewhere in his own commentary. For instance, in his commentary on Numbers 13:22, Rashi indicates that Hevron was built by Ham for Kena'an, rhetorically asking if it is possible that Ham built Hevron for Kena'an, his youngest son, before he built Tzo'an for Mitzrayim, his eldest.
More explicitly, in his commentary on Genesis 1:1 and Psalms 111:6, Rashi reminds us that HaShem, the Creator of the earth, gave the land to the Kena'anim before He took it from them and gave it to Yisra'el:
"Rabbi Yitzhak said, "It was not necessary to begin the Torah except from “This month is to you” (Exodus 12:2), which is the first commandment that Yisra'el was commanded. Now for what reason did He commence with “In the beginning?” Because of [the verse] “The strength of His works He related to His people, to give them the inheritance of the nations” (Psalms 111:6). For if the world should say to Yisra'el, “You are robbers, for you conquered by force the lands of the seven nations [of Kena'an],” they will reply, "The entire earth belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He; He created it and gave it to whomever He deemed proper When He wished, He gave it to them (the Kena'anim), and when He wished, He took it away from them and gave it to us (Yisra'el)." (Rashi on Genesis 1:1)
"When He gave them (Yisra'el) the inheritance of the nations (Kena'anim), He let them know His strength and His might. And Midrash Tanhuma (Buber, Genesis 11): He wrote for Yisra'el [about] the Creation to let them know that the earth is His and that it is in His power to settle in it anyone He wishes, and to move these out and settle others, so that the nations will not be able to say to Yisra'el, “You are thieves, for you conquered the land of the seven nations [of Kena'an].” (Rashi on Psalms 111:6).
This does not say that the nations will not say Yisra'el are thieves. They do, and will continue to say this. Just as they say it when it comes to the particular locations of the Cave of Makhpela, the tomb of Yosef, and the Temple Mount, which were purchased by Avraham, Ya'akov, and David. The point is that Yisra'el should know better than to be convinced by or get sucked into the arguments of the nations. Because it is to Yisra'el that HaShem relayed His creation of the world, and to Yisra'el that He chose to give the land with the conditions of the Torah.
That Avraham and his descendants dwelled in the land of Kena'an as strangers is explained in Rashi's commentary on 15:13: "It does not say, “[strangers] in the land of Mitzrayim,” but “[strangers in a land] that is not theirs,” and from the time Yitzhak was born (Genesis 21:34): “and Avraham sojourned, etc.” (Genesis 20:1): “And [Yitzhak] sojourned in Gerar.” (Psalms 105:23): “And Ya'akov sojourned in the land of Ham.” (Genesis 47:4): “To sojourn in the land we have come.” - [from Midrash Abchir]"
Ramban also explained that the Avot dwelled as strangers in the land in his commentary on Genesis 37:1: "The explanation for "and Ya'akov settled in the land of his father's sojournings" (Genesis 37:1) is that [Torah] is saying that the chiefs of Edom settled "in the land of their inheritance" (Genesis 36:43), the land that they took for themselves as an eternal inheritance, but Ya'akov dwelt as a stranger, as his fathers [Avraham and Yitzhak] did, in a land that was not theirs but Kena'an's. And the intention is to tell us that they [Ya'akov, Yitzhak, and Avraham] chose to sojourn in the chosen land. And it tells us that, "that your offspring shall be aliens in a land not their own" (Genesis 15:13) was fulfilled through them [Ya'akov and Yitzhak], and not Esav. For it was through Ya'akov alone that offspring was considered theirs [Avraham's and Yitzhak's]."
Contrary to the claim that Ramban explains the journey of Avraham's family to the land of Kena'an as a return to their homeland, Ramban explains in his commentary on Genesis 11:28 that Avraham and his fathers had always dwelled beyond the Euphrates River prior to Avraham:
"It is written, "Beyond the [Euphrates] River your forefathers always dwelled" (Joshua 24:2), and the word "always" (me'olam) implies that his forebears had always been there. And it is written, "I took your father Avraham from Beyond the River (me'Ever HaNahar)" (Joshua 24:3) ... Rather, the truth is that their native land was the land of Aram, in the area known as Beyond-the-River (Ever HaNahar), and that was [Avraham's] ancestral inheritence from antiquity. As Scripture says of the descendants of Shem, "Their dwelling place extended from Mesha going toward Sefar, the mountain to the east" (Genesis 10:30), the "mountain of the east" being a general name for a large area, as is written of the descendants of Shem, "in their lands by their nations" (Genesis 10:31). And it is written, "From Aram did Balak, king of Mo'av, lead me, from the mountains of the east" (Numbers 23:7). Thus you see that he (Avraham) and his fathers were from that land (Aram) from antiquity." (Ramban on Genesis 11:28)
And in his commentary on Genesis 14:18, Ramban brings up and dismisses Rashi's interpretation of Genesis 12:6 (that the Kena'anim were conquering the land from the descendants of Shem) based on the peshat of the Torah, which explicitly describes the land as belonging to the Kena'anim prior to Avraham:
"According to our Sages (TB Nedarim 32b), who say that Malki Tzedek was Shem ben-No'ah, he went from his land to Yerushalayim to serve HaShem there, and was a kohen to the Supreme God for them (the Kena'anim), because he was the venerated brother of their father (Ham), for Yerushalayim was always within the border of the Kena'ani. Rashi wrote above [regarding] "the Kena'ani was then in the land" (Genesis 12:6): "[the Kena'ani] was going and conquering the land of Yisra'el from the offspring of Shem, ancestor of Avraham, for it fell in the portion of Shem when No'ah apportioned the earth to his sons, as it says, "and Malki Tzedek, king of Shalem" (Genesis 14:18)." But this is not correct, for "the border of the Kena'ani extended from Tzidon [going toward Gerar, as far as Aza, going toward Sedom, Amora, Adma, and Tzevoyim, as far as Lasha]" (Genesis 10:19) encompassing all of the land of Yisra'el, while the border of Benei Shem was east of Mesha (Genesis 10:30), far from the land of Yisra'el. But if No'ah apportioned the lands to his sons, and gave the land of Yisra'el to Shem, it was as "one who apportions his possessions by his mouth [for distribution after his death]" (a phrase used in TB Bava Batra 126b), and Benei Kena'an would dwell in it until HaShem would endow it to the offspring [of Avraham] who loved Him, as I have mentioned [on Genesis 10:14]."
In other words, while HaShem always intended to eventually give the land to Shem's descendants, the land belonged to the Kena'anim in the days of Shem, Avraham, Yitzhak, Ya'akov, and his descendants, who went from their own lands to dwell in the land as strangers, until He brought Yisra'el out of Mitzrayim, and brought them into the land to conquer it from the Kena'anim. That Yosef refers to "the land of the Ivrim" in Genesis 40:15 does not change that he and his fathers all sojourned in the land as strangers, just as Yisra'el did in the land of Goshen, which was known to be their dwelling place in Mitzrayim.
But even if, for the sake of argument, the nations were convinced that Jews are indigenous to the land, what tangible results do those who push this argument envision? Do they expect these nations to then conclude that the descendants of pre-state and pre-modern aliyot non-Jewish communities are not indigenous, or are less indigienous than Jews? Do they expect the nations to accept the annexation of Yerushalayim and Golan? Do they expect the nations to expect continued military rule of Yehuda and Shomron?
A majority of voting nations supported the establishment of Jewish and Arab states between the Jordan and Mediterranean long before this indigenous fad, and they will continue to demand the establishment of an Arab state in Yehuda, Shomron, and Aza whether they argue that the Arabs are indigenous or not. No matter how you slice it, they demand an Arab state next to Israel, and will not be convinced otherwise by any argument. And those who demand an Arab state on Israel's ruins will not be convinced by any argument either."

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The New Peace Movements Exposed

Now featured in "The Jewish Press":

It is time once again, G-d help me! to expose the contrived foolishness of the new Jewish "peace movements", those obnoxious groups comprised of bored liberal Anglo-Jews with too much time on their hands. Ironically, the activism of many of these individuals is a definite consequence in some cases of the supposed “exploitative capitalism” many of them rail against. Yet foolishness often comes to those with the sense that one has time on his hands, or with those who harbor the notion of a unique message or teaching they must offer the world. Narcissism and nonsense often mate.
An amalgam of names: “Alternative Action”, LAVI, The Home, and a handful of others come to mind. The oft mentioned calls for a “New Generation” to have a “New Conversation”. They often overlap with one another and engage in joint projects. And despite their insistence that they are not the peace industry, they are precisely that. The names may vary, as do their respective platforms, but they are birds of one feather.
The difference is that these peaceniks have another delusion. Unlike the “two-state suicide” camp of the classical left, these groups maintain another lunacy. The idea that we can coexist in one state with those who wish to destroy us, if we allow the other side (the Arabs or Muslims) to experience “their own personal narrative”. As they see it, if we abandon our “white, western, identify” and identify with a greater “Semitic” sense of self.
Here are some keys words which make up the skeletons of their nonsensical ideologies:
1.    “Narrative”- Generally refers to the moral relativism of identifying and empathizing with the Arab sense of Jewish wrong-doing. Often such people apologize for Arab violence and blame it on western interference.
2.    Indigenous- A cursory definition of a term I have discussed elsewhere and will not harp on. A selective interpretation of this nonsense term. Unlike others, these people self-identify as such but also grant the same status to Arabs. Hence the need to insist that we can coexist. Unlike other such pro-Israel activists, these activists add stupidity to silly sociology which believes in such a notion, which has as much validity as phrenology.
3.    Conversation- The fantastical belief that talking with select, token, polite Arabs and drinking coffee will solve real problems, which as the late Rabbi Meir Kahane always noted correctly were “immutable” problems.
4.    Western-The sense that the west is evil and everything “middle eastern” is wonderful. Of course, Arab/Islamic barbarism worldwide must be minimized and ignored, and is rarely addressed honestly.  So, these liberals must ignore genital mutilation, stoning’s, throwing homosexuals from roofs, castration, sexual slavery, classical slavery, honor killings, martyrdom. Once again, a classic mirroring of western liberalism in our contemporary period.
5.    Semitic Movement-The racial obsession and self-loathing which requires a magical belief in a shared “race”. According to this belief, since we are both Semites we must get along.
6.    Colonial- The enduring Arab jihad be damned. Western colonialism is the greatest evil. The Arabs don’t really hate us. The West creates this hate. The massacres of Jews in the 20’s and 30’s up to and including the barbarism of today has no place in their conversation. Not to mention the horror of dhimmitude since the times of Mohamed.
A marriage of magical non-intellectual thinking, pseudo-scientific idiocy, and liberal naivete. The idea that if we drink Turkish coffee with Salam, suddenly real grievances will disappear. The Jews of pre-pogrom 1929 Hebron also enjoyed the company of some of their neighbors. Until one day. That is why these groups ignore, minimize, or apologize for Arab/Islamic barbarism. It is the fault of the “WEST”, never the Amalekites on this side of the pond who detonate themselves on buses in our cities.
The new peace fools are on the move. This is the inevitable result when self-appointed gurus, peddle corrupt notions of justice to the deluded masses. The irony is that these silly Jewish indigenous rights advocates are poster children for western liberalism. Their self-identification is premised on the guilt-ridden liberal's creation of the notion of indigeneity (a false concept) which fuels multicultural reverse discrimination. And their obsession with peace, with those who only understand terror, is yet another example of the distorted liberal mindset.
In a recent Facebook post, I noted that the pseudo-babble of these "Alternative Peace" Jewish Indigenous activists often sounds like this:
"The paradigm of intertribal aggression is a symptom of retrograde ionization of the spherical schemas of our oppression. Because of colonial maladaptive dystopia deprivation, the oppressed class is subjugated beneath the heel of capitalism's boot, and thus lashes out to his/her/it's equally exploited peers in a version of cosmic counter-maneuvering to avoid the real problems. Squares are only squares because the white man told us they were. By deconstructing the false narrative of Eurocentric privilege, squares can become round, and round can also be triangular. By allowing my understanding of cosmological interpretation to allow yours to contradict mine, our lives take on meaning and we become one. When Hassan says “Itbach El Yahud”, we Jews need to process his feelings through his prism of active consciousness, and thus reinterpret perceived aggression as a symptom of our own subjugation by Europeans. By rejecting European fruit and replacing them with majul dates and halva, we redeem the shared narrative of Semitic symbiosis and indigenous hegemony.”
Silliness aside, to my Caucasian Ashkenazi colonized ear, they sound precisely like this.
These “new peace” activists may think they are "raging against the machine", but in truth they are an amalgam of "fools on parade". But the college campuses are inundated with such people, and these are their target audiences. The kinds of people who may try to reconcile their Jewish identify in a liberal, progressive, manner which satisfies their essential beliefs. So, the obligation is to expose these groups and show the un-Jewish nature of these groups. Far from being eastern, they are naked byproducts of the excesses of western liberalism, married to the soft-boiled science of morally relativistic sociology.
Some things you may not know:
·         On the Facebook page of one Yehuda HaKohen, a self-styled Jewish indigenous rights activist involved with the “Alternative Action” peace movement he empathized with the Arab nakba by noting: I’m not interested in belittling anyone’s pain but I think the message of Naqba Day would be a lot more powerful and easier for Israelis to empathize with if it didn’t occur each year on the [solar] date of our anti-colonialist victory against England. Why not mark the date a Palestinian community was destroyed or the day Israel decided you aren’t coming back? By marking the date the British left and the Jews declared independence, you make it easy for us to believe that this is more about us and less about you (and some of us really don’t need such assistance).

  • ·         (Minute 14:05) "And Palestinians are caught in the middle of all this. They're obviously victims of this, too."
  • ·         (Minute 17:00) "There's a blind spot. We do have a blind spot when it comes to Palestinians. We're completely insensitive to their pain. It's true."

  • ·         (Minute 1:25:34)"The Palestinian narrative is also true,"
  • ·         (Minute 1:25:55) "In terms of values, I agree with 90% of what the SJP is saying."
  • ·         (Minute 1:30:45) "They are people who are legitimately experiencing an occupation and want to resist it, and I as a human being can't blame them."

·         (Minute 1:36:40) "I live in Beit El..And there's a fence around Beit El, and I don't see any reason for that fence."
Alternative Action’s perspective on peace explains much: “Alternative Action views conflict between the Jewish people and other natives of the Middle East as an unnatural situation brought about by external forces. Because the closest people in the world to the Jews are the other indigenous peoples of our region, we strive for unity and peace as an ideal stemming from our belief that the Semitic peoples are brothers bonded together by common culture, ancestry and values.”
Some other fun facts to know:
  • ·         LAVI and others support the racist thugs of the BLM movement who essentially function as a black KKK in America.
  • ·         Alternative Action praised Fidel Castro as a great man when he died. A veritable butcher of innocents, and they saw fit to praise him!

I have opined on the threat of Arab nationalism and Islam many times before. And yet the examples of barbarism never end. Though his favorite meal is Jewish blood, the Arab/Islamic Amalekites will spill the blood of anything they deem antagonistic to sharia law. Including British school-children at an Ariana pop concert in Manchester. No one is safe, not even those clueless European anti-Semites who favor the savage over the Jew, and who sympathize with the mythical "Arab plight". We are dealing with the epitome of evil, a corruption so thorough and complete it usually negates the possibility for rehabilitation. This is the lesson of Amalek. Deal with evil totally and destroy it, or be totally consumed by the very same force you refused to recognize.
  • Tragically, many mainstream, respectable right-wing hasbara personalities are flirting with these movements. When violence strikes Israel, such types will step away for a time, but their willingness to attend some of these events and give credence to these organizations and people, is a troubling example of the fickle nature of people. And of the continued inability of Jews to face ugly truths.

These new groups love hashtags because it appeals to millennials who often see these groups as an avenue to express their Judaism, in a manner which satisfies their liberal proclivities. So, for any free-thinking liberals, here are a few hashtags of my own. They contain essential truths which Jewish history has shown time and time again.

*The author would like to thank a certain someone, who wishes to remain nameless, for sharing his considerable research.